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Trump and Comey


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HeyYou, you're consistent if nothing else. Whenever you can't handle a message, you misrepresent the message and attack the messenger. Comey never said "Hillary did nothing wrong". He said, correctly, that none of her violations rose to the level of a prosecutable offense. He also said, correctly, that these same policy violations are ubiquitous among government email users, and that nobody has ever been prosecuted for them, which is also absolutely correct.


Trump's problem wasn't that Comey is a liar, it's that Comey is not a liar, and is not a party hack. He was only shred of credibility and protector of our Constitution in both the GWB and Trump administrations.

Several previous folks have used private email ACCOUNTS for communication, NOT a private email SERVER. If a person in the military had handled classified information as carelessly, they would have been court martialed, and drummed out of the service in short order. But, for Hilary..... "Everyone else does it, (lie) so, it's ok.".... Not 'everyone else' does it. In all reality, very few do. And those are private ACCOUNTS, not servers. Regardless of all that, a violation of policy is a violation of policy, doesn't matter how many people do it, it is still a violation. This is just another example of how screwed up our government really is. (both sides of the aisle, thankyouverymuch) No one is held accountable for anything they do.

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Oh, is that the liberal definition of a good life? Bury your head in the sand and deny reality? That's fine. Hope you enjoy it. :smile:


By the way, taking Comey at his word is pretty much like believing Nixon with his "I am not a criminal." speech, or even Slick Willy with "I did not have sex with that woman." What do you expect him to say? "Well, it's Hilary, and I know which side of the bread gets buttered, so, I am going to announce that she didn't do anything wrong, even though everyone knows that's a lie."


My comment,Now leave me be i'm trying to have a good life, was a sarcastic reminder of your last post to me in the debate thread.


I'm apolitical.I can't bury my head in the sand i have claustrophobia and perception is reality.I can't deny my perception,i might get run over by a bus.


Your comparison of ,taking Comey at his word, Nixon and Bubba,blah,blah,blah is just plain goofy.

I accepted the F.B.I. conclusion that there was nothing to prosecute. Have a good life.Hehe...

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"If a person in the military had handled classified information as carelessly, they would have been court martialed, and drummed out of the service in short order."


Holding civilians to military code conduct standards is not only stupid but desperate. Would you like to see Donald Trump's record of behavior through this same artificial filter? Or Bill Clinton's etc? I'd say Obama too but imo he stands an actual chance of passing that test.


I'm not sure how much lower we can go before we realize as a nation that our Executive Branch has been overdue for abolition for a very long time, at least since Nixon and arguably long before that. It's become nothing more than a figurehead that represents that same traitorous, much larger and infinitely more permanent machine, regardless of party.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Oh, is that the liberal definition of a good life? Bury your head in the sand and deny reality? That's fine. Hope you enjoy it. :smile:


By the way, taking Comey at his word is pretty much like believing Nixon with his "I am not a criminal." speech, or even Slick Willy with "I did not have sex with that woman." What do you expect him to say? "Well, it's Hilary, and I know which side of the bread gets buttered, so, I am going to announce that she didn't do anything wrong, even though everyone knows that's a lie."


My comment,Now leave me be i'm trying to have a good life, was a sarcastic reminder of your last post to me in the debate thread.


I'm apolitical.I can't bury my head in the sand i have claustrophobia and perception is reality.I can't deny my perception,i might get run over by a bus.


Your comparison of ,taking Comey at his word, Nixon and Bubba,blah,blah,blah is just plain goofy.

I accepted the F.B.I. conclusion that there was nothing to prosecute. Have a good life.Hehe...


Right, so, you believe that Slick Willy DIDN'T sleep with her, and Nixon wasn't a crook. Got it.


"If a person in the military had handled classified information as carelessly, they would have been court martialed, and drummed out of the service in short order."


Holding civilians to military code conduct standards is not only stupid but desperate. Would you like to see Donald Trump's record of behavior through this same artificial filter? Or Bill Clinton's etc? I'd say Obama too but imo he stands an actual chance of passing that test.


I'm not sure how much lower we can go before we realize as a nation that our Executive Branch has been overdue for abolition for a very long time, at least since Nixon and arguably long before that. It's become nothing more than a figurehead that represents that same traitorous, much larger and infinitely more permanent machine, regardless of party.

So politicians can just ignore policy? How is that any brighter? What is the point of having a policy, if everyone is going to ignore it? Now THAT is just farking stupid.


And Hilary wanted to be our Commander in Chief. Shall we hold those who would be working for her to a higher standard than their commander? That is beyond stupid.


Policies are put in place for a REASON. Sure, they don't have the force of Law, but, still and all, try violating a bunch of your policies at work, and see how long you last.

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"If a person in the military had handled classified information as carelessly, they would have been court martialed, and drummed out of the service in short order."


Holding civilians to military code conduct standards is not only stupid but desperate. Would you like to see Donald Trump's record of behavior through this same artificial filter? Or Bill Clinton's etc? I'd say Obama too but imo he stands an actual chance of passing that test.


