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How to make it brighter in a specific house?


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i'm not an expert in lighting, but if i wanted to get that done, i'd go in the game and get the refid of a light source from the console to search in tes5edit, then i guess i'd go in and change... stuff. jk but right click whichever master it's from up at the top of the right pane and "copy as override into" and make a new plugin so you can save it. then, in the new plugin, maybe increase the radius and/or lower the fade a bit? might require some experimentation. course, that's assuming there's already lights there to mess with.


edit: if the flags say doesn't light landscape, maybe removing that would help too.

Edited by ymf331
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I usually make new rooms for my "testing" area... as I am still familirizing applications and trying to make mods and experimentation

and yes.. I make it light enough so i can see how the light reflects to a certain texture and stuffs like that ...
if you go to Warmaiden... atleast for me - the light there from the Hearth is the best kind of lighting ...
what i did is go to CreationKit and load only Skyrim.esm and i look for WhiterunWarmaiden > duplicate it and rename it to something easy to find (aaaxxxWarmaiden) >then open it on 3D panel and start editting from there ..

look for that lighting source used by the Hearth and duplicate ... delete every other lightsource... and only use that lighting from the hearth... position it the way you want.
I ussually make every corner lit up.. some corners not too light and some just dim... so there are not VERY DARK shadows.. and i can see nice reflection to the skin textures and things like that ... :>

too long .. sorry xD

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