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Zorlon - Levdia


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OOC - Sorry to have gone for so long without warning. WAY too much going on and I let this slide.


Lisette peers over the cliff to the muddy bottom below. "Although it is probably more dangerous, I think that we should travel along the bottom there. I'd like to see what those shiny, metallic objects are and I think travelling through the mud might be quicker. I just hope that the tide doesn't come in while we are down there, if we choose that route."

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"I'm more for the cliffs personally... we can see the area below from up there and maybe then we can find a less dangerous route, as you said... besides, for all we know those shiney things could have been put there to lure us into a trap... they look a little bit obvious, don't you think?"
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Lurel looks out across the mudflats, and frowns.


"I don't know," he admits. "I would like to see what those metal things are, but like Ford I feel that this is all too convenient. We arrive here, and the tide is out, and the sun is shining so we can see those objects...."


He gnaws his lip.


"We don't know when the tide is going to turn," he points out, eventually. "For all we know, it could be on its way back in, and we'd get cut off. How about we stay up at cliff level and observe the tide - see how fast it comes in, how far it goes out...just to give us an idea how much time we have. Then, when we do decide to have a look at those shiny things, at least we won't be completely taken by surprise. And if we have a look beyond those cliffs we may find a way where we can get off the mud more easily."


He looks at the others, to see what they make of his suggestion.

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"Sounds good to me. May be a cliche, but 'better to be safe than sorry'. I mean, the tide around here could come in in a matter of seconds. Things don't seem to behave normally around here..."


Ford smiles and looks to the others for their opinion.

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As you are busy discussing the tide a cloud covers the sun and it begins to pour with rain, the type of summer day storm that appears from nowhere. There is no shelter on the storm beach. The winking from the metallic objects continues until the sunlight has gone. A streak of lightning strikes the ground some way behind you. Midge's spoon remains rusty so the storm is presumably natural.
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Ford jumps back from the direction of the lightning.


"Erm... seeking shelter might be a good idea... this storm doesn't seem too friendly..."


He spits as rain gets all over his face and in his mouth as he tries to speak.

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Lurel laughs. "Why do I get the impression that something - or someone - really wants us to climb down to the beach?"


He surveys the terrain. "It's too exposed up here - especially when someone is flinging lightning about. Maybe we should retrace our steps a bit, until this storm passes. I certainly don't want to be caught between the tide and the storm on the beach down there!"

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Ford grins slightly, "Good idea, there must be some shelter around here somewhere..."


He starts looking around for any kind of decent cover from the storm.

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Shelter is not in obvious supply. There is none on the storm beach or the sea beach; the cliffs would be hard to reach and have no caves. Retracing your steps to the lake will eventually get you back to the cave that you emerged from.


You could put up a tent though not easily on the storm beach as there is no secure anchor. Alternatively you can wait it out.


The edge of the cloud is visible and it is moving quickly. It should soon have passed. However it is clear that there are other such squalls on the way.


The birds, getting used to your presence, are starting to make more noise and seem to be behaving more like birds you have come across before. (At least that Lisette and Ford have seen. Tagfier is not noted for birds.)

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"It looks like we're going to buffeted by either storm or surf. Why do we tie one of the tarps between two trees and make a lean to? That way we can keep some of the rain off of us. The rain should also keep the bugs away for now."


Lisette looks around for good place to tie up the tarps.

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