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War of the Commonwealth 2.0


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@sopmac - Those listed were just submodes for the main system. Full systems list as follows.

;Systems Reference List

;IO = 0 Regional IO switch Int - For turning whole region off without losing settings

;RS = 1 Main Random Spawns

;WS = 2 Waterside Spawns

;WL = 3 Wildlife Spawns

;RR = 4 Infestation SPawns, named after Radroach

;MO = 5 Extra Monster Spawns

;SN = 6 Sniper Spawns

;SS = 7 Main Random Spawns, Near Settlements and Important Locations

;VS = 8 Main Random Spawns, Vertical Spawnpoints

;AM = 9 Ambushes

;SF = 10 Story Faction Spawns

;IS = 11 Interior Extra Spawns

;SP = 12 Enemy Stronghold Extra Patrols

;TM = 13 Terminator System

;SUBSYSTEM MODES - Main Random Spawns + Story Faction

;GH = 14 Ghoul Apocolypse Mode

;SY = 15 Synth Invasion Mode

;MR = 16 Minuteman Regime

;BR = 17 BoS Domination

;RA = 18 Railroad Governance

;MW = 19 Mutant Wars

;RT = 20 Raider Takeover

@4cednovel - My mod uses a list for each actor type (in some cases there are 2 lists) that when a spawn occurs, it will pick actors from said list and spawn any variety of them. So for example Raiders:

There are many ActorBase for Raider - LvlRaider, LvlRaiderMelee, LvlRaiderAuto etc etc. If Raiders get elected to spawn, as each actor is placed up to the max count, it picks one of these that I have defined in a list.

This makes the system extremely dynamic. Cost me a lot of time in filling properties, but much worth it. I do not edit these actorbase, or levelled lists from vanilla. This allows you to use whatever mod, such as Raider Overhaul, conflict free. You may get a rocket wielding Raider or Gunner or etc, such is life ;)

Level scaling works via the difficulty setting. You may also define Encounter Zones for whole regions or individual groups (even have different EZs for different groups in different regions!). The difficulty setting is same as vanilla, 0-4 (4 is None, they scale to your level, 0 is easy, 3 Very hard). Again you mix and match these settings, difficulty works based off the actorbase levelled list vs the Encounter Zone vs the players level.

The level of control is unprecedented. It might seem tedious to setup, but would you rather have all these options available than not? ;)

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"""This makes the system extremely dynamic. Cost me a lot of time in filling properties, but much worth it. I do not edit these actorbase, or levelled lists from vanilla. This allows you to use whatever mod, such as Raider Overhaul, conflict free. You may get a rocket wielding Raider or Gunner or etc, such is life""" ....


.... very clever SMB92 .... excellent because as you said, it will not conflict with any of my mods ( Raider and Super Mutant Overhaul ) and as soon as I install your mod, I will also installs Synths overhaul and set your mod to number "3" ... and I agree with you that is better to have all the options available than not ... well done SMB92, well done !!


I can't wait .. simple like that !!


cheers ... :smile:

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Hi SMB92 .....


.... in WOTC, whenever you change the menu, it does not highlight the new setup so when you go back into the menu, most likely you won't know what was your previous setup ... question for this new mod is : will you make the menu in the way that will highlight the chosen setup ( function ) so you won't forget where you left it at ?


Also, sorry for the question about your new mod, and based on the main system list from your last entry ( above ), I do not see any difficulty setup on that list, am I wrong ? You said before that "carnage" will be practically the most difficult one, am I right ? Can you give us a head up on the available difficulty modes available on your new mod ?


Thanks .. :cool:

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The one thing I really like is vertical spawns I really how this new mod will have enough vertical spawns to at least feel like I need to be cautious. currently with the old mod is disabled because it caused about 80% of the CTDs, and it is really boring! :sad:

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The one thing I really like is vertical spawns I really how this new mod will have enough vertical spawns to at least feel like I need to be cautious. currently with the old mod is disabled because it caused about 80% of the CTDs, and it is really boring! :sad:

This is getting broken into 2 system. Vertical Spawns and Snipers. Snipers will go in locations where its not feasible to be spawning groups. Vertical will go on you highway tops etc.


@Sopmac - the list above is just the systems list, it does not include any settings or functions of the script.

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Bad news folks.


We ran a large scale beta test last night and it has now been realised that there is a significant, undocumented, limitation in the game engine regarding numbers of properties you can have on one script. This has now lead to a proposed rewrite of the current code into lots of smaller codes and stuffery. Due to the way I had so many varieties of actors and lists of them, the script literally started booting them out of the script, not filling properties at runtime, etc. Otherwise the mod worked fine.


I will also be moving the mods in game menu to a holotape format. I do not like the holotape menu because I think they are clunky as hell, but they are less limited in what they can display. A lot less.


So as a result of said found limitations, the mod will now undergo a rewrite. I am going to go ahead and say that I estimate the beta release Window to be around Christmas time. Simply because I have run out of patience tyo be devoting all my time to the mod, I will now be working on it less than before. In otherwords I will be taking my time.


Anyone who was banking on this mod for the continued playing of F4, I would suggest you look at other games for the time being, or continue to use WOTC in your current game. Had this limitation been documented and known, it would have been avoided from the start. So in short it can't be helped now, please be patient.

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That is a good new SMB92 because by the time you finish this mod, it will be running as it should. You simply found something in the engine that will mess with this mod and I prefer to wait for a very stable and reliable mod than to have a mod that will CTD.


We appreciate what you are doing and support you 100% and thank you so much for having a quality-mind-oriented. There are some authors that publish their mod still unfinished and probably untested and simply, I do not like that. I prefer to wait for a mod that has been fully tested and finished than not. Patience is a virtue.


Cheers ... :thumbsup:

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Bad news folks.


We ran a large scale beta test last night and it has now been realised that there is a significant, undocumented, limitation in the game engine regarding numbers of properties you can have on one script. This has now lead to a proposed rewrite of the current code into lots of smaller codes and stuffery. Due to the way I had so many varieties of actors and lists of them, the script literally started booting them out of the script, not filling properties at runtime, etc. Otherwise the mod worked fine.


Are you or are you not using the F4SE? It may assist with the issue. Otherwise, terribly sorry about the setback.

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Would it be possible for enemies placed by defaut by bethesda to have some kind of massive buff against spawned enemies ? Or maybe respawn shortly after theyre killed by a spawned enemy. It's kind of annoying when spawns ruin an area by killing everything in it

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This is my all-time favorite mod for Fallout 4. If a mod isn't compatible with War of the Commonwealth, it doesn't get used (or deleted, if discovered after the fact). I'm really looking forward to the new 2.0 version (and I really appreciate you taking the time to do it). High praises for your efforts. :cool:


Sorry for the setback. I know that having put so much time into it, it must be frustrating. Just know that your time and work is respected and appreciated.

Edited by Nekota
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