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Racial Tolerance or Just an Act?


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Racism is not about people screaming 'discrimination'.


Racism is people denying their fellow human beings their dignity and then whining when their victims fight back.

Get your head out of the sand. Racism goes both ways. The Black Lives Matter folks are the finest example. They scream and cry when a minority is killed by the white police officer, but they say nothing about the thousands killed every year by their own 'kind'. They ignore facts, and make up their own.


You're full of it.


Black Lives Matter organizes protests against institutionalized violence from police officers on minorities. They don't need to protest domestic violence because it is not institutionalized. You protest against institutions, not against individuals.


Did you know that whites mostly kill whites? :ohmy: Who knew! Well it's because you are most likely to be murdered by someone you know, generally who are in your own ethnicity.


So where are all the #Alllivesmatter people protesting white on white violence???

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One last thought before I leave this hate filled argument.


If you talk like a racist and act like a racist, then you are a racist. How you treat or mistreat your fellow human beings is what defines you as a racist. Not me. Not society. Not the victims of your hatred. Not some liberal conspiracy.


But racists are too blinded by hatred to see or understand this simple truth. For them, racists are never responsible for racism. Their attitude is that racism is god's will or someone else's fault (with apologies to MASH and Hawkeye).


"Talk like a racist and act like a racist"? What the hell does that even mean? You don't even know what racism is, because no one does. Everyone has their own opinion on what racism is and yours is just one I happen to disagree with. But because I disagree with you, I am automatically in the wrong. This forum post is not filled with hate nor is it demeaning in any way to anyone, we are just discussing a sensitive topic. A topic you are apparently too sensitive to discuss fairly. You don't even know any of us. You don't know who we are, where we live and what any of us has experienced, and yet you have the nerve to judge us because we don't agree with you? Take your higher moral and self-righteous bullshít with you on the way out.


This is an idiotic statement. No one knows what racism is? I'm sorry but simply it is institutionalized (or support thereof) violence and discrimination against a person or group based on their ethnic background. Simply because you decide to imagine it's something vague and hard to grasp doesn't mean any people haven't had to live with it. You choose to be ignorant and are the one full of bulls***.


For example, Fkemman11 supports racism because she demands that people in a predominantly white, English speaking nation (with a long history of violence and discrimination against those who are not white nor speak English) should also speak English or not be given jobs. THAT is racism.


Let me guess, most of you commenting here believe that we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children? That's what you're really trying to say here!

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One last thought before I leave this hate filled argument.


If you talk like a racist and act like a racist, then you are a racist. How you treat or mistreat your fellow human beings is what defines you as a racist. Not me. Not society. Not the victims of your hatred. Not some liberal conspiracy.


But racists are too blinded by hatred to see or understand this simple truth. For them, racists are never responsible for racism. Their attitude is that racism is god's will or someone else's fault (with apologies to MASH and Hawkeye).

Oh the irony is simply droll, you brought the hate, the vitriol, and a faux sense of moral superiority to what was a reasonable discussion. After derailing for it for pages attempting to make your voice the center of attention, espousing your point of view as gospel and all others as morally bankrupt, if not actually insidiously evil. Your Hubris is simply stunning in it's scope. What you have achieved, is to annoy almost all the adults that attempted to have a rational discourse with you. You converted no opponent to your point of view that had other views prior. So explain to me how your missionary work among the barbarians should be accounted as anything but failure? Well done little social warrior, what you have manged to do is validate almost all the stereotypes of the indoctrinated politically correct far left.


Churchill once said “If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.”

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Racism is not about people screaming 'discrimination'.


Racism is people denying their fellow human beings their dignity and then whining when their victims fight back.

Get your head out of the sand. Racism goes both ways. The Black Lives Matter folks are the finest example. They scream and cry when a minority is killed by the white police officer, but they say nothing about the thousands killed every year by their own 'kind'. They ignore facts, and make up their own.


You're full of it.


Black Lives Matter organizes protests against institutionalized violence from police officers on minorities. They don't need to protest domestic violence because it is not institutionalized. You protest against institutions, not against individuals.


Did you know that whites mostly kill whites? :ohmy: Who knew! Well it's because you are most likely to be murdered by someone you know, generally who are in your own ethnicity.


So where are all the #Alllivesmatter people protesting white on white violence???


I am not talking about domestic violence. Not at all. I am talking about Black on Black violence. You know, blacks killing each other simply because they are wearing the wrong color, or are in the wrong neighborhood, or in revenge for some perceived wrong. BLM takes up the cause of ANY person of color killed by the police, regardless of circumstances. That makes claims that are not bore out by facts. They INCITE violence.


A cop shoots a white man. Nothing is in the news about it. No one riots. No one demands "justice".


