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Zorlon - Levdia


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"Well, I bought 1 carton of tea, 1 small sack of oats, 10 apples and pears, and 3 grape bunches... still not many rations there if this trip could take as long as 2 weeks."


Ford winces slightly.


"Er yeah it will be a bit heavy. The fresh fruit is the majority of the weight though. If we split that between us 50/50 maybe we can manage the other stuff..."

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The shopkeeper sorts out your provisions. "I don't have rations. You'd best buy anything you think you need from one of the farms you'll pass on the way. They usually have too much for themselves. And they often have cured meat. Save carrying it - as far as you get."


He takes 18 gold and hands Lurel - 4 water bottles, one rope, two small tents, 2 groundsheets and a manky pair of gloves.


He looks as if he has done well out of the deal. Most of the customers would haggle for a better price.

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Lurel staggers under the weight of his purchases as he heads back towards the inn. He wonders whether he should have haggled for a better price, but he was in such a hurry....


At least they have some equipment now - he hopes he won't have to carry it all though once they are on their way!


He looks over his shoulder to see if Ford is following him.


"I'm starving," he sighs. "I hope they kept us some of that stew back at the inn."


Something is nagging at him though...there was something the shopkeeper mentioned....


Lurel shrugs, and hopes that he will remember it in time if it was important. For now, his thoughts are occupied with food.

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Ford's stomach lets loose a loud rumble.


"Tell me about it. I wouldn't care if the stew's gone cold and slimey..."


He groans as they slowly make their way back to the inn.

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Lurel sighs audibly when they reach the inn, and somehow rearranges his shopping so that he can push open the door. It is with great relief that he drops his purchases beside Lisette.


"Got some tents as well," he explains. "Apparently it rains a lot over in that direction."


Grinning at Midge he asks: "How's the stew? Did you leave any for us?"


He walks over to the bar, to ask the barmaid for some stew for himself and Ford.

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Ford lumps his backpack full of fruit onto the table.


"And I got fruit! Not to mention some tea and porridge oats..."


He sits down with a loud sigh and stretches.

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Lurel wolfs down his stew. Only when the bowl is already half empty does he slow down and pause long enough to speak.


"We should probably have an early night if we want to leave early tomorrow. Is Padden going to meet us here?"


He dips his spoon into his stew, balances it in front of his mouth so that no lipreader can see what he is saying.


"We need somewhere a bit more private than this to talk over our plans," he murmurs, then gets on with the serious business of eating.


"Good stew," he comments with a happy sigh when he has all but licked his bowl clean.

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Ford nods in agreement as he finishes his stew. He picks the bowl up and drinks the rest of the sauce down before putting the bowl back down on the table. He wipes his mouth on his sleeve and sighs.


"Much be-*URP*... um, excuse me."


He grins slightly.


"Guess I shouldn't have eaten so fast... uh, maybe we could go into one of the rooms to discuss our plans?"

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