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Perk Points


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So for my mod I figured out how to execute scripts off of skill level up and wrote the code, eventually got it to compile and work correctly. But to finish my mod, I need a script to run that can add additional perk points a player would have to spend.


I've looked through much of the code that pertains to leveling up and have not seen anything regarding perk points. Has anybody else had more luck with this?

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Go check Elys' Uncapper SKSE plugin - it has additional perk point options per level.


Sorry I should have specified that I do not wish to use an external plugin (I'm making this mod for friends who do not want to use any external plugins), and the mod I'm writing has nothing to do with additional perk points per level so it wouldn't really help me.

Edited by Nardude
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Yeah I spent a good portion of the day trying to figure this out and I can't find a way without using a 3rd party program, and it seems nobody on any forums i've checked have found a way either. I decided to take a wild shot and and email Bethesda but I'll likely not hear back from them or just get some unclear response.
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Yes, some things the engine does not expose, is where the script extenders comes to help. Bethesda may answer your email but I doubt they will do anything about it.


Is Skyrim the first Bethesda game you mod? possibly, otherwise you would know SKSE is there from Morrowind times with different names, MWSE, OBSE (oblivion), FOSE (Fallout) and now SKSE (skyrim, of course).


Is not known to most, including myself, when or even if SKSE will integrate with the CK as have done with all previous Beth modding tools. When it is, you'll not see "plugins" for it anymore but "common" ESP based mods like the vanilla ones... well, let's let the talking on that subject for when (if) SKSE integrates with CK.


PS: Someday you may be using SKSE inside the CK in such a way you could not even know if the function you are compiling is vanilla or from SKSE, no kidding, they are exactly equal, you know it is SKSE only because you read it from their documentation :) Don't be surprised finding a function named, let's say AddPerkPoints(aiNumberOfPerkPoints)


and use it for any actor (normally the player in this specific case) and your script will have something like, for example:


Nice, no?

Edited by nosisab
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Yes, some things the engine does not expose, is where the script extenders comes to help. Bethesda may answer your email but I doubt they will do anything about it.


Is Skyrim the first Bethesda game you mod? possibly, otherwise you would know SKSE is there from Morrowind times with different names, MWSE, OBSE (oblivion), FOSE (Fallout) and now SKSE (skyrim, of course).


Is not known to most, including myself, when or even if SKSE will integrate with the CK as have done with all previous Beth modding tools. When it is, you'll not see "plugins" for it anymore but "common" ESP based mods like the vanilla ones... well, let's let the talking on that subject for when (if) SKSE integrates with CK.


PS: Someday you may be using SKSE inside the CK in such a way you could not even know if the function you are compiling is vanilla or from SKSE, no kidding, they are exactly equal, you know it is SKSE only because you read it from their documentation :) Don't be surprised finding a function named, let's say AddPerkPoints(aiNumberOfPerkPoints)


and use it for any actor (normally the player in this specific case) and your script will have something like, for example:


Nice, no?



Haha couldn't help but notice that really felt like a pitch from a salesman, but I liked it. But yeah, I do know about SKSE and know it from Bethesda's games since Morrowind, but I did not know that the external tools were integrated with the construction kits. So I very much look forward to the day that may happen.


And yes, this is my first Bethesda game I've decided to start writing scripts for, but It wasn't that I disliked SKSE or didn't know of it, it's that the mod I'm making is for friends who are firmly against using 3rd party programs to alter their game.


And yes


sounds extremely nice and what should have already been included with the CK.

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That's OK, many people see SKSE as a "plugin" or as plugin hosting utility, what it is not. It works using the same table of instruction codes the engine uses only a small part and reserves another small part letting the bulk (which is huge) for third part utilities.


That makes SKSE really a "extender" of the vanilla capacities, and then the mods are generated like any other, just that to compile SKSE functions SKSE must be used to start CK as it starts the game itself, what makes sense of course.


But the bottom line, the previous post was to remove the impression SKSE is meant to have plugins, it is not like it normally works albeit allows so. this puts in evidence the greater SKSE virtue that is making the mods robust against official patches and otherwise alterations, for only SKSE itself need to be updated and not the mods using it (well, I'm talking as it already doing so, but...).


I mean, the mod using that hypothetical AddPerkPoints function still works even after a patch once SKSE is updated and you need not change anything in it.


The other advantage is SKSE functions are self contained, The functions need not to be aware of mods logic, they just get input parameters and provide output results. This makes ease to test each function and assure they work fine provided the parameters are correct. Of course the mod still needs to grant it's logic is "logical" and bug free, but then it is not SKSE responsibility anymore for the same is valid for the vanilla mods too.


Edit: I hope the changes in the way CK works is not so different from previous versions to the point of voiding all the above words.

Edited by nosisab
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