A cop shoots a black man, no matter what the black man was doing at the time, there are protests, riots, and folks burning down and looting THEIR OWN neighborhoods. Where is the sense in that?


Cops actually shoot more white folks (2 to 1 ratio....) than black. Blacks committed 52% of murders from 1980, to 2008, yet they represent only 13% of the population. Now, does it come as any surprise that they represent a significant percentage of those killed by cops?


"Death by cop" accounts for about 1% of blacks killed by someone else. (regardless of circumstances) 97% of them are killed by other blacks. (not cops.) the remaining 2% fall into the "Other" category.


If BLM states (as their name implies) Black Lives Matter, then why are they NOT talking to the folks that account for the VAST MAJORITY of deaths? Other Blacks.


This is just another brand of racism perpetrated by non-whites.

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Racism is not about people screaming 'discrimination'.


Racism is people denying their fellow human beings their dignity and then whining when their victims fight back.

Get your head out of the sand. Racism goes both ways. The Black Lives Matter folks are the finest example. They scream and cry when a minority is killed by the white police officer, but they say nothing about the thousands killed every year by their own 'kind'. They ignore facts, and make up their own.


You're full of it.


Black Lives Matter organizes protests against institutionalized violence from police officers on minorities. They don't need to protest domestic violence because it is not institutionalized. You protest against institutions, not against individuals.


Did you know that whites mostly kill whites? :ohmy: Who knew! Well it's because you are most likely to be murdered by someone you know, generally who are in your own ethnicity.


So where are all the #Alllivesmatter people protesting white on white violence???


I am not talking about domestic violence. Not at all. I am talking about Black on Black violence. You know, blacks killing each other simply because they are wearing the wrong color, or are in the wrong neighborhood, or in revenge for some perceived wrong. BLM takes up the cause of ANY person of color killed by the police, regardless of circumstances. That makes claims that are not bore out by facts. They INCITE violence.


A cop shoots a white man. Nothing is in the news about it. No one riots. No one demands "justice".


A cop shoots a black man, no matter what the black man was doing at the time, there are protests, riots, and folks burning down and looting THEIR OWN neighborhoods. Where is the sense in that?


Cops actually shoot more white folks (2 to 1 ratio....) than black. Blacks committed 52% of murders from 1980, to 2008, yet they represent only 13% of the population. Now, does it come as any surprise that they represent a significant percentage of those killed by cops?


"Death by cop" accounts for about 1% of blacks killed by someone else. (regardless of circumstances) 97% of them are killed by other blacks. (not cops.) the remaining 2% fall into the "Other" category.


If BLM states (as their name implies) Black Lives Matter, then why are they NOT talking to the folks that account for the VAST MAJORITY of deaths? Other Blacks.


This is just another brand of racism perpetrated by non-whites.


What about WHITE on WHITE violence? They kill each other for any reason, because they are wearing the wrong color, or are in the wrong neighborhood, or in revenge for some perceived wrong. Seriously, white people kill more white people than black people kill black people. Look it up :laugh:


If no one riots for a white man being shot by cops then that is the white communities problem. Sucks that they aren't standing up for themselves. So since this is something you care SO much about, what are you doing to fix it? Why are you not taking to the streets to stop the MAN from killing... the MAN!


What are you doing about all the whites killed by whites, the most dangerous people to other whites? :teehee: Oh wait, you are so worried about what African American people are doing and calling them racist even though they lack the institutions necessary to do so. White on white violence needs to stop!!! :wacko: Poor white people being oppressed.

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One last thought before I leave this hate filled argument.


If you talk like a racist and act like a racist, then you are a racist. How you treat or mistreat your fellow human beings is what defines you as a racist. Not me. Not society. Not the victims of your hatred. Not some liberal conspiracy.


But racists are too blinded by hatred to see or understand this simple truth. For them, racists are never responsible for racism. Their attitude is that racism is god's will or someone else's fault (with apologies to MASH and Hawkeye).


"Talk like a racist and act like a racist"? What the hell does that even mean? You don't even know what racism is, because no one does. Everyone has their own opinion on what racism is and yours is just one I happen to disagree with. But because I disagree with you, I am automatically in the wrong. This forum post is not filled with hate nor is it demeaning in any way to anyone, we are just discussing a sensitive topic. A topic you are apparently too sensitive to discuss fairly. You don't even know any of us. You don't know who we are, where we live and what any of us has experienced, and yet you have the nerve to judge us because we don't agree with you? Take your higher moral and self-righteous bullshít with you on the way out.


This is an idiotic statement. No one knows what racism is? I'm sorry but simply it is institutionalized (or support thereof) violence and discrimination against a person or group based on their ethnic background. Simply because you decide to imagine it's something vague and hard to grasp doesn't mean any people haven't had to live with it. You choose to be ignorant and are the one full of bulls***.


