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Charging Laser Rifle/Pistol


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This is a simple request for a laser rifle/pistol Barrel mod that allows it to charge up to fire a more powerful Laser Musket beam at the expense of consuming more ammo.


Basically just want a quick firing semi-auto laser with the option of high output charged blast.

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Yeay!!! So many pips requesting Halo stuff. Keep the requests flowing and soon hopefully i can wear master chief's armor

Not really Halo


Maybe a Charged Up Plasma weapon could have a homing effect though


Another idea would be having the Charged Shot effect be a weapon mod.

So you can switch it between a Shotgun blast, a powerful explosive shot, a homing shot, a rapid shot, etc.

Edited by MLeonhardt
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indeed folks -

there's a couple of ways to achieve that.

just like the china lake and puckle gun were based on the Junk Jet,

this'd be more based on the Gauss rifle.


tumbajamba's XM73 also came in a pistol zeroed variant, and can be transposed to other parts such as, via any mod any weapon etc.

skibada made a couple of lazer blaster (continuous and pew-pew)

bOHMKA and nachocheez made a wattz laser rifle each, and one has a charge up mode.



there was even that "variable fire rate pipe-pinball recoiling rifle" too,

which is hilarious by itself in its own right. much less, when replaced by the lazer tommy gun.


between those and the MiB parts project,

you can make some awesome looking rayguns,

that are semi-auto plasma, phaser or laser or rad hehe.


though, I wouldn't say no to more awesome weapons parts packs.

the more the merrier hehe.

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indeed folks -

there's a couple of ways to achieve that.

just like the china lake and puckle gun were based on the Junk Jet,

this'd be more based on the Gauss rifle.


tumbajamba's XM73 also came in a pistol zeroed variant, and can be transposed to other parts such as, via any mod any weapon etc.

skibada made a couple of lazer blaster (continuous and pew-pew)

bOHMKA and nachocheez made a wattz laser rifle each, and one has a charge up mode.



there was even that "variable fire rate pipe-pinball recoiling rifle" too,

which is hilarious by itself in its own right. much less, when replaced by the lazer tommy gun.


between those and the MiB parts project,

you can make some awesome looking rayguns,

that are semi-auto plasma, phaser or laser or rad hehe.


though, I wouldn't say no to more awesome weapons parts packs.

the more the merrier hehe.

You got a link to those mods?


Gauss Rifle would definitely work as a base.

The vanilla Gamma Gun also has the "Electric signal carrier antennae" that also offers a charge up effect.

Edited by MLeonhardt
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re post #6 of this thread.

I appreciate your directness and candor.

I surely can provide the NMM Mod ID#;

making them interoperable is part of the 'fun'.


Mod Name: NMM Mod Ref ID #


AnyModAnyWeapon: 4515

tumbajamba: 8104

skibadaa: 23064 (a)

bOHMKA : |pending| search "Wattz Lazer Rifle FO4"

nachocheez: |pending| search "Wattz Lazer Rifle FO4"

MiB parts pack: 8hrsprior only, no longer hosted at NMM.





-take the implement you wish to make semi-auto/never-ending.

-select the parts which give the look,

tweak the mod attach points and or the zeroing points manually if mixing parts from different weapons sets.

-leave workbench and playtest.

-rinse and repeat until you find a stable combo that looks like you envisaged.



I recommend the MiB parts with the pistol variant of XM73 or gauss rifle.

it will do ~220DMG from uncharged, and ~830DMG charged. 2mm ammo or fusion cells.



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