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Changing Weather Mods - Newbie needs help!


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Hello, I am a newbie to modding Skyrim. I am currently using the Special Edition version and have about 50 mods already installed. so I am learning :smile: The game is running fine and everything seems to be working as it should. I have also used LOOT to sort my load order.

However, I have a question regarding switching between like mods......case in point, I would like to switch from Climates of Tamriel to Vivid Weathers. Is this something I can do by having both installed through NMM and just un-ticking one and ticking the other?? Or this there something more to it??

I have the same question about the Tamriel Reloaded texture set, I would like to switch over to the Noble Skyrim set, how is this done??

Thanks in advance for any help :smile:

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Generally I try not to change Mods mid play through, however generally with things like Textures you should be reasonably safe, however with scripts mods... (esp's) removing them will leave an entry in your save which can cause problems (there is a tool called SkyrimTools that should fix it, but I would recommend avoiding the need if possible).


As for your question (I haven't used NMM for a while so might be wrong), but from what I remember you can install the new mod and disable the old mod.


Replacing Texture mods with NMM can be tricky as Textures overwrite each other, so the latest mod you installed will over write any textures previously installed mods have in common, however if you only have the one texture mod it should be a simple case of installing the new mod and removing the old mod (during the install you will be asked to overwrite select Yes)

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Vivid Weathers (Special Edition) specifically says: "Make sure ALL other weather mods and cloud mods are disabled, Vivid Weathers overwrites them all."


Climates of Tamriel (SE) under the Troubleshooting section says:

Q: "Is this safe to uninstall?"
A: "Yeah, just go in a house first and "fw 81a" then make a save and then uninstall before installing another weather/lighting mod."


Please note that previous saves will now be unstable due to having CoT entries on them.


In case you didn't know "fw 81a" is a console command. For more info, go here.


So, yes. You can substitute Vivid Weathers for CoT pretty easy. Just follow the instruction above.

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