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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"I don't care at the moment... i just want to get home." Ayala replied tiredly.


Selene herself was sitting, cold as ice, still as stone, her made-up eyes closed tightly shut. She was on her throne in the imperial palace... but she was not really there. She had been paralysed and drugged by her advisor, who saw her rants about the divines a chance to seize power, he was the one who ordered the destruction of the current faith.... posing as if Selene had commanded it...

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Luther continued down the road with the dog, he noticed it was going to be dark soon and he needed to make camp somewhere, he looked around to see a castle in the distance. He didn't remember who's it was but he hoped someone had an Inn he could stay in. Luther continued to walk the icy road again.
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"Assassins these days..." Shadow mumbled and hid behind the big rock so the marked man couldn't see him.


Nawen sat the inn at the table which was in a shadowy corner of the place. She stared at the clay cup of tea in front of her. She wondered what happened to Selene and if there's really no hope to save whatever good she had left in her. They don't even know the whole story yet but it looks like she's the only one who has doubts about all of this. Maybe others have doubts too but they're really good at hiding it?

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The ranger raised her head and looked at Dirmire. She was quite surprised to hear him say that. "So I'm not the only one who has doubt about this. Good to know. I guess." Nawen looked at the pair of men that just left the inn. She lowered her head and looked at her now cold tea. "I still hope to hear the whole story."
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OOC; I post on this thread so I don't get into anything major. I only have a short amount of time before patrol.


IC: As soon as the two entered, they noticed how.... empty the cistern was.


"So.... I thought the guild rebuilt," Diante said.


"They did. Something odd is going on here, and I intend to figure it out," Kristoph replied. "Split up and look around." Kristoph took the cistern and Diante looked around the flagon, but they both came back to the center finding nothing.


"Look at you, you have so much power and potential but you don't choose to use it," a voice shouted. Female, the voice pitch made it too high to be a warrior's. Kristoph grabbed the hilt of Reaper.


"Honest, who the hell DOESN'T want to kill me?" he joked.

Edited by SubjectProphet
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Luther arrived at the castle gates, he looked around to see the guards were gone and there didn't seem anyone was on the other side. He knocked on the gate to noticed no one answered. He pulled on the gate slightly to his surprised it opened. He yet again looked around and stepped inside with his dog. The castle seemed populated but no guards were in sight, well at the moment anyway. He saw the inn and walked inside. He quickly sat at an empty table but noticed Nawen and Dirmire sitting at a table, he looked around again and got up and slowly walked over to the table. He pulled out his journal and sat down on empty chair.
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