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Be Careful when adding Mods!


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Hey...I wanted to pass on some info which I am sure EVERY careful modder knows...right?





1. Only add one mod at a time.


2. Play the game for a bit before adding another.



Cuz...if the modder accidently messed up something in their mod...or maybe their mod was not compatable with some other mod you already have installed...you will have trouble pin-pointing the possible reason for your crash. Your system might have crashed due to a poorly done and poorly tested mod.


I can testify...I got caught. It took me forever to find the possible causes of my crashes. I had installed several mods at one sitting, which eventually crashed my game.


The mods conflicting were three player-created player homes. All I know is...my system is back to screaming performance again (maxed-out graphics), sans crashes, after removing those four mods.


Anyway...lesson is...


Only install one mod at a time and test it before you put your game state in the hands of some noob modder...smiles.



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