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What do you think about Mass Effect Andromeda?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a great time with it, but my expectations were a lot higher than what the game ended up as. I feel like the gameplay is pretty good and the animations and combat is fun but the story feels sort of rushed. There are parts in the story that caught my attention but it would happen more often than not that the story arcs just became dull for me. It was super angering to me when I found out that they ditched any opportunities they might've had with singleplayer to focus on their multiplayer.

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I bought it about a month ago. Got home and played it for a couple of hours and enjoyed it very much. Truly loved the look of the game and the game play wasn't bad. The thing is that I haven't played it since, haven't felt the need to go back to it. I know that my two hours of game play isn't anywhere near enough to come to any meaningful conclusions, but the fact I feel no need to go back to it makes me think there must be something missing.

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I haven't played it. Might pick it up some day when it is being sold for next to nothing. Most of the best creative minds and programmers that made ME1-3 had already jumped ship before MEA. Didn't enjoy DAI nearly as much as I had hoped either. Got it the minute it came out, played it once and never went back. In stark contrast, I played ME2-3 and DAO-DA2 more times than I can count- from beginning to end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

TBH I skipped this one and didn’t play it. Based on the reviews and after watching some streams of it being played around the time of its release. I decided to pass on ME:A


For me, the ME series ended at ME3.


Perhaps one day I’ll get to it. But personally If I feel like having a good ME experience I just go back and play ME2 again lol.

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I liked it a lot. Though you can somehow feel left and right that content is missing, either left out or not further developed. That the intended DLC was dropped won't do the game any good either.


But like I said, I seriously liked the game. Has a pretty solid storyline and while the developing of new settlements or outposts is a bit lacking in scope thanks to the low number of areas given to develop, it's still pretty nice to go through....


With the release of the Frosty Mod Manager, the game is very easy to mod too and while there's not tons of mods available, what's been released adds a huge amount of gaming fun to ME:Andromeda.

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