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Since the scannable areas reset after each mission (story or sidequest) completed, the optimal approach for 100% completion is to scan around the different systems in between missions. If it gets tedious, an easier way to do it is to only do one round of scanning after every story update and just save-scum to locate the resources in each system.


IIRC there are three or four 'waves' of fetch quests; it is possible to acquire many of them before the systems or assignments associated with them are accessible. It is also possible for quest objectives to persist in the journal after the NPC associated with it has been removed from the game world by a story update (hence why fully mapping the accessible galaxy map in between 'Priority" assignments is a good idea). Fetchable items will remain accessible after their associated NPCs disappear, so it is still possible to open some quests after it is no longer possible to complete them. Slight design oversight there, but easily remedied by thorough exploration and regular Citadel visits (when a quest item can be turned in, the associated NPC is listed on the map).


Ending rant and MAJOR spoilers below:



With 100% completion in the singleplayer game with the From Ashes DLC installed, the game seems to require ~57% Galactic Readiness for all of the ending options to open up (delivering a score of 4000+)... that means a bit of MP grinding. Fortunately, you *can* set up solo MP games if you don't have friends who play ME3 and don't like pubs.


Unfortunately the plot holes opened up by the ending cutcene are still big enough to fly a dreadnought through. Some of them could have been averted if Bioware had used a little bit of good sense and had the Normandy crash-land on Earth instead of some other unknown garden world... they wouldn't have to change much, either. Just the backgrounds of the shockwave scene and the sky over the planet... and then it might make more sense for your teammates to have been picked up before the whole mess went kablooey. The whole "and then the Normandy and her whole crew abandoned Shep and ran away screaming" bit bothers me after all the hoopla about Shepard's impact on his/her followers. Loyalty, schmoyalty, we gotta have a "race to outrun the kaboom" scene in here somewhere!


I'm curious as to what Bioware plans with regards to alternate endings, since they've announced that they're working on more. Hopefully they'll sink a few months into the project instead of just slapping together a retcon patch; I'd much rather live with a bad ending than suffer a hastily released sapfest of everybody riding happily into the sunset. We always knew it'd be tragic; closure matters more than Shep pulling off a hat trick of always saving everybody.


I like that the relays get destroyed- it alters the dynamic of the universe without necessarily negating the player's decisions. It frees the development of civilization from the Reapers' plan so they can develop their own technologies along their own paths (a major point of ME1's reveal)... and we already know that, if nothing else, that tech is possible to replicate (which was also a major ME1 plot point). It may take decades or centuries to re-establish galactic-scale civilization, but its potential remains. I like that the Citadel and all the people on it are destroyed along with the Reapers if Shep chooses that path. "War calculus"- as Garrus puts it- was a major plot point of ME3 and a minor one in both previous games; many die so that more can live. I like that there was more to the Reapers than "wipe out advanced civilizations, make more Reapers, rinse, repeat." Heck, I even like the true reason for their existence... what I don't like is that the major theme of the series arc, the triumph of will over inevitability, is brought crashing down around our ears after all that effort. There is no ending that satisfies that theme.


After the game permitted me to work out a peaceful resolution between Quarians and Geth, the "Destroy Reapers" choice entailed wiping out all synthetic life... how that is even possible without destroying all technology isn't even explained. Look, you stupid ghostly kid, we've already proven that organic and synthetic life can coexist and develop in parallel without conflicting. Even if the Geth or Quarians were wiped out, Shep has already procured evidence that the Geth ceased all offensive actions in the Morning War as soon as the Quarians stopped trying to kill them all! There we have it already- synthetics that don't ultimately wish to dominate or annihilate their creators, as the Catalyst rigidly believes is inevitable. Yet Shepard can't say "Quarians. Geth. QED" let alone have that recognized as a valid point. Nor can Shep bring up EDI and Joker's burgeoning romance (or the fact that EDI cooperated with her crew at all after being 'freed' last game, much less after the reveal towards the end of ME3 that she was the rogue VI on Luna back in ME1). The fact that the Catalyst's 'solution' amounts to pressing the galactic reset button every 50,000 years to avoid having to let civilizations rise and fall on their own merits... nope, can't bring that up either.


