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"Can I Crash On Your Couch?" Mod


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The ability to sleep on couches, and sit and wait on beds.

For when you get home from a long day of murder hobo-ing and just wanna fall face first into your dirty, irradiated, half eaten sofa and drift on off to dream land.

Or for when you and your lover have plans for the evening and you want to wait patiently on the bed as Curie gets out of her Power Armor.



[T] would remain as the "Wait" button, but now pressing T while sitting on a bed only passes time, and does not put you to sleep.

[R] would become the new sleep key, available on couches, benches, and beds, next to the [T] button.


For Survival Mode, couches would be treated as Sleeping Bags, so 3 hours max of sleep.

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