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Trump and Comey


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According to a fair few, he already has......


Pence has lawyered up and i just heard a lawyer of Trump has also lawyered up,holy watergate where will it all end? :tongue:

It won't. At least, not while they are still in office. :) To many folks don't like 'em, and are in a position to make their lives uncomfortable. It doesn't really help any that Trump presents himself as an arrogant ass.... thinking he knows whats 'best' for everyone, even when it is patently obvious, he does not...... But, the US has survived worse presidents.......

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It won't. At least, not while they are still in office. :smile: To many folks don't like 'em, and are in a position to make their lives uncomfortable. It doesn't really help any that Trump presents himself as an arrogant ass.... thinking he knows whats 'best' for everyone, even when it is patently obvious, he does not...... But, the US has survived worse presidents.......


Hehehe,there has been a worst president than pumpkinhead?Well,i guess that's a matter of opinion at least Nixon had the intelligence to resign before he got his butt kicked out.

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It won't. At least, not while they are still in office. :smile: To many folks don't like 'em, and are in a position to make their lives uncomfortable. It doesn't really help any that Trump presents himself as an arrogant ass.... thinking he knows whats 'best' for everyone, even when it is patently obvious, he does not...... But, the US has survived worse presidents.......


Hehehe,there has been a worst president than pumpkinhead?Well,i guess that's a matter of opinion at least Nixon had the intelligence to resign before he got his butt kicked out.


Even Nixon wasn't really that bad...... He was president when we got kicked out of Viet Nam..... not sure if he can take any credit for us being out though.... considering that was one of the planks in his platform back in '68..... and then he whine about "no one being able to get out of a war in four years....." :D


He DID go to china. Which was a major accomplishment... still open to debate if it was a 'good thing', or not. :D Depends on who you ask.

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Even Nixon wasn't really that bad...... He was president when we got kicked out of Viet Nam..... not sure if he can take any credit for us being out though.... considering that was one of the planks in his platform back in '68..... and then he whine about "no one being able to get out of a war in four years....." :D


He DID go to china. Which was a major accomplishment... still open to debate if it was a 'good thing', or not. :D Depends on who you ask.


Nixon lost it with me when he launched the invasion of Cambodia after promising to get us out of Vietnam.The group i was with immediately started organizing demonstrations against him.


It was Ford that announced the end of the Vietnam war in 75 but it was bitter sweet for we had to leave the South Vietnamese to their fate.The war,or conflict,as it was considered at the time, had gone on far too long with too many American lives lost,it had to end.The establishment lied,all along, to all of America as to the death toll which further pissed off most Americans.The demonstrations i participated in became far more aggressive and violent than any i had participated in before.



Going to China,the missile treaty with the Soviets, while promising, wasn't near enough to rectify his lying to us about the death toll or his promise to end the Vietnam war while secretly planning an invasion of Cambodia.In 73 when our troops left Vietnam we celebrated their coming home but we still didn't trust anything Nixon said.We wanted him out of office and,thankfully,he sort of took care of that himself.

Edited by gandalftw
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Even Nixon wasn't really that bad...... He was president when we got kicked out of Viet Nam..... not sure if he can take any credit for us being out though.... considering that was one of the planks in his platform back in '68..... and then he whine about "no one being able to get out of a war in four years....." :D


He DID go to china. Which was a major accomplishment... still open to debate if it was a 'good thing', or not. :D Depends on who you ask.

I nominate the above as absolute proof that stupidity is infinite punishment. After 45 years of forcing free market capitalism to compete with totalitarian Communism our federal government and those of most other Western democracies lie in economic shambles or outright de facto bankruptcy. It will never cease to amaze me that anyone can look at the trade charts and claim any possibility exists that they're "good" for our country. Congress fights to raise debt limits simply to service the interest on our debt, while 80% of American families are now subsisting from paycheck to paycheck. Edited by TheMastersSon
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Even Nixon wasn't really that bad...... He was president when we got kicked out of Viet Nam..... not sure if he can take any credit for us being out though.... considering that was one of the planks in his platform back in '68..... and then he whine about "no one being able to get out of a war in four years....." :D


He DID go to china. Which was a major accomplishment... still open to debate if it was a 'good thing', or not. :D Depends on who you ask.

I nominate the above as absolute proof that stupidity is infinite punishment. After 45 years of forcing free market capitalism to compete with totalitarian Communism our federal government and those of most other Western democracies lie in economic shambles or outright de facto bankruptcy. It will never cease to amaze me that anyone can look at the trade charts and claim any possibility exists that they're "good" for our country. Congress fights to raise debt limits simply to service the interest on our debt, while 80% of American families are now subsisting from paycheck to paycheck.


But, the top 5% of the population are doing just peachy, and THOSE are the folks that are more 'in control' than our government is. They pretty much own the government. The folks in washington DC haven't done "what is right for the country" in decades, they do what puts the most money in their own pocket, regardless of the consequences to the country. And the spin-factory in DC can also point at the GDP and say "Looky looky, it's going UP, it has NEVER been this high before." Even though the wealth divide is ever widening, the middle class is disappearing, and most of our manufacturing is now in countries that, when it comes right down to it, are our ENEMIES...... Brilliant strategy, eh?

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