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[LE] Summonable Fire Wyrm is invisible

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Hi guys. I have made a mod that adds a conjuration spell to the game that lets you summon a fire wyrm. It all worked just fine but I had one problem - the fire wyrm wouldn't follow me through loading screens. So what I did to fix that was make a new race for the wyrm and uncheck the "Can't open doors" box. However, now when I summon the fire wyrm it's completely invisible. It's there in the game - it has its name appearing when I put my crosshair on it, it makes sounds and has collision etc. It's just invisible. I thought it might have had something to do with the skin, so I made a new skin for the wyrm but the problem is still there. Anyone knows how to fix this?

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Sounds like the mesh file is expecting the textures to be somewhere else or maybe u should make the skin a armor at set it as its default outfit. I could be mistaken though. Ive been wrong before but my horse mod did this and i just set the skin up as a armor file and it fixed it.
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