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[LE] enchanting menu help


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I've been trying for the past two days to put together a multi layered menu without script extender specially designed to charge you gold to learn a weapon or armor enchantment. To no success on figuring out how to tell the game to give said enchantment to player so that it can be used and the enchanting table. My problem is that the enchant.playerknows(true) doesnt work. It feeds a error as soon as you put true in the () part at the end. Where or what am i doing wrong. Any example of how this is achieved as intended would be most appreciated.
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PlayerKnows() is an information retrieval function; it will tell you whether or not the player knows that enchantment, but it won't allow you to teach it to the player (or make them forget it...). Because of that, it doesn't need any arguments, which is why you're getting errors.


If what you're trying to do is check, you want this:



bool bEnchKnown = Enchant.PlayerKnows()
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No i was just mislead on the playerknows() but also im trying to make the enchantments buyable through a object activator. I just cant figure out the script to give them the enchantment without the use of skse. Edited by Gamer921
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Yeah im starting to think thats my better bet. I just got done doing a 777 line script about something similiar but that was for vanilla weapons and armor. I just made it take the value of which the items were worth in gold. I guess doing one for enchants wont be much harder. Quick question though. When learning a enchantment from a armor peice that is hide for instance. Can i go back and use that same enchantment on a armor peice that is for example ebony? Cause that will save alot of time on scripting if so.
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