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Oblivion DRM-free and mods.


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Great you got it sorted out. :thumbsup: Mod Organizer has some issues with installing OBSE plugins. As for installing DarN UI through MO... I have not tried that. MO might not necessarily know how to install things like OMODs or such, things like Oblivion Mod Manager are usually easier to use for installing mods like that, but you should generally stick to one single mod manager to keep your mod setup easy to keep track of, sooo...


You can, of course, manually "install" DarN UI to a folder and then add that folder to the place where MO keeps all your installed/unpacked mods (where each mod sits in its own folder), but that would require quite a bit of manual work, being basically "manual installation" except that it all ends up in a nice separate folder. And if nothing shows in-game for replacer mods (meshes, textures, UI), it could either be that the mod has been installed/structured in a wrong way or that you have a Steam version of Oblivion and the BSA timestamps are too recent. The latter is easy to fix/check by going to the MO settings, workarounds tab, and hitting the button to back-date BSAs. Assuming you have Archive Invalidation working, if not, you could try enabling it somehow. Wrye Bash has it automatically enabled, I think, and you could try opening the MO profiles list/menu (the place where editing them takes place, in the MO big button toolbar), selecting your current one from the list and ticking the "automatic archive invalidation" box. That might help.


With the INI files you mean the font edits? You do not need the font edits to run DarN UI itself, if I remember correctly, the font changes are more about visuals. You do need them, yes, from an aesthetic point of view, though, but if you just want to test the XML and texture files, you can do that without the INI edits. As for why it crashes... hmm. Could it be that you do not have the font files themselves installed, so when you point the game to them, it cannot find them and crashes? Maybe? Just an idea, I have no actual knowledge of why it crashes, but if it happens after the INI edits, then that might be it? :huh:


I have to admit I have never actually used Nehrim. :blush: I have not even finished the main quest of Oblivion. Haha. So no, unfortunately, I cannot help there. Maybe someone else can.


Edit: Ooops, just realised that this might be a bit off the actual topic of the thread, but hopefully no one ever sees this and hopefully we do not get into any trouble for potential derailing of a thread. :P

Edited by Contrathetix
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FYI GOG are asking $20 for this version of Oblivion. The same DRM-free game (shipped on DVD, no online account or registration required etc etc) was $12 last time I checked on Amazon, and it included the same DLC (SI and KotN).


Does it have the small DLC, as well? The GOG version also has the small ones like Fighter's Stronghold, Orrery, Wizard's Tower and the like.

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FYI GOG are asking $20 for this version of Oblivion. The same DRM-free game (shipped on DVD, no online account or registration required etc etc) was $12 last time I checked on Amazon, and it included the same DLC (SI and KotN).


Does it have the small DLC, as well? The GOG version also has the small ones like Fighter's Stronghold, Orrery, Wizard's Tower and the like.


AFAIK no it doesn't, just the two big ones.

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FYI GOG are asking $20 for this version of Oblivion. The same DRM-free game (shipped on DVD, no online account or registration required etc etc) was $12 last time I checked on Amazon, and it included the same DLC (SI and KotN).

Does it have the small DLC, as well? The GOG version also has the small ones like Fighter's Stronghold, Orrery, Wizard's Tower and the like.

Yes it does..


I have spent a long time trying to solve my problems. That included 3 mod managers.

DarnUI has proven to be pain to install. The Omod as well. So I have gone for Phinix dark UI instead.

That is nearly good enough except for the text in the inventory not lining up with the icons and the pointer.


The problems that remain are that the PC`s hands are blue. That was much worse before I did use Archive Inv. in TMM.

The second problem is that my torch when Equipped is glued to the right leg like a holstered sword. It is to dark to walk around.


@TheMastersSon: I got it for $10-11 in my currency.

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So for the record @DraketheDragon, requiring the physical disc to be inserted is not DRM-free actually. Additionally, thousands upon thousands of people use OBSE with Steam regularly and have for years - without any problems whatsoever. So I think you're vastly overestimating the difficulties.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently playing through Oblivion with the GOG version and a significant list of mods (based on this guide) and it's been working quite well if anyone wanted more confirmation. I only use Wrye Bash so I haven't run into any problems with mod managers.


Actually, there was an issue I had to investigate, apparently the GOG version (backup installer or Galaxy installed) sets the Last Modified times of the vanilla ESM/ESP files to Dec 31 23:00 1969 which confuses all tools based on TES4edit (this includes TES4LODGen) and they incorrectly process the Load Order based on those old dates (even if both BOSS/LOOT and Wrye Bash are fine with it and properly update and show the LO). See my report on the TES4LODGen thread. TL;DR to work around this issue you have to set the date of Oblivion.esm to something more recent (say 2006-01-01 00:00:00) and then re-run LOOT/BOSS and they will set the LO and update the times of all the other files (following Oblivion.esm). Then TES4edit tools like LODGen will work fine again.

Edited by dizzy
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