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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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Iodiria stood atop one of the mountains on the border between skyrim and morrowind, she stood in the freezing wind and the torrent of snow, she stood in her signature white heels, with there golden soles, and she wore a black dress with a long cape, laced inside with fur and white tights, her long golden blond hair blowing in the wind, she wept, quietly, tears rolling down her face, as she stood with her hand on her heart, crying to herself, alone in the cold.






(Clearly only for the outfit, as Iodiria has long flowing hair, oh and the soles of her shoes are golden, not red :turned:)

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Luther noticed he was about to run out of ink. He was only half way down the page, he sighed and put away his journal. He noticed he was lacking behind and caught up with the group. Luther tapped Selene on shoulder, He pointed at his now empty bottle of ink. He tipped the bottle over, no ink came out. Luther now has to use hand gestures until he gets more ink... Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"Your out of ink are you?" Selene said raising an eyebrow... "Here, i have a little bottle here." Selene said, pulling out a small vial of ink from her case and handing it to Luther.


Iodiria just stood for a while longer crying. She went over her life in her head as she did so, wishing things could have been different...

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Luther sighed in relief, but he was confused on why Selene was carrying a bottle of ink. He didn't care, at least he didn't have to use hand gestures. He poured the content of the bottle into his, and Luther handed back the bottle. He continued to walk with the group... However, he felt something odd, like a sensation he's never felt before. He just ignored it and continued on. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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As the Outsiders met with the rioting crowd, they began a massacre- killing as many as they could. Kristoph satisfied the blood hunger of Darkrend, swinging and killing, until the path to the longhouse was clear. At least, it was for him. He ran ahead, kicking open the locked door and stepping inside. Straight ahead from him was a man sitting on the Jarl's throne, with two heavily armed royal guards to his sides. He was a Breton, short dark hair, and glowing red eyes, caused from magic. He stood up, clapping.


"Curio said that you'd arrive soon," he said.


"Ralus," Kristoph said. He walked forward, slowly. A black magic began to leak from his hands as he smiled.


"It's time to see the void for yourself," he said. Ralus turned to his guards as they stepped forward. Kristoph deflected an attack from a charging royal guard, armed with a long silver spear. Darkrend broke the top of the spear off, and Kristoph spun for a quick swing, chopping the guard's head off. As the body and head hit the floor, they turned to ash. He then grabbed the other guard's sword by the blade, and a blackened aura sped down the blade, melting the hands of the guard. Kristoph then thrusted forward, putting Darkrend through the guard's chest. He then turned to Ralus.


"I'm not a terrorist, nor a traitor. You just fear me because of the power I still have. You know I could kill you in a blink of an eye, so you hide behind a legion of people. You tell them lies, label me something I'm not, and make them believe I deserve to die. But how does it feel to know that you'll die now?" Kristoph asked. Ralus laughed.


"You are a murderer, a thief, a terrorist, a traitor, I can go on for days here," he explained. He unsheathed a war axe from his back, a stepped toward Kristoph, his golden armor clanking on the ground. Kristoph stood still as Ralus rushed at him. The elf rose his sword up in defense as a war axe clanged against it. He then turned the blade, striking the axe, and taking the top right off. Ralus tackled Kristoph, knocking him to the ground, but Kristoph shoved Ralus off, and pulled a knife from a sheathe on his shoulder. He dug the blade into Ralus' throat. Kristoph stood up, holding his hand out as Darkrend appeared in it.


"You see now. I'm stronger. You're weaker. So you break," he said. Ralus turned his head.


"You'll die by the time anyone notices you...." he said, and he died. Kristoph put Darkrend into the chest of Ralus, and the body turned to ash.

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Iodiria then began a long walk. From the mountain she traversed over it, and into Skyrim, she walked and walked, through forest, tundra, rocky crags, little villages, she just carried on, the little bit of makeup she wore on her eyes was now smudged and ran down her face, like ebony tears, she then felt strange... as if there was a great massacre nearby, so she walked, searching for the source....
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Kristoph felt a sense of relief knowing one of the leaders had died. But there were still 4 left. But he was also confused. What kind of power surged through him? It felt different than Darkrend's power, so that wasn't the source. Perhaps Annabeth was right, maybe the gem did leave an imprint on him. After a bit of thinking, Annabeth and Diante walked in.


"So, I see no bodies," Diante said.


"I'm just that good. I kill and there's no evidence to support the fact that I just killed," Kristoph joked.


"Well, Ivarstead is in very bad condition now. Why didn't they try a bigger and more noticed town?" Annabeth asked.


"A test to see if they could cause damage. Let's hope the Outsiders think twice before trying to attack another city," Kristoph replied.


"Well, stay here for as long as you'd like. Thanks for helping us out. I should get this information about the Outsiders to the Empire right away, for all we know, this might be a small revolution," Diante said.


"No, not a revolution. A petty cause. They devote themselves to stopping crime, but in truth, they want to lead it," Kristoph said.

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