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Racial Tolerance or Just an Act?


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We did just have the first black president finish two consecutive terms in office. So it seemed that racial tolerance- or acceptance was at an all- time high.....or was it? It seems to me sometimes that while some Americans are trying to put their racial prejudices aside, others are still following that dogmatic thinking centered around the US and THEM bs. And is the fact that white america is no longer the majority making some the silent embittered minority? And do "colored" people think that todays caucasion is still screwing them over? It seems to me this stuff will never go away.


Why can't everyone understand that different races are not the exact same and never will be. I do not get mad when I am critisized for being white. Stereotypes are distasteful but they are also true in some cases. The nerdy white guy who could'nt get laid if his life depended on it. The black guy standing on the corner drinking a 40 wit dim uder bros. The mexican migrant worker who parks their cars on their lawn. These are just some silly examples. But if we cannot accept these things about ourselves and LAUGH about them together then nothing will ever change. Why get mad about something when it is at least partly true? :dry:

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We did just have the first black president finish two consecutive terms in office. So it seemed that racial tolerance- or acceptance was at an all- time high.....or was it? It seems to me sometimes that while some Americans are trying to put their racial prejudices aside, others are still following that dogmatic thinking centered around the US and THEM bs. And is the fact that white america is no longer the majority making some the silent embittered minority? And do "colored" people think that todays caucasion is still screwing them over? It seems to me this stuff will never go away.


Why can't everyone understand that different races are not the exact same and never will be. I do not get mad when I am critisized for being white. Stereotypes are distasteful but they are also true in some cases. The nerdy white guy who could'nt get laid if his life depended on it. The black guy standing on the corner drinking a 40 wit dim uder bros. The mexican migrant worker who parks their cars on thier lawn. These are just some silly examples but if we cannot exept these things about ourselves and LAUGH about them together then nothing will ever change. Why get mad about something when it is at least partly true? :dry:

Because stating that some stereotypes are actually accurate, racial profiling, etc, isn't politically correct. And we all know that PC is what seems to be the most important consideration these days. Heaven forbid that our views offend anyone....

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Eh, not sure tbh. People seem to be offended by everything these days. Stating facts some people don't agree with can make you branded as a racist, sexist, fascist and a whole bunch of ists. Why would it matter if someone got offended? Take the Trump presidency as an example. People lost their freaking minds because he got elected. I mean damn, riots everywhere, cars on fire, people throwing rocks and clashes with police. All that because a president you dislike got elected? We ARE different, and that's not a bad thing.

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You know. Somewhere in this problem is buried a few Supreme Court decisions. A liberalist interpretation of out constitution holding that not only are "minorities" not to be discriminated against- they are not to be criticized either privately and definitely not publicly. Yet it is accepted to point fingers at whites and do so. Because who would listen if we went and cried foul. It is double standard and our court's "wisdom" is what cemented it in place. How the hell did that happen? Are we all paying a penance for things our distant ancestors did?


It is hard for me to find a job in my state for two reasons. I am not bilingual. In some cases the company where I apply is specifically looking for Hispanics. They get by with this because it is never stated. But it is certainly clear looking at their workers and employment history. This is not my reason for bringing this up because I have dealt with this for many years. Just using it as an example.


Our leaders seem to compound the problem rather than smooth it out. My little voice tells me that someone benefits from a divided community. But whom? :unsure:


When did this nonsense about our civil rights and liberties start? Should we really endorse all this hand-holding while trying to sidestep every emotional landmine that other idiots laid down? When did America become a land of spoiled, tantrum- throwing, whiny, bitchy babies? :wallbash:

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You know. Somewhere in this problem is buried a few Supreme Court decisions. A liberalist interpretation of out constitution holding that not only are "minorities" not to be discriminated against- they are not to be criticized either privately and definitely not publicly. Yet it is accepted to point fingers at whites and do so. Because who would listen if we went and cried foul. It is double standard and our court's "wisdom" is what cemented it in place. How the hell did that happen? Are we all paying a penance for things our distant ancestors did?


It is hard for me to find a job in my state for two reasons. I am not bilingual. In some cases the company where I apply is specifically looking for Hispanics. They get by with this because it is never stated. But it is certainly clear looking at their workers and employment history. This is not my reason for bringing this up because I have dealt with this for many years. Just using it as an example.


