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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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As Luther flipped through the worn and torn pages of the books, he learned much about how ancient runes were used for people not gifted with Magica, and that the runes could provide endless use and without skill with even the most complicated spell. As he finished his last book, he was curious about the other books that were probably sitting on the shelf, when he walked over to place the books back he noticed the spaces that were once empty sat a new book, Luther placed the stack of books back on the table and examined the shelf again, he studied it but couldn't find anything that would make it magical in a way, and no-one came in and put new books in the shelf. Luther turned around to see the stack gone and now even more books were on the shelf. Luther was astonished about the bookshelf and just took a couple more books that looked promising. As he returned to his chair, he noticed the spaces were filled again. Luther smiled as he continued to read.
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Aardorn drank... he had lost count... tankard of beer "I hate this world"

"I understand, it hates us"

"When did peace stop being another? The world is changed, I can feel it in the earth, smell it in the air"

"The world hasn't changed. You have"

"Do you ever want to kill? To get revenge?"

"Revenge is like a ghost, it takes over every man it touches. It’s thirst needs to be quenched, until the last man standing has been falling. You may destroy whoever, but the Beast will eventually come for you."

"I know, but I feel so angry..."

"The world has been your battlefield, everywhere you go. The blood of brothers and sons screams out against you. Perhaps you cannot yet hear it, because the soil and blood is not your own, but you will."

"What do you mean?"

"If you continue to be the antagonist, you will be cast down"

"But Selene doesn't deserve it!"

"Many in seats of power do not deserve it, but they are in them anyway, and as far as emperesses go, she isn't that bad"

"You have got to be kidding"

"The world’s men of action will look and wander, how it came to this."

"Now your speaking nonesense"

"It all makes sense, you just need to be more open minded"

"I just want it all to be over..."

Edited by Brutii
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"Enough! I give up," the girl leaned up, both her legs cut open and her face looking like someone had just beat her with the hilt of a sword. Oh wait.


"Right, now, which of us gets the kill?" Diante asked, looking at Kristoph.


"Neither of us. Send a message to Curio. Tell him..." Kristoph stopped for a moment. "Tell him we're on our way."


"I'll do that, right away," the girl struggled to her feet, and a dark mist shrouded her. As the mist faded, she did too, teleporting away from the cistern.


'Well, that's over," Kristoph said, sheathing his swords.




Outside Riften, on the large mountains that overlooked the whole city, a black mist crawled through the forests, and inside, everything twisted. Plants died and turned black, the ground became nothing but dirt, everything living became a twisted version of it's original self, and walking with the mist was a horde of tainted elves and humans. One roared, and the whole horde broke apart, running for the poor city underneath.

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Shadow returned back to the palace. He went directly to the library where he found some nice and rare books. The vampire sat at the table and started reading.


Nawen sighed and went to the tavern outside of the city's walls. Since everyone went somewhere there was no point in standing about and stare at the ground. She ordered a keg of ale but she wasn't drinking it, Nawen just sat there, looking at the ground. How she wanted things to go back the way they were...

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"Oh nothing... it's nothing honestly... well... i just miss the old days... when me and my friends were all together, i was smitten with love, happiness... it's all gone now.... of course i love shadow... but it is not the same kissing the man who's heart you burst with a dagger." Selene said sadly.
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  • 2 weeks later...

"And what does that suppose to mean exactly?" Shadow said as he approached the women. He was nearby when he heard Selene's words. Should he start regretting that he showed up in the first place after he was brought back to life somehow.


Nawen was still sitting in the tavern, wondering what's going to happen now. Everyone just went on their own business. What in the nine hells should she do now? Look for the way back to Faerûn? "It should be possible... I hope." She thought. There was no point in staying in Nirn if she's going to be alone again.

Edited by Naktis
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