The other two endings involve partial or complete surrender to the Reapers' and Catalyst's grand design... which, surprise surprise, also leaves the player feeling that everything they'd done was ultimately futile. It is implied that if the Reapers are spared, either by the Control or Synthesis options, there will be peace and fluffy kittens for everyone, forever. Maybe I'm cynical, but there will be conflict as long as there is individual will, regardless of its origin as either organic or synthetic. Organics fight organics, synthetics fight synthetics... both already shown and established. Why should be think that life born of biosynthetic fusion would miraculously make everyone want to shake hands and play nice? How does this break the cycle at all? "Because I am timeless and presume myself to be wise" seems to be the only justification for anything the Catalyst has to say. It claims that Synthesis is the pinnacle of evolution- based on its own design after we learned long ago in this series that the cycle only plays out the way it does because that design is enforced. All along we've been shown evidence that neither biology nor technology are straight lines, and most of the galaxy's unresolved conflicts cropped up when somebody stuck their fingers into somebody else's development too early. The Catalyst's idea of perfection is to impose a final design... there will be no further development, therefore there will be no further divergence, therefore there will be no further conflict. That's terrible logic, and we can't even make Shepard- who's made a career out of calling people on the carpet for being stupid- say anything about it.


That option needs to exist. If Shep pulled off the peacemaker path, then he/she should be able to proclaim: "Look! You're wrong- or at least you could be! Don't we all deserve a chance to find out what happens when organic and synthetic life make peace with and cooperate with each other?" Or even: "The progression you claim is inevitable can't even be proven because it is never allowed to happen without your constant interference!" That's what I want out of a revised ending. That and a retcon of the "Normandy runs away" *censored*.



Insert heavy sigh here.

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After 2 weeks and probably like 80 hours+ of gameplay, I'm addicted. So I picked up ME2 and couldn't wait to play it. I was waiting for my mail order of ME 1 to come in. It came in and I'm playing that a bit, but I'm sooo addicted to playing 2 that I'm only about halfway through 1. Eventually, I think I'm going to just go through 1 and import my Shepard into 2 and just play it again, so I can import it into 3. Playing 1 & 2 has really helped me understand ME3 much better than I did before, and I have to admit, I LOVE the whole planet mining thing. I just wish they had that as an option in 3, but I do like the scanning part. So now I'm in my second play-through of ME2. Loosing a lot of sleep. Drinking copious amounts of coffee :sick: I've got all of the DLC for 2 and I quite like that, but I did not get the "Genesis". I'm not entirely sure what that does. I know it says it makes key decisions from ME1 to be used in 2, but I'm not sure what or how it would benefit.


So, thanks for the advice and the recommendations. I'm really having a lot of fun with this series, and this is coming from someone who really does not usually care for futuristic sci-fi type games. But I sure do love this game! And I'm curious about the ending to 3. I've seen it online, and I've read the statement from Dr. Muzyk, but I have yet to experience it for myself. It kinda confused me when he said "ending to a trilogy" but went on to say that they have some sort of plan for future ME (I believe that's how he put it). I just don't want to see this series end right when I just get into it.

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After 2 weeks and probably like 80 hours+ of gameplay, I'm addicted. So I picked up ME2 and couldn't wait to play it. I was waiting for my mail order of ME 1 to come in. It came in and I'm playing that a bit, but I'm sooo addicted to playing 2 that I'm only about halfway through 1. Eventually, I think I'm going to just go through 1 and import my Shepard into 2 and just play it again, so I can import it into 3. Playing 1 & 2 has really helped me understand ME3 much better than I did before, and I have to admit, I LOVE the whole planet mining thing. I just wish they had that as an option in 3, but I do like the scanning part. So now I'm in my second play-through of ME2. Loosing a lot of sleep. Drinking copious amounts of coffee :sick: I've got all of the DLC for 2 and I quite like that, but I did not get the "Genesis". I'm not entirely sure what that does. I know it says it makes key decisions from ME1 to be used in 2, but I'm not sure what or how it would benefit.