Our leaders seem to compound the problem rather than smooth it out. My little voice tells me that someone benefits from a divided community. But whom? :unsure:


When did this nonsense about our civil rights and liberties start? Should we really endorse all this hand-holding while trying to sidestep every emotional landmine that other idiots laid down? When did America become a land of spoiled, tantrum- throwing, whiny, bitchy babies? :wallbash:

Which SCOTUS decisions are you referring to in your first paragraph? I've yet to read one that outlawed criticism of minorities or anyone else, whether it's private or public.


As for racism, studies consistently indicate it's one of the most accurate indicators of low intelligence in humans. What differs among countries and among minorities within a country is cultural conditioning and very close to nothing else.

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You know. Somewhere in this problem is buried a few Supreme Court decisions. A liberalist interpretation of out constitution holding that not only are "minorities" not to be discriminated against- they are not to be criticized either privately and definitely not publicly. Yet it is accepted to point fingers at whites and do so. Because who would listen if we went and cried foul. It is double standard and our court's "wisdom" is what cemented it in place. How the hell did that happen? Are we all paying a penance for things our distant ancestors did?


It is hard for me to find a job in my state for two reasons. I am not bilingual. In some cases the company where I apply is specifically looking for Hispanics. They get by with this because it is never stated. But it is certainly clear looking at their workers and employment history. This is not my reason for bringing this up because I have dealt with this for many years. Just using it as an example.


Our leaders seem to compound the problem rather than smooth it out. My little voice tells me that someone benefits from a divided community. But whom? :unsure:


When did this nonsense about our civil rights and liberties start? Should we really endorse all this hand-holding while trying to sidestep every emotional landmine that other idiots laid down? When did America become a land of spoiled, tantrum- throwing, whiny, bitchy babies? :wallbash:

Which SCOTUS decisions are you referring to in your first paragraph? I've yet to read one that outlawed criticism of minorities or anyone else, whether it's private or public.


As for racism, studies consistently indicate it's one of the most accurate indicators of low intelligence in humans. What differs among countries and among minorities within a country is cultural conditioning and very close to nothing else.



While I cannot find a specific case to illustrate my point it is clear that the SC tends to rule in favor of minorities in civil rights cases. While there is no mandate for protecting minorities from humorous or critical public portrayal, the recent trend against any kind of racial profiling is certainly indicative of an apologetic stance by the ruling class. I'm not going to point a finger at a certain group. But it is usually the same people that have relied most heavily on govt assistance programs and funding that continually push for not just equal rights but actually more favorable rights for their own. They have learned how to play the game in court all too well.


Let me just say that I do not hold any contempt for people of other ethnicities. But I find our countries lack of collective insight to be disturbing. We are being played. :down:

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You know. Somewhere in this problem is buried a few Supreme Court decisions. A liberalist interpretation of out constitution holding that not only are "minorities" not to be discriminated against- they are not to be criticized either privately and definitely not publicly. Yet it is accepted to point fingers at whites and do so. Because who would listen if we went and cried foul. It is double standard and our court's "wisdom" is what cemented it in place. How the hell did that happen? Are we all paying a penance for things our distant ancestors did?


It is hard for me to find a job in my state for two reasons. I am not bilingual. In some cases the company where I apply is specifically looking for Hispanics. They get by with this because it is never stated. But it is certainly clear looking at their workers and employment history. This is not my reason for bringing this up because I have dealt with this for many years. Just using it as an example.


Our leaders seem to compound the problem rather than smooth it out. My little voice tells me that someone benefits from a divided community. But whom? :unsure:


When did this nonsense about our civil rights and liberties start? Should we really endorse all this hand-holding while trying to sidestep every emotional landmine that other idiots laid down? When did America become a land of spoiled, tantrum- throwing, whiny, bitchy babies? :wallbash:

Which SCOTUS decisions are you referring to in your first paragraph? I've yet to read one that outlawed criticism of minorities or anyone else, whether it's private or public.


As for racism, studies consistently indicate it's one of the most accurate indicators of low intelligence in humans. What differs among countries and among minorities within a country is cultural conditioning and very close to nothing else.


