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Trump and Comey


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"Who accused you of being desperate and resorting to insults?"


That was me and I stand by the charges. :D


IMO it speaks volumes that our current president called the only semblance of moral responsibility in our current federal government a nutjob. Even more pathetic is the number of people who are blaming Comey for following our Constitution and the dictates of his own conscience, instead of a political agenda being waged via relentless partisan-driven legal investigations and prosecutions. This is directly out of 1930's Germany.

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"Who accused you of being desperate and resorting to insults?"


That was me and I stand by the charges. :D


IMO it speaks volumes that our current president called the only semblance of moral responsibility in our current federal government a nutjob. Even more pathetic is the number of people who are blaming Comey for following our Constitution and the dictates of his own conscience, instead of a political agenda being waged via relentless partisan-driven legal investigations and prosecutions. This is directly out of 1930's Germany.

Hehe,i knew you were the culprit but he can't remember so he blamed me.


When i first read Trumps comments calling Comey a nutjob i laughed so so hard that tears flowed.I don't usually take an interest in politics but this is so bizarre i can't seem to tear myself away.I feel as if i'm dreaming all this and when i wake i intend to write a book titled,When the Inmates Ran the Institution.


1930's Germany indeed,Trump would love to step into the role of Hitler and if he could get enough support he would.

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"Who accused you of being desperate and resorting to insults?"


That was me and I stand by the charges. :D


IMO it speaks volumes that our current president called the only semblance of moral responsibility in our current federal government a nutjob. Even more pathetic is the number of people who are blaming Comey for following our Constitution and the dictates of his own conscience, instead of a political agenda being waged via relentless partisan-driven legal investigations and prosecutions. This is directly out of 1930's Germany.

Hehe,i knew you were the culprit but he can't remember so he blamed me.


When i first read Trumps comments calling Comey a nutjob i laughed so so hard that tears flowed.I don't usually take an interest in politics but this is so bizarre i can't seem to tear myself away.I feel as if i'm dreaming all this and when i wake i intend to write a book titled,When the Inmates Ran the Institution.


1930's Germany indeed,Trump would love to step into the role of Hitler and if he could get enough support he would.


The inmates have been running the asylum for decades. What strikes me as truly strange is, we americans keep putting them back in there....... Are we really collectively that stupid? Seems so.......

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The inmates have been running the asylum for decades. What strikes me as truly strange is, we americans keep putting them back in there....... Are we really collectively that stupid? Seems so.......



Well,hell all we can do is vote for the folks that expose themselves as candidates we can't peer into their minds to fact check them before they attempt to blow up the world .Hehe...


Not so much stupid as conditioned.We tend to depend heavily on emotion to make decisions and neglect our ability to reason.

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The inmates have been running the asylum for decades. What strikes me as truly strange is, we americans keep putting them back in there....... Are we really collectively that stupid? Seems so.......



Well,hell all we can do is vote for the folks that expose themselves as candidates we can't peer into their minds to fact check them before they attempt to blow up the world .Hehe...


Not so much stupid as conditioned.We tend to depend heavily on emotion to make decisions and neglect our ability to reason.


Makes me wonder just what percentage of the population has lost their ability to reason...... :D

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Makes me wonder just what percentage of the population has lost their ability to reason...... :D

I don't know what the percentage is but i'm sure it's very high.Look at the posts on youtube,irrationality rules on youtube.Look at the debate section here for that matter.How many threads don't devolve into petty name calling?Not many attempts at reasoning happens here.Instead of calling someone a poopyhead one might ask them how/why they came to their conclusions.That would require a civil and rational dialog which is just too much for those that are motivated to impose/project their superiority and reduce others to a defensive emotional posture.Hehe...


Thinking one has won a debate because one has elicited an emotional response in the other is delusional and of no value.Hell it's no different than children in a schoolyard trading yo-mama insults.Whatever value the debate might have engendered is lost in inane sophomoric behavior.

Edited by gandalftw
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Makes me wonder just what percentage of the population has lost their ability to reason...... :D

I don't know what the percentage is but i'm sure it's very high.Look at the posts on youtube,irrationality rules on youtube.Look at the debate section here for that matter.How many threads don't devolve into petty name calling?Not many attempts at reasoning happens here.Instead of calling someone a poopyhead one might ask them how/why they came to their conclusions.That would require a civil and rational dialog which is just too much for those that are motivated to impose/project their superiority and reduce others to a defensive emotional posture.Hehe...