For example, Fkemman11 supports racism because she demands that people in a predominantly white, English speaking nation (with a long history of violence and discrimination against those who are not white nor speak English) should also speak English or not be given jobs. THAT is racism.


Let me guess, most of you commenting here believe that we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children? That's what you're really trying to say here!



I disagree. Explain to me exactly how demanding a group of people who come to your country to adapt you the language dominant in the country is racist. Learning the language spoken in the country you come to should be obligatory. If I moved to Beijing, it would be pretty respect-less and arrogant for me to demand they adapt to me and start to speak Swedish instead. Also, if the job you're applying for lists English as obligatory, then it's obligatory. It's not discrimination, it's common sense. If you're not willing to adapt to the country you move to, then why do you live there at all? They shouldn't adapt to you, you should adapt to them. That's also common sense. It has nothing to do with the color of their skin or where they come from.

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One last thought before I leave this hate filled argument.


If you talk like a racist and act like a racist, then you are a racist. How you treat or mistreat your fellow human beings is what defines you as a racist. Not me. Not society. Not the victims of your hatred. Not some liberal conspiracy.


But racists are too blinded by hatred to see or understand this simple truth. For them, racists are never responsible for racism. Their attitude is that racism is god's will or someone else's fault (with apologies to MASH and Hawkeye).


"Talk like a racist and act like a racist"? What the hell does that even mean? You don't even know what racism is, because no one does. Everyone has their own opinion on what racism is and yours is just one I happen to disagree with. But because I disagree with you, I am automatically in the wrong. This forum post is not filled with hate nor is it demeaning in any way to anyone, we are just discussing a sensitive topic. A topic you are apparently too sensitive to discuss fairly. You don't even know any of us. You don't know who we are, where we live and what any of us has experienced, and yet you have the nerve to judge us because we don't agree with you? Take your higher moral and self-righteous bullshít with you on the way out.


This is an idiotic statement. No one knows what racism is? I'm sorry but simply it is institutionalized (or support thereof) violence and discrimination against a person or group based on their ethnic background. Simply because you decide to imagine it's something vague and hard to grasp doesn't mean any people haven't had to live with it. You choose to be ignorant and are the one full of bulls***.


For example, Fkemman11 supports racism because she demands that people in a predominantly white, English speaking nation (with a long history of violence and discrimination against those who are not white nor speak English) should also speak English or not be given jobs. THAT is racism.


Let me guess, most of you commenting here believe that we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children? That's what you're really trying to say here!



I disagree. Explain to me exactly how demanding a group of people who come to your country to adapt you the language dominant in the country is racist. Learning the language spoken in the country you come to should be obligatory. If I moved to Beijing, it would be pretty respect-less and arrogant for me to demand they adapt to me and start to speak Swedish instead. Also, if the job you're applying for lists English as obligatory, then it's obligatory. It's not discrimination, it's common sense. If you're not willing to adapt to the country you move to, then why do you live there at all? They shouldn't adapt to you, you should adapt to them. That's also common sense. It has nothing to do with the color of their skin or where they come from.


You're asking the wrong person. Ask the OP of this thread who argues that Hispanics shouldn't speak Spanish in places such as the American South West. I mean, you do realize much of this region has only been under U.S. control for roughly 170 years. This region has literally been part of Spain and Mexico longer than it's been American. It's pretty respectless to come here and demand they adapt to speak English instead. Also, if the job you're applying for lists Spanish as obligatory then it's obligatory. It's not discrimination, it's common sense. :laugh:

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What about WHITE on WHITE violence? They kill each other for any reason, because they are wearing the wrong color, or are in the wrong neighborhood, or in revenge for some perceived wrong. Seriously, white people kill more white people than black people kill black people. Look it up :laugh:


Wrong. I believe you're thinking of your people. Whites don't have the "hood" and "gang" mentality you often find in the black community.



If no one riots for a white man being shot by cops then that is the white communities problem. Sucks that they aren't standing up for themselves. So since this is something you care SO much about, what are you doing to fix it? Why are you not taking to the streets to stop the MAN from killing... the MAN!


More often than not, the police officer will use appropriate force depending on the situation. If a police officer shoots a white man, he probably had good reason to. If a police officer shoot a black man, he probably had good reason to. The reason police officers may seem to shoot more black people than they do white people is because you tend to commit more crime. Sorry if this makes you upset.


What are you doing about all the whites killed by whites, the most dangerous people to other whites? :teehee: Oh wait, you are so worried about what African American people are doing and calling them racist even though they lack the institutions necessary to do so. White on white violence needs to stop!!! :wacko: Poor white people being oppressed.

And when the leftist has no arguments left, he goes full retard. Good job.
Edited by Skagens
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