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Catagory for Male Content?


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I may be alone in this.. But shouldn't "Male Mods" be it's own category on the site? It'd narrow down all the female-only content. Some keywords like 'male' still include 'female'... I feel it would just be fair somewhat, seeing how 95% of this site panders to female sex appeal, and finding outfits/armor for males or a male follower is already a kick in the pants.


On a side note, are there any "good" male mods out there that aren't for 150% bodybuilding hulks? ...I'm a mage. :happy:

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Most of the time, if you can get the 'junk' part of the mod to work (which is the trickiest part, most of the time), all you need to do is adjust the meshes in BodySlide. Copy and paste your new MaleBody.nif and you're good to go.

Did you know that if you search with quotations around " male" and include that space, it won't include the female files?

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Did you know that if you search with quotations around " male" and include that space, it won't include the female files?



in the Tags section there is a "Males Only" option right under "Females Only"


...Bloody hell... :pinch:


...Thank you both.

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Whoah, something like this already exists? ...Bloody hell indeed...


There really is A LOT of mods that include female sex appeal on this site. Sure, it might be fun using them from time to time, but i think I've always preferred playing a non-sexual fantasy version of the game. :laugh: That's besides the point though. It's kinda weird, running around in a world where only the females look appealing. Becuase that means you'll end up spending most of your time around female characters, while the males look like blocky minecraft characters in comparison to the crazy graphics used in modded female characters.


Sure, while i am a guy it feels weird having no characters to relate to. (Guys mostly can't relate too well with girls, and vice versa.) And most important of all, there is more than only the female gender in Skyrim, so why not show the men some love? Jeez...

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the book of uunp is starting to add some male armor. if that gets finished it should be pretty great.


using better males, beards, and inhabitants of skyrim, the guys match up well with the unp gals and their sg textures.

Edited by ymf331
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