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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"Sister? You! You let live?! Of course... you married the priest, i see. Now you wish to pass judgement on me hmm? A shame you are inferior then is it not sister? Never actually recognised as the daughter of our father. Instead you were frozen... But now is not the time for such squabbles. I can only assume you wish my end? You all think it is me who has set in motion the destruction of the nine? Of course you do. For every one of you is too blind to look beneath the surface, to dig for information. No instead you follow the tune of the high and mighty crusader." Selene said scornfully, rising from her throne.


"Hold you're tongue witch! Or i shall cut it from you!" Sienna shouted, to blinded by pride to listen to the voice telling her that her sister was right.


Aardorn rolled his eyes "I didn't come to listen to you two argue like a pair of little girls!"

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Mirabelle remained silent . She was constantly looking over at Luther. She thought that this was the strongest sibling rivalry she had ever came across. She stood up "You are sisters.." She said queitly. "What are you even fighting over hmm, tell me Sienna tell me, please. Selene let her speak." Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Selene glared at Sienna, she hated her.


"What are we fighting over? By the nine you are the dumbest woman i have ever come across! That woman you call Empress is an evil witch! She has sold her very soul for power! She consorts with demons and criminals, performs dark and unholy magic, corrupts everyone she touches! And now she wants the divines gone so she and her Daedric brethren can rule!"Sienna replied angrily.


"My oh my.... Isn't someone jealous? It is the power isn't it? you want my power. Or perhaps not? You want my love? Or maybe not, maybe you just want to be in control, having you're way as the only and right way, well let me tell you now sister, you are blind. I have done more in my life than just that! I have had my children killed before, my husband dead, my other husband beat me and try to murder me! I found out that the very father who i have villianised all these years is innocent! that he was my secret protector, my guardian angel! You... You are nothing but a blinded fool." Selene said bitterly, her eyes blazing, she then addressed Nawen and Aardorn and said:


"And you two? i am disgusted! That you would follow my sister rather than seeking the truth! You would march into my palace to kill me, not even understanding the circumstances! I expected better... But what really happened was not me... It was my advisor... He drugged me, paralysed me,and tricked my people into thinking i had done this, that i had ordered the destruction of the divines! I would have thought that by now you would all know me better than that, know that no matter how low i may sink, there is a limit! I did not order this.... But i may as well have. I can trust no-one, i don't really have any friends now do i?"

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Selene glared at Sienna, she hated her.


"What are we fighting over? By the nine you are the dumbest woman i have ever come across! That woman you call Empress is an evil witch! She has sold her very soul for power! She consorts with demons and criminals, performs dark and unholy magic, corrupts everyone she touches! And now she wants the divines gone so she and her Daedric brethren can rule!"Sienna replied angrily.


"My oh my.... Isn't someone jealous? It is the power isn't tit? you want my power. Or perhaps not? You want my love? Or maybe not, maybe you just want to be in control, having you're way as the only and right way, well let me tell you now sister, you are blind. I have done more in my life than just that! I have had my children killed before, my husband dead, my other husband beat me and try to murder me! I found out that the very father who i have villianised all these years is innocent! that he was my secret protector, my guardian angel! You... You are nothing but a blinded fool." Selene said bitterly, her eyes blazing, she then addressed Nawen and Aardorn and said:


"And you two? i am disgusted! That you would follow my sister rather than seeking the truth! You would march into my palace to kill me, not even understanding the circumstances! I expected better... But what really happened was not me... It was my advisor... He drugged me, paralysed me,and tricked my people into thinking i had done this, that i had ordered the destruction of the divines! I would have thought that by now you would all know me better than that, know that no matter how low i may sink, there is a limit! I did not order this.... But i may as well have. I can trust no-one, i don't really have any friends now do i?"


"No one in their right mind would trust you, so it's a two way street really. You deserve to be hated"

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"Sienna, tell me do you have any proof that she is an evil witch? You should really think about what your doing before you do it...." She folded her arms "I'm not dumb either, incase you did'nt know I went to Daggerfall! Like I said, think about what your doing before you do it."
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Nawen looked at Selene the entire time she spoke. "And how exactly we were supposed to find out the truth without talking to you? We knew only one thing about all of this just like everyone else. We're not mind readers."
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Luther was surprised at the random outburst between Selene and Sienna, now he figured Selene was telling the truth, but he only knew her for such a short time. However he did witness a burning of a temple and there wasn't Imperial soldiers, just mercenary's that were raiding the temple. Yet again he just stood silent and waited.
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