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Zorlon - Levdia


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"They say they will let me out if I help them. So I help them. Then they say I must stay here to help others. I want to be freeeee. I must feel the tempest rattling my ganglions, experience the neural psychosis of drinking the pan-galactic gargle blaster, vibrate to the eternal hum of Ankh-Morpork, give free rein to my repressed pyromanic exhibitionism by torching Hogwarts, collect the elfstones of Shannara and work out why the answer to the wizards first rule is 42. I must..."


The voice will continue in this vein until you can get it to shut up. If you walk away you know it will be there with you for eternity!

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"They wanted me to fill their maps for them. I told them I knew it all. I LIED!!!! Ha! I know only the south west corner of the maze. Even Rand al'Thor that supposed hero recommended by Saruman the White. They all cheat me."


Before you can speak again the voice continues: "I want to pass through the stargates on the starship enterprise to reach Dantoine. I must meet my fellow wizard of Earthsea, understand the sweet Myth-tery of life, meet the assassin's apprentice..."


And so on.

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Lurel grimaces, and looks at Ford. "What do you think - shall we let him out? Not that I expect him to provide us with any useful information..... but it seems cruel to keep someone locked up like that."



Lurel looks under the mat to see if the key is there.

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Under the mat is a piece of paper. On it is written:


If looking here you'll want a key I think

It's in the pot that corresponds to pink

If you can't work it out you're stuck for sure

You'll be here in the maze for ever more.

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Lurel blinks as he reads out the note. "Corresponds to pink..." he mumbles. "And 8 choices - can't help thinking of those heads. Can anyone remember if any of them were pink? The first ones we came to were those 8 at the crossroads - they were sort of brownish..... I suppose. Then there were 6 and 7... they were blue and green... not sure which was which. 5 faces....where were they again? Oh yeah - near that box on the pressure plate. The 4 heads were where we had some food, and the 3 heads had those voices. The two heads were in the room with the headless skeleton..... but can anyone remember what colours they all were?"



Lurel shrugs and stares at the baskets as he tries to remember which number of heads could be called pink.

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"We could let him out... he sounds fairly harmless. I doubt he could think straight enough to try and attack us and even if he did we outnumber him 5 to 1."


Ford blinks.


"A number that corresponds to pink? What?... If we could just remember all the colours of the heads, maybe we could figure it out by adding them together... like, one head plus two heads equals three which also equals pink or something like that. I certainly don't remember seeing any pink heads."

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"I can definitely remember blue ones and green ones," Lurel says. "And some of them were kind of brownish or flesh-coloured - I suppose with some imagination they could be called pink. But we haven't seen the single head yet - for all we know that could be bright pink. So - should we go for the approximation.... I think the 4 heads were sort of pinkish... or should we look for the single head first?"


Lurel looks at the others. "Lisette, Midge, Siffli - would you call any of the heads we've seen so far 'pink'?"


As an afterthought, Lurel calls to the mad wizard: "Do you know how many pink heads there are?"

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