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Zorlon - Levdia


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"I remember nothing before I was here. Nothing!! Anima says she brought me here but I do not know where from. Whay do you keep asking? What is it that you think I've done?"
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"Well," Lurel says soothingly, " you see, Anima has been giving us the odd message and clue to help us. So if it was Anima who told us about you, then maybe she's left a message or clue for us here, too, and we're just asking the wrong questions. So maybe if you just tell us whatever you can think of, the message is in there somewhere?"


He sighs. "I don't suppose Anima mentioned anything to you that you should tell visitors?"

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Ford blinks. He whispers to Lurel.


"This one was swapped for the real Shaura then? It would explain why he's acting so strangely..."

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Lurel whispers back: "Do you remember that construct thingy in Anima's house? Maybe this Shaura here is just a means of getting in touch with the real one?"


To Shaura, Lurel says: "A twin? That's interesting. Did she say where she was taking him?"

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"Siffli, I think you had better call the Council, or whatever the group we met with was. This is something they must be told of, quickly."


Lisette shakes her head. "It seems that the Avelyssians weren't the only ones using us."

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Shaura shakes his head. "I don't think it can have been very far. I remember him saying he had to stay within the ward. I am not sure what ward but she answered that it was within three buildings of here and he would be safe. Is he the one you wanted? To tell the truth he sounded a rather angry person."


OOC> To save you time (visiting Strigid to see his 'map') there are twenty five buildings in the relevant radius. Eight are colonies (Alcidians, Ciclidians, Frigillidians, Picidians, Procellarians, Ramphastidians, Sturnidians and Turdidians) each has its own necropolis. There are 9 'cathedrals' - Armoury, Court, Gondola Servicing, Great Market, 'Haunted', Museum, Palace, Theatre and Warehouse. You may use this in your deliberations. I'm away tomorrow (Thursday learning lines, back Friday).

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"If they are only going to one building, it likely is NOT a colony. And I doubt that they would go to Gondola Servicing, Great Market, or Theatre..." Lisette ponders. "Is it possible that he could take the ward with him, and remain safe?"
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