Thinking one has won a debate because one has elicited an emotional response in the other is delusional and of no value.Hell it's no different than children in a schoolyard trading yo-mama insults.Whatever value the debate might have engendered is lost in inane sophomoric behavior.


Civil? Rational? On an internet forum? What are these mythical beasts you speak of?


It isn't just YouTube, or Facebook, or the Debates forum here. It's the same pretty much anywhere you want to look? Wanna get REALLY depressed? Check out some of the forums dedicated to political 'discussion'....... You would think all the posters were of single digit age..... Reddit has some FINE examples of this.


Personally, I think it pretty well represents society as a whole. At this point, we are so polarized, that if you don't agree with some group or other, (or, individuals, for that matter.) you get labeled. Be it libtard, conservatard, moron, communist, etc. There is no longer any middle ground. So, arguments invariably boil down to "I am right, you are a moron." by one side, or the other... or both sides. Sad, but, there it is.

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The inmates have been running the asylum for decades. What strikes me as truly strange is, we americans keep putting them back in there....... Are we really collectively that stupid? Seems so.......



Well,hell all we can do is vote for the folks that expose themselves as candidates we can't peer into their minds to fact check them before they attempt to blow up the world .Hehe...


Not so much stupid as conditioned.We tend to depend heavily on emotion to make decisions and neglect our ability to reason.


Makes me wonder just what percentage of the population has lost their ability to reason...... :D


Studies are remarkably consistent on that question: 30% of any country or other human population lack the intelligence to form independent opinions, and are therefore forced to rely on other people to tell them what and how to think. In our country this demographic is known as Fox News viewers, Rush Limbaugh listeners and fundamentalist "Christians". In Iran this same demographic keeps their ayatollahs in power, etc. The ever-present danger in democracries including ours is that this 30% is able to bridge the gap to 50%, and starts affecting laws, votes and candidates, and brings down the entire country. It's already happened in Kansas, where currently human fetuses are guaranteed 14th Amendment equal protection, but gay Americans are not.

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The inmates have been running the asylum for decades. What strikes me as truly strange is, we americans keep putting them back in there....... Are we really collectively that stupid? Seems so.......



Well,hell all we can do is vote for the folks that expose themselves as candidates we can't peer into their minds to fact check them before they attempt to blow up the world .Hehe...


Not so much stupid as conditioned.We tend to depend heavily on emotion to make decisions and neglect our ability to reason.


Makes me wonder just what percentage of the population has lost their ability to reason...... :D


Studies are remarkably consistent on that question: 30% of any country or other human population lack the intelligence to form independent opinions, and are therefore forced to rely on other people to tell them what and how to think. In our country this demographic is known as Fox News viewers, Rush Limbaugh listeners and fundamentalist "Christians". In Iran this same demographic keeps their ayatollahs in power, etc. The ever-present danger in democracries including ours is that this 30% is able to bridge the gap to 50%, and starts affecting laws, votes and candidates, and brings down the entire country. It's already happened in Kansas, where currently human fetuses are guaranteed 14th Amendment equal protection, but gay Americans are not.


And the 30% that gets fed their 'opinion', are likely the folks that actually go out and vote..... Of course, both sides have their idiots. It isn't limited to just conservatives...... What's even more worrisome, is the number of folks that get most of their news from Facebook........

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Civil? Rational? On an internet forum? What are these mythical beasts you speak of?


It isn't just YouTube, or Facebook, or the Debates forum here. It's the same pretty much anywhere you want to look? Wanna get REALLY depressed? Check out some of the forums dedicated to political 'discussion'....... You would think all the posters were of single digit age..... Reddit has some FINE examples of this.


Personally, I think it pretty well represents society as a whole. At this point, we are so polarized, that if you don't agree with some group or other, (or, individuals, for that matter.) you get labeled. Be it libtard, conservatard, moron, communist, etc. There is no longer any middle ground. So, arguments invariably boil down to "I am right, you are a moron." by one side, or the other... or both sides. Sad, but, there it is.


Hehehe,that's funny but that pretty much describes what i see as well.


I don't know how many times i've been called a lib because i've spoken out against Trump,hell i didn't want to see Hillery in the White House either, though i would like to see a woman become president.

I didn't want to see Obama go...i dug him,he had style,it was obvious to me that he was a humanist though i doubt he would ever admit it...,oh,oh, i must be a Lib. :tongue:

Edited by gandalftw
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