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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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Luther and the traveler pulled up to the smoldering ruins of the castle, the once proud and big castle was now a blackened, and destroyed. Luther got off the stagecoach and nodded in thanks to the traveler as he pulled away. Luther slowly walked toward the broken, mangled gate. As he steps inside he notices the freshly killed men that have died protecting the castle. He also noticed that there wasn't any other bodies other then the guards. Luther was confused on how that could be, Mercenaries? Bandits? He had many questions with no answers. As he made his way through the courtyard he noticed that large tower, still on fire, was fairly still standing. Looking around he couldn't tell if anyone had survived or where the attackers were. Luther began searching though the destroyed rooms of the buildings inside the castle, he couldn't find any evidence on what had happened or how. He continued to search as he reached the biggest building in the Castle. Luther looked through the windows to only see blacked smoke was blocking his view. He stepped around looking for a way inside...
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Shadow scratched the back of his head. "Ehm... I don't our audience approves of such... sights." He then listened to what Selene said. "Do you really want to step down? It's your choice of course."


Nawen nodded to what Shadow said. "There's no need to thank me, Selene."

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"Ah why not? i cannot be bothered with anymore parties and assassination attempts. No i think i have made my mark on tamriel, it's in a golden age.... let's leave the new generation do the leading... I will step off the throne... be a Duchess again maybe?" Selene said with a smile, she then looked at Nawen and said. "Yes there is, no one else is quite like you."
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Kristoph put the map back in his satchel and stood up.


"So if you're ready, let's leave," he said. Annabeth reached under the counter and pulled out a bow and quiver. Elven, of course.



After a few days they arrived in Winterhold, right on time for the execution. A crowd gathered around as three guards stood by the staging area, the jarl holding a large war axe. Three people wearing thieves' guild armor stood with hands tied. The jarl observed his crowd.


"Today stand amongst us three traitors. Apart of a business of crime that will burn in this Golden Age. Just members of many that wish to send you into poverty and rule over us!" the jarl shouted. The crowd cheered as a man was brought forward.


"Are we just going to let him die?" Annabeth asked.


"If we must. Stay here," Kristoph ran off and scaled up a building, disappearing. Eventually, he reappeared on top of the jarl's longhouse.


"Let me ask you, are you influenced by the man who calls himself 'Kristoph?' Or do you just do this for wealth?" the jarl asked the man. There was no response. The jarl laughed, and cut the head of the man off. The jarl held the axe in the air.


"After this, I promise you, the Outsiders will kill this Kristoph figure, and end his terrorism!" he shouted. Kristoph threw a knife just in front of the jarl.


"Looking for me?" he shouted. The jarl stepped back a bit, fear was visible within him.


"Well, what are you three waiting for? Kill him!" the jarl gave his men the order. Kristoph looked in Annabeth's direction, and nodded. Annabeth pulled her bow out, and a volley of arrows came down, killing the three guards. Kristoph jumped down onto the ground, and unsheathed Darkrend. Two guards approached him as the jarl ran off toward the College. As a sword was lunged in Kristoph's direction, he grabbed the hilt and twisted it out of the guard's hands, thrusting it into the guard's chest. He turned around with Darkrend as the other guard swung his sword. Darkrend hit the steel sword and snapped it in half, and the cold blade swung in the opposite direction turning the guard into ashes. Kristoph ran after the jarl, scaling the walls of the arch to the College and jumping down to be engaged by two mages. The gates leading inside shut as Kristoph threw the two mages off the arch and into the river below. He quickly scaled the gate and hopped over it. The jarl turned around and unsheathed a sword.


"What now?" he asked. Kristoph circled around the jarl.


"Information or you're life, you pick," he said. The jarl sheathed his blade.


"What do you want to know?"


"The 5 leaders of the Outsiders. Now." The jarl pulled out a list.


"Enjoy," he said, handing it to Kristoph. The elven rogue opened the list to see names and locations. he slipped the list into his satchel and turned to the gates that had opened as a whole battalion of guards rushed inside chasing Annabeth. Kristoph turned to the jarl and rushed toward him. Kristoph held the jarl from behind and put Darkrend to his neck.


"All of you, leave, or he dies," the dunmer said. The guards stepped back, not willing to risk it. Kristoph shoved the jarl away and looked off the edge of the college. Annabeth followed his lead.


"See the river?" he asked.


"Yeah," Annabeth replied.


"Go for it," he shoved Annabeth off and jumped in following. He knew the guards wouldn't let him get away. The jarl ran to the edge.


"Get men down there and stop those two from leaving!" he shouted.

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"Thank you..." Nawen said her voice trembled a bit. She hated herself for being so week. What happened to her happened a long time ago but why she keeps remembering these things? The drow said nothing she simple turned away from everyone and walked away. Tears of anger filled her eyes but she knew that no one saw them.


Shadow looked at Nawen confused. What happened to her, he wondered. The vampire looked at the others. "I have to go somewhere. See you all later." But before leaving he leaned closer to Selene. "Brotherhood business." He whispered in her ear and disappeared.

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Selene smiled and pulled out from her pocket the necklace shadow gave her all those years ago... "I still have this... and i will never let go to it.." She fastened it around her neck... she was about to walk off to find Nawen... but she knew she was best to leave her, at least for a little while.


So she vanished away, so she could have her hair dyed again...


Selene came back to the camp many hours later, her hair white blonde, and the same with her eyebrows, she wore the same makeup from a few hours previous. She had a black dress on, which had an open front. With large high heeled boots.







Selene walked off to find Nawen, hoping she would be in a state where Selene could get through to her...

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Nawen sat in a tree silently, lost in unpleasant memories. She should have dealt with this a long time ago. Almost all who were involved in that horrific event got what they deserved... all except one who hurt her the most. The ranger looked for him for years but could not find anything. It seemed that he was simply wiped from the face of Nirn.
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Selene walked over to the tree, she looked at Nawen and said. "Darling... what is wrong? Does this have something to do with your scar?" Selene then did something she would never have done, she took off her boots and put them together on the floor, she climbed the tree and sat on a branch near Nawen. "Come on my dear, tell me... maybe i can help."
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