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Never joined BoS, but Minuteman ending . . .


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Can someone tell me if Bethesda borked the way the brotherhood handles your destruction of the Institute as a pure Minuteman, or should I be looking for other reasons? Specifics:

1) Never joined the BoS. Saved them from ferals, joined Danse for Arcjet, but told him no when he wanted me to join. "Join later! We'll still be there!" sort of thing,
2) Pure minuteman effort to find Shaun, which did necessitate the briefest Railroad interaction. Didn't join them either.
3) Nuclear Option with Minutemen. Visited the smoking sinkhole where CIT used to be. Even Bunkerhill decided it would be better to join with the Minutemen, and no Bunkerhill battle.
4) Visited Danse in Cambridge just to see what they'd have to say. Danse has a one-time long dialogue about how impressive it was and what good it did for the Commonwealth; he then had zero dialogue available. Rhys apologized and called me Sir. Haylen, however, went into full "You're a brother, thank you for going against Maxson's orders about Danse, Danse seems lonely out in the bunker" dialogue. Uh, yeah, Danse never left the police station . . .. Never had him as a companion. Never boarded the vertibird, etc etc.

What? Did Bethesda really leave this like that? What happens if I visit the airport? I can still fire on BoS sometime and get them to be hostile, yeah?

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The entire Minuteman ending is filled with bugs like this. It's easily the buggiest of all of them, and it suggest that Bethesda either ran out of time or gave up on that faction in favor of the other three. Considering how lame the Minutemen are in the writing department and how the Settlement never quite feels right, it makes sense that they simply gave up. After all, the Settlement mode is supposed to be "optional" and the Minutemen are a large part of that system.

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i dont think 'give up' is the right wording. i belive the correct word is 'lazy' the game is lazy and bland. Beth just shoved 'features' into the game like settlements and created the minutemen as an excuse for it. the whole game suffers from this. really the game ends when you blow up the CIT, sure you can destroy the other groups but there is no point your done. why?


the Bro Hood is only there because of the Institute

the Railroad work to free the Synths from the Institute

the Minutemen just want to protect the people of the common wealth

the Gunners were feeling threatened by the Institute (not really said but lets face it if they had been a major faction as was originally intended that would have been their issue)

Diamond City feels threatened by the Institute

the Raider gangs feel threatened by the Institute

the Atom Cats like Power Armor

the Settlements support whatever you support


in other words "wreck the Institute and all the problems end", no seriously, after that whichever faction destroys them becomes the top dogs and no one will threaten them as the only ones who could (Bro Hood if you played any other faction) or would have no reason to do so and would just go on doing their own mostly harmless thing.

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I think the problem is that there are so many choices in the game that it can't really make sense of it if you vary from the normal strategy. I played Bunker Hill but didn't tell the Bros or RR then I went with the Bros to Mass Fusion making me an enemy of the Institute. "Banished From The Institute" appeared briefly on my screen but I never went back to hear Father.

Nobody from the Bros has commented on my getting into the Institute and I refused to go with the Railroad so 2 RR missions are hanging in limbo.

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And there's more....Proctor Quinlan congratulated me for destroying the Institute as did most Bros but Maxson is "too busy" to speak to me. Desdemona congratulated me but PAM thinks I have destroyed the Prydwen and wants me to destroy BOS patrols. Drummer Boy tells me Tinker Tom wants to talk to me but he only offers to barter.

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