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Why isn't SkyUI on SSE yet


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Hi guys.


I'm about to make the transition to SSE having just purchased a nice shiny 4g graphics card. I LOVE SkyUI, however I can't see it on the Nexus. I'm suprised seeing as it's a requirement for alot of mods. Due to the menu system.


Have I missed it, or is there an equivalent for SSE?



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SkyUI is not yet on SSE because it requires SKSE, and SKSE has to be re-written for the 64-bit system.


There is a very early version of SkyUI which I understand will work on SSE, I believe that it's Version 2. Obviously it won't have all the bells and whistles of later incarnations, like MCM, but it's workable.

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SkyUI 2.2 offers the UI but not the filter and search functions as I've understood. As one who didn't tinker with those features that often, it isn't that much of an annoyance.

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Honestly I do not believe you even really need the Search or Filter functions actually. I never use them so I would say go for it, download it and use it. Even if the script extender isn't out yet SSE is still worthwhile playing.

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The thing I missed most with SkyUI 2.2 is the swapping of the controls they did in version 3. That R is Give and E is Take and R is Take All nonsense from the original menus was too much for me. I started by modifying the original menus to fix that and then found a way to fix it for the SkyUI 2.2 menus too.


You'll find a set of scripts in the optional files section of my Better Container Controls mod along with instructions about how to use them to fix up your copy of SkyUI 2.2. It's all based on the reddit post Fhaarkas made explaining how to get rid of the SKSE warning box. Applying my script does that plus gives you the new key mappings. And in the latest version bitkipper gave me some code to get container categorization working too. I still want a proper release of SkyUI with all of the features SKSE can provide but until then I think SkyUI 2.2 with my scripts is a pretty good alternative.

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