The courts labeled it "hate speech". Saying anything 'bad' about someone that is not white, no matter if it is true or not, is consider 'hate speech'.


I think that all this PC nonsense started back in the 60's, and has since morphed into something far more sinister, and developed a LOT more momentum in the late 80s', and has been humming along just fine since then. Please note all the organizations out there in the world SPECIFICALLY to aid minorities, be it religious, or racial. If a white, or christian group formed, with the express purpose of furthering the wants/needs/desires of white folks, they would be labeled as discriminatory, or even, terrorists..... (KKK, Skinheads.... granted, they ARE extremists, but, isn't BLM extremist as well?)


Of course, you can call 'whitey' anything you like, true or not, blame them for all the worlds problems, and everyone else just nods and agrees with you...... There are laws in place that FORCE corporations to have a workforce that 'reflects the indigenous makeup of the area'...... so, they are forced to hire not on merit, or qualifications, but by race. This is a LEGAL form of discrimination, as it only discriminates against white folks, which, apparently, is just fine.....

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You know. Somewhere in this problem is buried a few Supreme Court decisions. A liberalist interpretation of out constitution holding that not only are "minorities" not to be discriminated against- they are not to be criticized either privately and definitely not publicly. Yet it is accepted to point fingers at whites and do so. Because who would listen if we went and cried foul. It is double standard and our court's "wisdom" is what cemented it in place. How the hell did that happen? Are we all paying a penance for things our distant ancestors did?


It is hard for me to find a job in my state for two reasons. I am not bilingual. In some cases the company where I apply is specifically looking for Hispanics. They get by with this because it is never stated. But it is certainly clear looking at their workers and employment history. This is not my reason for bringing this up because I have dealt with this for many years. Just using it as an example.


Our leaders seem to compound the problem rather than smooth it out. My little voice tells me that someone benefits from a divided community. But whom? :unsure:


When did this nonsense about our civil rights and liberties start? Should we really endorse all this hand-holding while trying to sidestep every emotional landmine that other idiots laid down? When did America become a land of spoiled, tantrum- throwing, whiny, bitchy babies? :wallbash:

Which SCOTUS decisions are you referring to in your first paragraph? I've yet to read one that outlawed criticism of minorities or anyone else, whether it's private or public.


As for racism, studies consistently indicate it's one of the most accurate indicators of low intelligence in humans. What differs among countries and among minorities within a country is cultural conditioning and very close to nothing else.


Kindly quote your 'studies' on sub par intellect and racism being equivalent. Racism is a social attitude which has nothing to do with intellect.

I'm old enough to remember real racism (lynchings, segregation, Jim Crow Laws and hooded night vigilantes) which liberals have managed to make trite by reflexively accusing everyone of it. By the absurd overuse of the term to include adherents of whatever issue that perturbs the left you have managed to give cover to the real racists..well done social warriors. :facepalm:

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I'm sorry but I have to laugh at all you white people griping about how inconvenienced you are by politically correctness and SJWs. It must be hard, to come from such a privileged history only to be reminded who's shoulders you stood upon to get there. Worse yet, if you AREN'T a rich white person, then it's just a reminder of how you have no one else to blame but your own shortcomings for not being successful (like blaming not getting a job on not being Hispanic when in actually, maybe you just have a crap personality? ;) )


White people crying about reverse racism, what a time to be alive. :teehee:

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When did this nonsense about our civil rights and liberties start? Should we really endorse all this hand-holding while trying to sidestep every emotional landmine that other idiots laid down? When did America become a land of spoiled, tantrum- throwing, whiny, bitchy babies? :wallbash:


IDK, maybe somewhere between red people getting mowed down and thrown in mass graves at Wounded Knee and black people getting sick of sitting on the back of the bus? I mean, it's trivial to you since you're worried about how cruel the world is for not hiring you because you're not bilingual (or maybe your resume just sucks?) when 100 years ago a black person couldn't even vote. So, I think living in a "land of spoiled, tantrum- throwing, whiny bitchy babies" has been an improvement because you know, progress means making compromises. That is, unless you believe we need to make America great again (for white people) :hurr:

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