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Internet speed query.


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With all the new games that have come out I just wanted to see what all of you're running in terms of internet speed.

Gladly I have gigabit, so I can download all those new games on release day but I bet some of you have to wait days to finish games like GTA5.


Anyway just post a speedtest:


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About 15mb. Which is not bad for plain ol' copper wires. The exchange is only a couple of streets away. I could get 40-80mb fibre but at more than twice the price I'll pass thank you very much.

I hate how alot of IPS's charge so much for fiber which costs them less than copper. When I first got fiber here it was over 6 times the price, until a new "start up" company come in and now I pay about 15 dollars less for over 100 times the speed.

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Braggart. Satellite internet. I'm lucky to get 1Mb and usually get about 300Kb. Took two days to download Fallout 4. Oh well, that's what I get for choosing to live on the backside of nowhere.

Owwie. And I bet you hit your limit for the month as well....... Data caps SUCK.


Fortunately, the year after I moved out here to the sticks. (I think "nowhere" is about half a mile away.) the local telco installed DSL. The equipment pad is about three feet from my property line. :) I pay for 15mb/s... 25 is available, but, for what I use the internet for, I can't justify the additional cost.

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About 15mb. Which is not bad for plain ol' copper wires. The exchange is only a couple of streets away. I could get 40-80mb fibre but at more than twice the price I'll pass thank you very much.

I hate how a lot of IPS's charge so much for fiber which costs them less than copper. When I first got fiber here it was over 6 times the price, until a new "start up" company come in and now I pay about 15 dollars less for over 100 times the speed.



The real problem here is not so much the ISP's as the fact the infrastructure belongs to the former state owned telephony company BT Openreach and they can and do charge whatever they like, ISP's who basically rent a pipe from them are forced to pass on their costs to the consumers so there is little variation in the cost of fibre no matter what ISP you choose. Too many grey men in suits with fat pensions to pay off apparently.


Worse than that is most of the fibre packages have strict data limits on them the Unlimited packages are really expensive unless you ditch BT altogether and go cable but thats simply not available outside of core city areas. My POTS line is data unlimited though and what with video streaming iPlayer and Netflix content I can easily burn through 100+ gb/month. Last xmas over a few days at my mother's place I used up almost her entire december data allowance and most of january's just by watching catchup TV. Thats on a 40mb/40gb fibre/data allowance connection. So my plain ol' POTS line really isn't so bad at all.


And prices keep going up because people don't use landlines for calls much anymore its all mobile communications so to cover the losses they put up the prices. If only mobile broadband speeds, costs and data limits were higher... we're really tied, bound and gagged here.

Edited by soupdragon1234
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I agree with the first response. Most Fortune 500 companies don't have that kind of speed. :)


To answer the question we're paying just under $70/mo. for 50/6Mbps cable internet service. Our provider continues raising prices on internet-only service to match what cable TV service used to cost. It's to the point where we could get TV service for an extra $5/mo. and we still choose to do without it. They'd have to pay us $70/mo. to have this crap piped into our home.

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I agree with the first response. Most Fortune 500 companies don't have that kind of speed. :smile:


To answer the question we're paying just under $70/mo. for 50/6Mbps cable internet service. Our provider continues raising prices on internet-only service to match what cable TV service used to cost. It's to the point where we could get TV service for an extra $5/mo. and we still choose to do without it. They'd have to pay us $70/mo. to have this crap piped into our home.

I'm assuming most of you live in the US?


Here in New Zealand I pay $90/mo for 1000/500. (62.26 US Dollars)

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I'm assuming most of you live in the US?


Here in New Zealand I pay $90/mo for 1000/500. (62.26 US Dollars)



Thats ridiculously cheap for what amounts to a what, a T1 connection? I notice Speedtest states its faster than 99% of New Zealand so it would appear its not exactly commonplace.


So whats your monthly data cap on that?

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I'm assuming most of you live in the US?


Here in New Zealand I pay $90/mo for 1000/500. (62.26 US Dollars)



Thats ridiculously cheap for what amounts to a what, a T1 connection? I notice Speedtest states its faster than 99% of New Zealand so it would appear its not exactly commonplace.


So whats your monthly data cap on that?


Unlimited Data, I have tested that by downloading a bunch of games over and over.

I never saw any speed decrease over the entire time I was downloading them, and I totaled roughly 60 Terabytes.


Also, While not common it is becoming much more common where I live. most houses on my street have atleast 200/100.

But because I do live in new zealand, Its still quite common to only have DSL or dial up.



I'm on the pure ultra plan + static IP.


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