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Looks like a simple case of hitting the Vram limit very fast. You have quite a few visually taxing mods, and yes you have to limit yourself on windows 10 for now unfortunately.

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do you have crash fixes set up in the .ini with useosallocators set to 1, and the preloader .dll in your skyrim folder? are you sure you're running the skse loader with the '-forcesteamloader' argument? one other thing that helps a lot of people is enboost, if you're not already using enb.

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Yeah unfortunately already have all that set up. I try to do as much research and read through as many guides as possible before resorting to a forum post. Just going to reinstall again and see if it's a texture thing, focus on 1k and 2k textures and no more parallax see if that helps at all.

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i bet if you go through and do 2k compressed textures with 1k normals you shouldn't take much of a hit in quality. by copy/pasting the textures somewhere and typing "! *_n.dds" in the explorer search box you can delete everything and run ordenator again like that.


also you can download vanilla textures here that are already done and include the unofficial high-res patch. i got a graphics card bottleneck, so i've taken some pretty extreme measures to get enb running well.

Edited by ymf331
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Thank you ymf331 it's working and it's decent on graphics, not as wonderful as I'd like but acceptable and no longer CTDing which is the important part. I appreciate the help. Used the Optimized textures, went though and picked 1k textures, ran ordenator before installing book of shadows landscape and it seems to be doing fine. About 140 mods.



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