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Reset in Papyrus?


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Just wondering if anyone knows the Reset command in Papyrus scripting.

I'm pretty sure I've got the rest of my script right, for detecting the activator and all that.


But I need a command to reset or respawn an object.


I'm trying to get a ramp to reset itself when a pullchain's used, basically.


Thanks in advance to anyone who has the command :)

Edited by Garagorn888
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The scripting provides option to force waiting the animation to complete before the activator can be used again, if it is to be reused. I don't know if there is a specific reset function although can see it's usefulness ... do I imagine you mean something like restoring the originally displayed figurines on those dragon claw driven doors, for example?


Edit: The respawning part is ease, just disable and then enable it, still I don't know if this acts as resetting.

Edited by nosisab
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As far as a have seen, ramps are generally just a 2 state activator, and the pull chains run on the pullbar script. All you need to do is use the chain as the activator parent for the ramp and it should work for both bringing the ramp down and then back up without any custom script..
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Unfortunately, the ramp in Riftweald doesn't have the necessary animation to reset itself, so respawning is necessary.


I no longer need the script for what I originally wanted it for though as I've decided to delete the ramp and convert the area where it was to a complete balcony.


It may be handy at some point though, so I'll continue to research into the topic, and would be grateful for assistance. :)


Unfortunately disable/enable won't work. It appears to be set to reset objects to their state just before disabling, rather than their original state before activation.

Edited by Garagorn888
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