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CTD every 15 minutes 60FPS


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Processor AMD FX 8350 8-Core 4.0ghz

Memory 16gb

GPU Gtx 1080

SSD 750 GB


PSU 750W


I am on Windows 10 so it could just be the 4gb vram limit but I feel like I don't have that many... but maybe I do. It would help to know which mods effect that the most; texture? scripts? animation/hdt? All of the above?


I have used Loot, Cleaned with TES5Edit, Wyre Bashed patch after cleaning masters.

FNIS generated after every cahange.

All drivers are updated.

Pretty sure I have all the patches needed for conflicts but I could have missed a few, I read the pages carefully but we all miss stuff.

Tried Crash Fixes, Memory Blocks, SKSE memory ini, and plenty of others.

Even uninstalled, deleted Skyrim entirely and reinstalled everything. Very careful in my install order. I keep just creating new characters too just in case it's save bloat or corruption. No potato.


So any help would be very appreciated, Or even a mod list that would cover skyrim romance 3.0 and it's dependencies (like sexlab though I wished they'd used OSEX) hunting/skinning/survival/immersion, graphics that are slightly more bearable then vanilla, though I do love my parallax. But yeah I'm flexible if people can just tell me where I went wrong or if it's just too many of this or that kind of mod I would really appreciate it.


All my other graphic intense video games work blazingly fast on ultra settings. So it's got to be a mod or mods.


Thank you very much in advance for helping me out.


Thanks again,



Oh just noticed the high res textures 1.2.3 were check marked, but through most of the day they have been disabled, since i'm not a fan.

Edited by AriaDragonfly
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ok first thing i noticed is the mods 140-145. Unless the mod author for each of those mods has specifically stated they should be loaded after the bashed patch, then that is where your problem most likely is.


NOTHING should ever be loaded after the bashed patch unless the individual mod author states exactly that.


You might also want to follow my own guide STEP by STEP just to make sure everything is in order and you are not missing any patches.



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Might have been rebuilding my bash patch for 9th time while I was writing this and just ported it into modwatch like that without running loot, but I run loot every time before I enter skyrim, and rebuild my bash and run FNIS and run tes5edit to clean masters and check for errors. Then create a new character (Well I use my preset) and start the game over and over again.

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crash fixes should fix the running out of vram crashes, anyway. loot orders the plugins based on user-submitted metadata, so it can and does sort them wrong. you probably do have some plugin issues, but due to the vast number of possible mod combinations, most of the time you probably won't get a specific answer for your unique situation. i can tell you how to look through and see, though.


open up tes5edit, and load up all of your plugins. once that's done, in the list of plugins over to the left, right-click in the empty space and select "apply filter". the default selections should work, but in the upper-hand left under "by conflict status overall" uncheck the first and fourth boxes that say "single record" and "override without conflict" so you don't have to wade through them. all the other boxes, leave checked. push the button that says "filter" and wait until it's done. all the records you still see are conflicts of varying severity. some will crash your game, and some will just make parts of a mod not work. others you probably wouldn't even notice.


from here, i'd recommend just browsing through and seeing what's going on. hopefully you can find something that's obviously just in the wrong order or maybe causes enough problems that you decide to live without it. also maybe you can search to see if patches exist between some of the mods.

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Might have been rebuilding my bash patch for 9th time while I was writing this and just ported it into modwatch like that without running loot, but I run loot every time before I enter skyrim, and rebuild my bash and run FNIS and run tes5edit to clean masters and check for errors. Then create a new character (Well I use my preset) and start the game over and over again.


no no no


you should NOT be running each program every time you play. You run them all ONCE after all mods are installed, fix any errors they find, then play.


the only time you would run them again is if you either started a new character with new mods, or you added more mods to your load order.


also do NOT ever delete a mod unless you are starting a new character, deleting a mod WILL break the saves EVERY time.

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crash fixes should fix the running out of vram crashes, anyway. loot orders the plugins based on user-submitted metadata, so it can and does sort them wrong. you probably do have some plugin issues, but due to the vast number of possible mod combinations, most of the time you probably won't get a specific answer for your unique situation. i can tell you how to look through and see, though.


open up tes5edit, and load up all of your plugins. once that's done, in the list of plugins over to the left, right-click in the empty space and select "apply filter". the default selections should work, but in the upper-hand left under "by conflict status overall" uncheck the first and fourth boxes that say "single record" and "override without conflict" so you don't have to wade through them. all the other boxes, leave checked. push the button that says "filter" and wait until it's done. all the records you still see are conflicts of varying severity. some will crash your game, and some will just make parts of a mod not work. others you probably wouldn't even notice.


from here, i'd recommend just browsing through and seeing what's going on. hopefully you can find something that's obviously just in the wrong order or maybe causes enough problems that you decide to live without it. also maybe you can search to see if patches exist between some of the mods.


perfect spot on advice, I could not have said it better, ty :)

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Did you not read the part where I said " Then create a new character (Well I use my preset) and start the game over and over again. "


I've been uninstalling mods trying to figure out what is causing the CTD so yes I do have to run them all before starting my new test character who I just have run around Skyrim doing various things testing out the stability and boom CTD. So then I try it all over again, new test character again.


Ymf331 Alright I did what you said, there were only a few bad conflicts and I resolved them, but still getting the CTD. Decided f*#@ it and uninstalled all the mods, deleted skyrim and re-installed it. Chose my mods as carefully as I could only did 75 ran all the programs. New character 10 minutes into running around CTD. Tried it again running around elsewhere CTD.

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