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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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OOC: (Then again I don't have a character per se so I'm not really out of character, but whatever.) Yeah, come on guys the activity seems to have gone down in this thread. It's nice to read these after I get home to see what I've been missing. Edited by Farcey
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OOC: Since I'm too tired to introduce my character into the story right now, I'll just post a character sheet. (I'll move it if you want and replace it with an actual post.)


Name: Luther "Osiris" Durnik


Race: Imperial


Age: Early 40's


Birthsign: Mage


Class: Enchanter (Mix of Illusion and Alteration)


General Appearance: Luther is tall, but mostly average for most Imperials. He has medium short dark hair that’s graying around the temples, and he has a mustache-goatee combo. His skin was lightly toned, but mostly healthy. His eyes though dark green were once blue, using his powers constantly turned his eye color green. Luther is mostly and average build, using his mind more then his strength.


Clothing/Armour: Luther mostly wears his gray over coat. He has a over shoulder strap pouch for his magic tombs, this never leaves his side. He wears a black silk shirt and pants, also wearing light fur boots. Luther also wears the amulet Eye of Montresh, which is used to control his magic flow. Without it his powers would be out of control and unstable.


Weapons: None, he uses his magic more then Strength, but he does keep a small steel dagger in-case of unwanted attention close quarters.


Biography/History: Luther was born a mute, thus making his life hard when he was little, but also increased his other senses, especially his intelligence. He was also born into a family of Mages, each of different talents. He soon found his talent in the Arts of Illusion and Alteration. With his increased intelligence he quickly rose through the ranks. After graduating, Luther would often conduct experiments. Fascinated by the human body and how it reacts, he often used dead bodies to do his research, thus making him hated by most amongst Cyrodiil. Which is also how he got his nickname: Osiris.

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OOC: Naktis to the rescue! XD



20 long years had passed since the forest fire... 20 since the last time Nawen saw her friends. The last thing she remembered is being circled by the flames and how she was trying to escape but then suddenly... darkness and then the drow finally regained her consciousness, she was lying on the ground, her dearest friend and animal companion Sinn was lying beside her...

After that, Nawen tried to look for her friends but without luck. She heard about Selene's rise in power but decided to remain in the wilds. The place she knew best.

All those twenty years Nawen did what she used to back in Faerûn. Helping people who'd get lost in the wilds, leading adventurers to various caves and ruins. It was just like home... except people were a bit more friendly.

The drow ranger now walked in the city, looking around and listening. Even though she already sold whatever she had to sell, Nawen was not in the hurry to leave the city which made a lot of people rather uncomfortable and scared. Probably because of the giant black panther walking beside her.

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OOC: Wow, being gone for a month or so really tends to kill the mood for RP'ing. I guess I'll just say how I skipped a lot and explain it in very little detail. :(


I'll have to do it later as this is a quick post saying "hey I'm alive!!" because I'm still working on rescedualing (or however you spell it -_-) my wedding.

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Selene carried on walking away from the prison, she would have teleported but she decided not, instead she took a long walk, which led her into the wilds where she reflected on every sin she had committed against her friends... "Nawen, i have hurt you more than any... wherever you are i am so sorry, so very sorry... And shadow... forgive me... or don't, just know i am sorry, i am sorry for everything i did to you...." Selene said as she fell to her knees in the forest, sorrowful and somewhat broken...
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