So, thanks for the advice and the recommendations. I'm really having a lot of fun with this series, and this is coming from someone who really does not usually care for futuristic sci-fi type games. But I sure do love this game! And I'm curious about the ending to 3. I've seen it online, and I've read the statement from Dr. Muzyk, but I have yet to experience it for myself. It kinda confused me when he said "ending to a trilogy" but went on to say that they have some sort of plan for future ME (I believe that's how he put it). I just don't want to see this series end right when I just get into it.


Genesis is only necessary if you have no intention of playing ME1 (it's a shortcut way to make some key ME1 decisions).


ME1 game play is a bit clunky compared to 2 & 3, but the story is good and the ending is epic, well worth getting through it. A surprising amount of stuff carries over to 3... ME2 planet scanning is addictive, though it was awful before they patched it (one of the many benefits of playing long after release) And, ME3 is supposed to be the end of Shepard's story - but they've hinted at future releases - possibly an MMO or another trilogy.


Anyway, glad you're having fun with it :thumbsup: Try not to let others judgements or the ensuing controversy cloud the ending for you. Not everyone hates it. Enjoy the journey.

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After 2 weeks and probably like 80 hours+ of gameplay, I'm addicted. So I picked up ME2 and couldn't wait to play it. I was waiting for my mail order of ME 1 to come in. It came in and I'm playing that a bit, but I'm sooo addicted to playing 2 that I'm only about halfway through 1. Eventually, I think I'm going to just go through 1 and import my Shepard into 2 and just play it again, so I can import it into 3. Playing 1 & 2 has really helped me understand ME3 much better than I did before, and I have to admit, I LOVE the whole planet mining thing. I just wish they had that as an option in 3, but I do like the scanning part. So now I'm in my second play-through of ME2. Loosing a lot of sleep. Drinking copious amounts of coffee :sick: I've got all of the DLC for 2 and I quite like that, but I did not get the "Genesis". I'm not entirely sure what that does. I know it says it makes key decisions from ME1 to be used in 2, but I'm not sure what or how it would benefit.


So, thanks for the advice and the recommendations. I'm really having a lot of fun with this series, and this is coming from someone who really does not usually care for futuristic sci-fi type games. But I sure do love this game! And I'm curious about the ending to 3. I've seen it online, and I've read the statement from Dr. Muzyk, but I have yet to experience it for myself. It kinda confused me when he said "ending to a trilogy" but went on to say that they have some sort of plan for future ME (I believe that's how he put it). I just don't want to see this series end right when I just get into it.


Genesis is only necessary if you have no intention of playing ME1 (it's a shortcut way to make some key ME1 decisions).


ME1 game play is a bit clunky compared to 2 & 3, but the story is good and the ending is epic, well worth getting through it. A surprising amount of stuff carries over to 3... ME2 planet scanning is addictive, though it was awful before they patched it (one of the many benefits of playing long after release) And, ME3 is supposed to be the end of Shepard's story - but they've hinted at future releases - possibly an MMO or another trilogy.


Anyway, glad you're having fun with it :thumbsup: Try not to let others judgements or the ensuing controversy cloud the ending for you. Not everyone hates it. Enjoy the journey.



Thanks, I have noticed from what I've played of ME 1, that it is clunky. Different, and I'll still probably play it through so I can get the jist of the beginning story, but it sounds like I will get the Genesis DLC, so I can go ahead and import as much as I can into ME3 because I'm so anxious to get back into it.


