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Heard there was a modder that brought in Bethesda's "Civil War" Mechanic in.


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I found this reddit post of cancelled Skyrim features that linked to a modder supposedly bringing in the Civil War mechanic, that didn't have time to be put in by the developers.


Does it exist?


Sounds really amazing it said modder managed to implement the whole strategy thing they were going on about. I never knew that. Capturing resources, recruiting giants, interesting.

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he took the mod off the nexus because his candidate didn't win the u.s. presidency, iirc.


I heard it was because some social warriors blamed him for racism because he did NOT bring "diversity" in the imperial legion.

Edited by Novem99
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Yes, there was this article about them in Eurogamer


He'd stumbled across a series of scripts called CWScript while making his previous mod, Dragon Combat Overhaul. They related to the civil war, and he realised that he could invoke it through the console to start a siege at Markarth. "As a lark I tried it out, and to my surprise the thing actually worked, was fully voiced, and it was clear that Bethesda had already done all the work. I literally just had to pull out some blocks in the code and it immediately 'worked'." The hard part, he says, was marrying up the hard-scripted battles in the shipped questline with the civil war's dynamic ones.




The console commands he mentions that start the city sieges are "setstage cwsiegequickstart xxxx" where the xxxx is 4-digit number required to start a particular test siege scenario.


Back to the reddit post:

Regardless, each hold was to be won by doing up to TWELVE RADIANT QUESTS, as opposed to up to TWO in vanilla skyrim.


Not really; you would still do a pair of missions per hold, but they would be picked out of a dozen of radiant quest ideas. On top of that, a fort battle could be a 13-th random mission option, and the final hold battle would be a city siege. However, these missions barely evolved out of the embryonic state of a quest idea.


In the planned version, it's my guess that the designers were going to create some kind of map menu for the player to decide which hold he wanted to hit next, and allow the enemy to counterattack as well.

That's just a guess! In fact there's not a lot in the base game to support it. However I like the idea, and I have a mod Open Civil War about it.

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