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Realistic Equipping Overhaul


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Hello. I have an idea for an immersion mod in Skyrim. The mod is pretty much an overhaul of the way equipment is carried, stored, and held by the player. Allow me to elaborate.


My idea is to change the way items are picked up in general to be more lifelike. As well, my idea is to add a variety of utility bags and totally nerf the "carry weight" feature, with buffs added with certain armor.

To start, I'll explain how Skyrim's current equipment and storage system is flawed. The Dovahkiin is currently able to carry any amount of equipment under a certain weight threshold inside of his stomach, and in the middle of combat can materialize items from thin air. This is very unrealistic.



My idea is for weapons and armor to not be added to the inventory at all, but instead to be automatically equipped when the user holds the "E" key on it for a short period of time. Equipment can be dropped on the ground if the player holds down E for a short period or thrown like a projectile (think Telekenesis spell) if the E key is held down for a brief yet extended period of time. When equipment is picked up it goes to fill the next available hand slot if one-handed, or replaces both hands if two handed. Old items are simply dropped in front of the player.


This feature increases immersion because in real life, you can only pick up what your hands can hold at one time. If, for instance, you had to use a bow, you'd probably have to put down whatever you're holding if anything to use it. The same goes for armor. If in reality you're wearing a shirt and a hat, to change the shirt and hat you'd have to take both off.


However, equipment you're using can still be seen in the inventory menu, allowing for easier de-equipping and dropping of items. If a weapon, tool, or armor piece is unequipped, it is dropped in front of the player when they leave the menu.




The second idea I have to implement is a storage system that uses bags to allow the player to carry multiple items at once. This includes knapsacks, bow bags which can be slung over the shoulder, arrow quivers, dagger pouches, sword sheathes, mace sheathes, axe holsters, etc. to expand player storage. These items would each allow a realistic number of items to be carried on the player, for instance one two-handed item at a time can fit inside a large bag, and one one handed (non-dagger) item can be put in each sheathe or small bag, but an unlimited amount of arrows can fit in a quiver until a weight limit, and a knapsack also can hold an infinite amount of things until a weight limit is met.


However, only a few of each bag would be able to be equipped at a time. This keeps a feeling of realism, as in reality, it can be incredibly difficult to bear a duffel bag, two backpacks, and a suitcase all at once.


For instance, two sheathes would fit on your body, one sheathe per side, or one sheathe and one mace or axe strap would fit. Two two-handed weapon bags would fit on the player. Only one shield would be able to be slung on the player's back. For non-equippable items, weight functions as normal, with only 10 pounds available to any naked character of any level, but more weight added by wearing clothing or knapsacks. The amount of carrying capacity per article of clothing would be common clothes with the highest, due to the amount of pockets and light weight. Then would be light armor, as it still has a bit of room. Then heavy armor would have the least amount of room for storage. When the player as a bag for a weapon, the weapons can be unequipped and equipped readily as long as an empty bag is available for them to go into. Daggers would be able to be put in normal bags, too, and contribute to the weight limit.



My third idea is the reduction of carry weight, which would be extremely small until the player wears clothing or bags, as discussed above. This would prevent a player from carrying insane amounts of items under their skin flaps. However, when bags are worn and items are put in, which is automatically done if an item being held in unequipped or added to the inventory normally when an empty bag of the corresponding type is available, the items weigh nothing (except daggers, arrows, and non-weapon items). As well, armor could weigh less when equipped with a weight reduction of armor proportional to the amount of stamina the player has. The more stamina the player has, the easier the player could walk with various types of armor, so a high level player would not be weighed down by a full daedric set. This trade-off forces the need for bags. Armor weight would also count much differently towards weight than other items, so armor could not contribute to its own weight capacity buffs. Armor weight would affect movement speed, but not carry weight; Armor above certain thresholds would affect the movement speed by a certain percentage. For instance, maybe 10lb-30lb total armor set weight would be a 15% speed debuff, but armor set weight of 100+ would be a 70% speed debuff for starting players (100 stamina).



I feel as though this revamp of how players (and maybe NPCs) use items would be an incredible overhaul which could make combat, smithing, looting, and most aspects of the game completely different and enhanced.

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i was able to accomplish something similar by combining more believable carry weight with storage helpers. adds kind-of a "where in god's name did all my stuff go" minigame to go with my "i'm literally freezing to death" and "i'm dying of starvation and the deers run too fast" minigames. for the third part, perma heavy armor tree reduces worn heavy armor by a whopping 30% weight at skill level 60, and gradually reduces the movement speed penalty. i might do away with the carry weight bonus from leveling up next time around to add the immersion of dragging items slowly out of a dungeon to throw on my horse.


it would be cool to see a mod that combines all that awesomeness and lets you configure everything through mcm i think. i don't think mods that purposely make playing the game a nightmare from hell are for everyone, but i'll endorse that.

Edited by ymf331
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