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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"Ok, well, I'm tired, so if we're walking to Ivarstead, I'll just sleep," Annabeth said. Kristoph nodded, falling asleep as well.



Kristoph woke up to a sun peaking through the clouds. The area was covered in snow, so he must've slept through the blizzard. He leaned up, feeling stiffness in his back, as always. He looked over at Annabeth, who was still sound asleep. He shook Annabeth around a bit.


"Wake up, we're heading out," he said. Annabeth leaned up, yawning.


"We have to head out at a certain time?" she asked.


"Yeah, we do. At least, when you're on my schedule," Kristoph replied.

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Luther panicked after looking upward, spilling is bottle on the ground, he looks down at the pair of shoes he was sitting on. How did they get there? He nervously steps back as Selene dropped from the tree. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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