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Samurai Equipment


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Still no word on this? There seems to be enough people backing the idea so I do not see why not. At the very least, I would like a two handed katana with a faster swing speed than the one handed variant so I can somewhat feel like a real samurai. So much potential...


I think new katana animations would give a lot of immersion to this potential mod. The current sword animations lack technique and grace, a major prerequisite of a disciplined Samurai Warrior. Im no modder but i dont think it would be that difficult. Two down strokes, two up strokes and a single stroke down the middle, kinda like this video. http://youtu.be/QCNrUbmYm1k skip to 1:20 and watch trough 1:35 those are all the animation we would need.


Any hooo i think the mod is a very great idea, i hope someone gets started on it.

Any kind of animation to replace the default ones would be better, currently I look at my character in 3rd person and think "what kind of idiot would spend that much energy and that much time making a single strike with a weapon". Just looking at it, even a person who knows nothing about fighting can see that moving like that would be a waste of time. Especially with daggers.

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Yeah, there are a few samurai mods already out there, but nothing really fitting. And about the Fallout 3 port. Only YOU can do this, because anyone that uploads anything to a separate game gets banned for copyright infringement. So you'd have to port it yourself.
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  • 1 month later...
I would like seeing any armor coming in parts so you can blend and mix as in Shogun 2, but I wouldn't mind solid sets either. :sweat: Edited by Mekii
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I would like seeing any armor coming in parts so you can blend and mix as in Shogun 2, but I wouldn't mind solid sets either. :sweat:


Now if that is going to happen......


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You guys are in luck. I am currently working on a full samurai mod. With player home, weapons, armor, companions, and a village all inspired by japanese sengoku era. I do however need a bit of help, if anyone knowa how to make meshes and textures. I would like your help. You of course would get full credit for your contribution. If anyone is interested in helping. Please message me for details.


So far i have weapons and player home complete. Just a few details to make the player home really say japan. I included shamisen music that will melt your soul. If anyone else is as passionate as i am about samurai and bringing them to skyrim in full force. Please help me. Thank you all.

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