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GTX 1060 3GB vs 1050 ti 4GB?


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I have enough money to upgrade my graphics cards and I am between the EVGA GTx 1060 3GB or the 1050 ti 4GB, I would like to be able to run skyrim with an enb with 2k textures and grass mods no 4k textures or anything super fancy, I have a Intel Xeon W3530 which is comparable to an i7 930 so nothing good but I am confident that both cards will work in my machine. But right now I only have a NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800 with only half a gig of ram.

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thats what I was sure of, by the way I'm on 1080p, should have specified that

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i don't really get why you're asking i guess... oldrim will have certain limitations in terms of memory usage anyway, so i'd think that the difference in memory would be a complete nonissue in that regard.

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the most you can use is 4064mib, and some of your ram would be utilized as well. even on a 1 gig video card i still wind up plugging 4064 in to my enblocal.ini. it's a directx9 limitation. the way i understand it, having extra doesn't contribute in any way to enhanced performance. correct me if i'm wrong here.

Edited by ymf331
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the most you can use is 4064mib, ...it's a directx9 limitation. the way i understand it, having extra doesn't contribute in any way to enhanced performance. correct me if i'm wrong here.


That's the case when playing Oldrim on Windows 10. But when playing Oldrim on Windows 7 or the Special Edition on Windows 10 you can use as much VRAM as you have.

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