From what I've seen of the "spoiler" endings, I thought it was fine, if not maybe a bit short, but I'm guessing that there were plotholes that maybe weren't addressed and I have yet to play it entirely so I'm sure I could be missing something. I can't imagine them not making some sort of "ME4" considering how successful it is, so maybe the current ending has some sort of reason behind it as to how the next one will be. I thought the GM's statement was really good. It's nice to see that they really do pay attention and actually respond to their fans.

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ME2 planet scanning is addictive, though it was awful before they patched it (one of the many benefits of playing long after release)


you are the only person ive ever heard of enjoying the awful time consuming mini game. easily the worst part of the game for me and many others and thats not a good thing ME2 was by far the worst in the series imo. me3 > me1 >>>>>>>>> me2. i like rpgs that i why i disliked everything about that game when you werent talking to someone. ME2 is no RPG but still i played it to 100% twice due to me being a huge fan of the lore. guess thats a lot why i hated the lore killing plothole filled ending for me3.


i like ME3 muiltplayer (N7 rank 200+) but i wish they would fix all the bugs it has, im playing right now....... slowing floating about 500 feet away from the stage.

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Lol. Yeah, I guess I'm kind of an anomaly in the sense that I like the whole planet probe thing. I read where most really don't like. I'm not not really sure why I like it so much, but I do understand that they removed it in ME3 since most players didn't like it at all.
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ME2 planet scanning is addictive, though it was awful before they patched it (one of the many benefits of playing long after release)


you are the only person ive ever heard of enjoying the awful time consuming mini game. easily the worst part of the game for me and many others and thats not a good thing ME2 was by far the worst in the series imo. me3 > me1 >>>>>>>>> me2. i like rpgs that i why i disliked everything about that game when you werent talking to someone. ME2 is no RPG but still i played it to 100% twice due to me being a huge fan of the lore. guess thats a lot why i hated the lore killing plothole filled ending for me3.


i like ME3 muiltplayer (N7 rank 200+) but i wish they would fix all the bugs it has, im playing right now....... slowing floating about 500 feet away from the stage.


Eh, I'm not the only one.. maybe it's an obsessive compulsive thing. I actually agree with you on ME2 not being much of an RPG (I loathe those level end screens with a passion - takes you right out of the game) but it does make up for that with the characterizations and does further the story (just played through it again). I also agree with the order you place the games in. ME1 will alway be my sentimental favorite - nothing has ever sucked me into a game world like ME1.


Not getting into an argument over the ending here. Here is where I come to escape that... Like I said not everyone hates it, and I've played through 1 & 2 more times than I care to admit.


Peace. :thumbsup:


I've enjoyed my time with the multiplayer too, surprisingly. Not being a shooter or co-op player normally. It's fun. Haven't encountered too many bugs - outside of getting booted from the server and losing points/time. Have read about others problems though, hopefully patched soon.

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If you did enjoy the planet scanning, then I have good news for you: any leftover resources from your ME2 playthrough get transferred to ME3 as War Assets. :laugh: I'll admit to having been a Mako fan. I didn't like that it featured in almost every single mission, but I didn't have the handling issues most folks seem to have had (my chief complaint was poor terrain design on the sidequest workds).


I'm probably in the minority of having liked ME1 a bit better for combat... I liked the overheating mechanic as opposed to the more traditional ammo system in 2 and 3, I liked being able to crouch, and I liked not having to press a button to take cover. If all they'd done was to add the mantle/climb/jump/vault over object mechanics then I'd have been quite happy with the result.

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Awesome! That'll mean that I'll have a ton of assets then, because I've been sucking all the planets dry :blush: I agree with flummox. I think it is an O.C. thing. I feel obsessively complected to mine and overstock. Great! My mother is terribly OCD, so maybe that is why I like it so much :facepalm: What's happening to me?


From what I've played so far of ME 1, I do like the crouching because it reminds me of TES 5 controls, but I also like the cover in 2 & 3. When I played 3, then 2, and the started playing 1 (working completely backwards, I know), I started getting slaughtered at the beginning because I kept wanting to get to cover. Eventually I figured it out though.

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