I'm not sure how much lower we can go before we realize as a nation that our Executive Branch has been overdue for abolition for a very long time, at least since Nixon and arguably long before that. It's become nothing more than a figurehead that represents that same traitorous, much larger and infinitely more permanent machine, regardless of party.

Seems to me with pumpknhead as president the US can't go much lower.Pumpkinhead's supporters are just like him,it's like there is a pumpkinhead hive mind.I don't know if you check out the youtube comments but they all talk alike.They are all narcissistic,angry, Hillery obsessed,over emotional,conspiracy loving crackpots.Their master won the election yet they still cry over Hillery beating the rap,just like Trump they can't let go.It's crazy man.

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"If a person in the military had handled classified information as carelessly, they would have been court martialed, and drummed out of the service in short order."


Holding civilians to military code conduct standards is not only stupid but desperate. Would you like to see Donald Trump's record of behavior through this same artificial filter? Or Bill Clinton's etc? I'd say Obama too but imo he stands an actual chance of passing that test.


I'm not sure how much lower we can go before we realize as a nation that our Executive Branch has been overdue for abolition for a very long time, at least since Nixon and arguably long before that. It's become nothing more than a figurehead that represents that same traitorous, much larger and infinitely more permanent machine, regardless of party.

Seems to me with pumpknhead as president the US can't go much lower.Pumpkinhead's supporters are just like him,it's like there is a pumpkinhead hive mind.I don't know if you check out the youtube comments but they all talk alike.They are all narcissistic,angry, Hillery obsessed,over emotional,conspiracy loving crackpots.Their master won the election yet they still cry over Hillery beating the rap,just like Trump they can't let go.It's crazy man.


Well then, and I am the one being accused of being desperate, and resorting to insults, since I don't have an argument.... Pot, meet Kettle, Kettle, say hi to Pot........


And you admit that there was a "rap" to be "beaten". Interesting.


I am not really a trump supporter though... I just hated him less than Hilary. ALL politicians are crooks. What never ceases to amaze me is the fact that 99% of americans are well aware that the current crop of folks in DC don't care about them at all, don't really care about the country either, all they are concerned with is lining their own pockets, and getting re-elected. It wouldn't hurt my feelings to give them ALL the boot, and start over again from scratch. Term limits are a GRAND idea. Maybe congress would be more concerned about doing what is right for america, rather than what is right for their wallets.....

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It's OT but I agree with the above about term limits. In fact I'm not sure how anyone can expect any other eventual outcome from imposing limits on only one of three branches of any federal government. It permanently relegated our presidents to visiting guests, and that's exactly how they're treated in DC. They're the only people on the entire Hill who are absolutely limited in their lengths of stay. It's one reason I think a Constitutional convention is a certain eventuality, if collapse doesn't occur first. But IIRC, the last president who thought he could obstruct our judicial process by personnel changes didn't last more than a few months after his changes started.

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Well then, and I am the one being accused of being desperate, and resorting to insults, since I don't have an argument.... Pot, meet Kettle, Kettle, say hi to Pot........



And you admit that there was a "rap" to be "beaten". Interesting.


I am not really a trump supporter though... I just hated him less than Hilary. ALL politicians are crooks. What never ceases to amaze me is the fact that 99% of americans are well aware that the current crop of folks in DC don't care about them at all, don't really care about the country either, all they are concerned with is lining their own pockets, and getting re-elected. It wouldn't hurt my feelings to give them ALL the boot, and start over again from scratch. Term limits are a GRAND idea. Maybe congress would be more concerned about doing what is right for america, rather than what is right for their wallets.....


Who accused you of being desperate and resorting to insults?You ARE desperate and resorting to insults but who accused you?


So you were just PRETENDING to be a Trump supporter,well that fits your M.O.,Scientist,Lawyer,Trump supporter...

Cool man, now you Trump supporters are trying to distance yourselves from him.Good sign.


She beat the rap,nothing you can do,get over it. :tongue:

Edited by gandalftw
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this is a fascinating topic of discussion,

it's always so interesting to see people take an interest in geopolitical macro-futures, metanarratives and statescraft.

Toynbee-Huntington, olduvai peak civilizational resources, Seneca Cliffs and all that.


we'd do well to pause and reflect momentarily on G Carlin in "It's Bad Fer Ya".


we could spend our entire academic career, many dissertations on this all,

and still be not much closer to understanding the truth of these things hehe.


one question though -

what is the Vienna Convention 1961 (77 amendment), and how does that factor in?

Love your posts brother.I have to research most of your posts but i always find some fascinating reading.Looked up Olduvai Theory which led me to Malthusian Catastrophe great premise for a Science Fiction novel,what?Hehe..


In my youth i joined a commune.We grew our own food,no electricity or running water,we had a mule and some chickens,i stayed two years there,loved it.Spent another year in a teepee hunting and gathering though i did have a scoped 22 rifle for game the rest of my food was gathered.The only thing i grew was my weed.;)


I don't understand how diplomatic immunity might factor in to this Trump/Comey drama.What are your thoughts?

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