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Zorlon - Levdia


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OOC> Info on the drug Arturius was asking about


Th drug is produced from CHEweed a small plant that grows in only two or three locations in the Bergen close to the town of Heidal. It has many uses. In very weak concentrations it is a cure for many ailments. It is regularly burned with incence to induce mind-bending visions. If taken orally, or by skin contact, it makes you feel as if you are a god king. Although the reaction when it wears off is pretty ghastly aftre a day or so only the 'high' is remembered. It is highly addictive. Total addiction arriving on the third use of the drug. A secret teleporter is found in a cave close to Heidal. It leads to Colembaru in the dimension of Bashkher where it is transhipped widely throughout the world of Zorlon. Needless to say it commands a very high price. Although production is difficult and slow, the townsfolk of Heidal had managed to accumulate a huge stock as a cushion. The stock was kept in the same cave as the teleporter


The children were never supplied with the drug. They were born to addicts and are sad side effects of the addiction. The parents die leaving the seriously damaged children to be cared for by the town. No one except Varna has been prepared to look after them.


The children are supposedly doomed. Only Vreli has shown any hope of recovery. The damage leaves all the children in great distress. Only by small daily intakes of the drug are they given any rest from pain.


Earlier in the quest (a part not involving any of you) a boy called Tiemmo destroyed the stock. However before he did so he made sure Varna was given an adequate supply to tend her children and any new inmates that she might have to take.


On topic:-


Lurel's party


You make it to Ratz a pretty little village on the river Hamm without further mishap. Merchants from Ratz will sell you any provisions you need and supply food and lodging should you want them. There is nothing special about the place.

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Ford blinks as the man disappears.


"What the... damn. How did he do that!?"


He nods to Lurel in agreement. Later, when they reach Ratz, he looks around and smiles.


"Pretty. Do we need any more supplies? We stocked up well back at Ari's new village. I, personally, after all that could use a little rest though."

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Lurel's Party


Assuming you are all happy with what you have, you look at the lodgings available. There are three possibilities. The tavern 'The End of the Road' perched right on the edge of the river has a few rooms. A more upmarket hostel above a small eating house 'The White Cockade' has more but at a higher price. One house has a sign indicating lodgings. As you are examining these you notice the man you had been questioning entering The White Cockade. He was taking to another very well dressed man and did not notice you.

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"On second thoughts, spending the night here might not be such a good idea," Lurel mutters. "I don't think he's seen us - let's try to keep what little advantage we have, and go now. If their bird is still otherwise occupied they might lose our trail here. Ari, is there another town not too far away, but in the opposite direction from Witten? Let's ask someone for directions there and pretend that's where we're headed... if our friend asks around, with some luck he'll think we have gone there..."
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Siffli says: "Bows you say? Sounds good, that is the best defense against bandits, better to take them from a bit of a distance eh? I mean, one don't want them to come close enough to actually steal anything".


Attempt to Lie: "I'm sort of a trader myself, and I know how to deal with bandits, maybe I can assist you a bit in the chosing of bows and arrows. I mean, if one have a good bow, but a bad arrow, then one isn't someone to count on in a fight. So, what do you say? May I take a look at your weapons? I'm allways glad to help a fellow trader".

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Lurel's party


There is a prominent signpost in the centre of the village, so asking the way to Meers or Luna would sound odd. Better to be overheard saying you are going to one of these places. Either is in the right direction for your ruse.


Siffli and Lisette


Balthasar Zorn opens his hands in a shrug. "Thank you, if you have experience with bows and arrows I would have liked the help. But they are all with the guard. He will be back here within the next three days. By all means come and look at them then."


He pauses for a moment then adds: "I'm sure they were good arrows. I heard that woman expert in the other part of town bought several. She wouldn't buy anything that wasn't top quality and mine were from the same source. She might still have hers. If you do see them come back and tell me what you think. I'll give you a discount on the furs when they come in."

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Ford sighs.


"That guy is starting to get on my nerves. Good idea Lurel, although it looks like there are large obvious signposts pointing to the nearby towns... maybe we should go in there and get some drinks, and then try and hold some conversation about our heading near him?"

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OOC> Off for the weekend. Wait to see where Lurel's party is going before I post for them.


Siffli and Lisette


You leave the mansion and walk towards the second 'inhabited' area of Witten. Then you realise that it is getting dark. Your lodgings are nearby. Do you go back or continue to the second area?

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