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i should clarify, i know there is a settlement near sanctuary but i mean one that is ON the tower, going around it and though it. thing settlement area, but a tall border area. idk if its possible as the top of the towers are not nav mashed or physical. but if its possible i would love to know!

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You can build on top of the tower already. Good luck getting NPCs there. And there's a greekrage overhaul of that place that puts stuff ontop. Use the search function.

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You can build on top of the tower already. Good luck getting NPCs there. And there's a greekrage overhaul of that place that puts stuff ontop. Use the search function.


I can't find the mod now, but there is a mod out there that makes settlers venture out farther and go up higher that seems to be the solution for this problem. I just need to find out what the mod is (I will know it when I see it).

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an excellent idea -

just for clarification, are we talking about the radio transmitter "dishes" such as at Revere Observation Station etc, or near the Robotics Landfill?


you could make a "treehouse", a city in the sky (kinda like an ewok or wookie village motif)

with suspension bridges or perhaps a monorail,

or perhaps, a "thunder-dome" made from a collapsed dish, with the remnants of the dish towers being signal fires or watch towers etc.

who knows what you might come up with!




there are potentially many ways to achieve that look.

I'd personally use:

Any Door to Any Where,

place anywhere, and your choice of scaffolding and struts,

might I recommend Snap-N-Build bits pack 3, and darth wayne's BOS or Enclave parts packs...

not to mention DDProductions' elevators, or GreekRage's hidden entrances and elevators packs.

when done, I'd then share that via

the Sim Settlements or Settlement Blueprint framework, so folks could riff on that even further.


you'd place your entrance ways, and,

you could map the 'any door to anywhere' doorportals to a new-lands, for the interior part of the settlement.

you can then connect the exterior doors to the 'decking' on the dish, etc.

that is, you place a nav-meshed thing onto the non-navmeshed surface,

or, another modder makes a nav-meshed variant, as with the 'portable institute biodomes' and greenhouses mod.


NPCs will very happily path that way.

the trick is to build the stores and shops on ground level, and the move it to the other location within the same cell.

they seem to find their way reasonably well then.


ChuckSteel (author of the awesome beantown interiors) and, the maker of Red Rocket Settlements

have excellent guides on properly making your own standalone settlements




that's how I and others got around some tricky annoying problems at

Abernathy Farm, and the 'cavern entrance" at Greygarden city.

The cavern on the rock part connects to the overpass internal elevator, and the exit is in the central concrete pillar;

that was tricky, we abused 'priority override', to not require toggleable noclip, instead of a loading screen to a 'new lands: elevator room" just for the elevator... and

had the elevator exit panels at that concrete pillar match the texture of the outside pillar reasonably well.

the "stand clear" sign splits down the middle, and is hiphenated with arrows

ie "STAND <-|-> CLEAR"




good luck making what is sure to be a fun settlement build!

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You can build on top of the tower already. Good luck getting NPCs there. And there's a greekrage overhaul of that place that puts stuff ontop. Use the search function.


I can't find the mod now, but there is a mod out there that makes settlers venture out farther and go up higher that seems to be the solution for this problem. I just need to find out what the mod is (I will know it when I see it).

Yeah its a simple mod that ups the sand box zone from 1000 to 10000. I added it to my patch recently, ill find it when I'm at my PC


Theres a recent mod that makes the radio towers better to build on too

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