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Creation Club Summer 2017


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Saw Dogtooth's chinese stealth suit in there...

Dogtooth said it wasnt his.


Yeah man. I was kinda tired and jumping to conclusions at the time, cuz y'know, the frigging conference was at 12 flipping AM. Dogtooth already cleared that up in this thread though, and I later admitted it did look different from his if you stare at it and pick out the differences.


I might as well go back and edit my post given it's on the front page of this darned thread.

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I mean the biggest question that has to be answered ASAP, how much is Bethesda paying its creators?


The 25% revenue share under the Valve steam workshop paid mods system was the biggest ripoff of all time, it was simply Bethesda/Valve imposing the rate it used for Dota 2 skins on paid mods and ripping off mod creators big time. Hopefully once Bethesda starts replying to the creators that apply we'll see how much they're paying.


I can easily see Bethesda paying modders 500 bucks to make a horse armor skin for their game, then making hundreds of thousands off microtransactions in Skyrim/Fo4/future gamebryo games because "we had to QA test it extensively therefore we keep all the profit from tens of thousands of sales to ourselves." If instead they shared that revenue 50/50 with partners, it would make much more sense.

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Saw Dogtooth's chinese stealth suit in there...

He stated on his forum it wasn't his, so they're making "new" mods from old ones as well.


Now that you mention it... the visor is a different color... and there may be some other tiny differences in the model if you look at it long enough.


This still presents the obvious problem of free and paid mods that deliver the exact same damned thing.


That is correct; neither the Chinese Stealth Suit, nor the Hellfire featured in the Creators Club are my works.


Maybe its nothing,but I find it highly worrying that mods that already are being currently worked on or done are being used as promo material.....I mean I know bethesda owns the rights,but this seems wrong.

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Saw Dogtooth's chinese stealth suit in there...

He stated on his forum it wasn't his, so they're making "new" mods from old ones as well.


Now that you mention it... the visor is a different color... and there may be some other tiny differences in the model if you look at it long enough.


This still presents the obvious problem of free and paid mods that deliver the exact same damned thing.


That is correct; neither the Chinese Stealth Suit, nor the Hellfire featured in the Creators Club are my works.


Maybe its nothing,but I find it highly worrying that mods that already are being currently worked on or done are being used as promo material.....I mean I know bethesda owns the rights,but this seems wrong.


DT, I think you need to repeat what you just said. Some don't seem to get it.

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I think Paragon might be referring to Bethesdas clever marketing campaign video displaying a few pieces familiar popular content.


On a side note,I am glad that DTs works are not those pictured and that we'll have a free alternative.


I tell you what I will pay for though, a replica of that talking auit from OWB. Loved that thing strangely enough.

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Somehow, I suspect this is a way to circumvent season pass owners... -_-


I'm loving when I hear this "Season Pass" argument!


The season ended with "Nuka-World"! If you buy "Season Tickets" for your favorite sports team that doesn't entitle you to the same seat every year! You also don't get "Play Off" Seats if your team makes it that far!

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Will be interesting to see where this goes. My main concern for the modders who create free content is Bethesda eventually hitting them with copyright infringement claims if their mod just happens to be similar to one they are trying to sell as micro dlc. It will be in their power to do so. Would be nice to see modders get paid for their work from time to time, but the entire community was built around people freely sharing their efforts, both big and small. And doing it without the intent to get paid, but because they loved the games they worked on, and wanted to share their ideas with a mostly awesome community. This CC thing is introducing a new dynamic that has the potential to bring about a rift of sorts. I'm sure it will do well for Bethesda financially, but it'll be interesting to see just how many modders move over to the creator side of the house and stop sharing their work freely with the community. It's completely within their right to do so. We can all do whatever the hell we want. Free or paid, I'm sure this will go on...and on...and on. Nifty debate regardless. It's doubtful I'll ever pay for any kind of full priced bethesda dlc again after this last crapfest they put out. And I've never paid a penny for micro transactions...never will. Others probably do though, otherwise this kind of stuff would have never even taken a foothold in gaming. Good on them. Bet Bethesda loves those people. ;]

Guess we'll see. Can't wait for the micro dlc in ESVI. Oooohhh, you want that uber sword of dynamic boob rendering buttmania that's been in every one of our ES games? Only 500 credits! The dungeon and quest are already in the base game, but you'll need to fork out just a wee bit more cash for the final prize!

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All what I’ve learned about modding came from here, asking freely, and modders helped me freely, if money would be involved I think it would be harder to learn secrets that modders teach, or to copy shared scripts, because I would be a potential competitor, right?

I’m sure most modders are in my situation, adding money to the equation never improves a situation in which everyone is a collaborator, instead a competitor. How less modders will be if it became a job?

My mods are perfect to me, because I made them from me, to me, hoping nothing from other people, just to satisfy myself. If I were "working" to earn money, probably my mods would be worse, a fast product launched with hurries.

That is what is modding about, not about a job, it is a hobby. The problem is that Bethesda noticed that they really are good in making toolsets and wanted to monetize that. There is a saying: "If something is not broken, don't fix it".

Mods are perfect as they are, each attempt to earn money with them will only corrupt the concept for bad. I love Bethesda's modding tools, please, don't follow the path of other enterprises that has destroyed their games to earn few dollars more.
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I've also got to say all of this gloom and doom cracks me up!


This is not payed mods it's Bethesda commissioning mods! This will not stop accepted modders from still releasing and working on their free mods simply because every mod they do will not be accepted into the program and not every proposal they make will not be accepted. If I first pitch a mod to the Creative Club and it's not accepted there is nothing stopping me for still making it.


We also have no clue on how the system will really work! How much they are willing to pay and if their will be download Royalties after project completion.


I'll openly admit I have applied to the Creative Club! I've done this for several reasons,


  1. Bethesda is likely to never publicly disclose the monetary side of this project and the only way to get this info is to be accepted into the program. (So until I have this info I don't know if it's even worth my time)
  2. I want to get more information on how the other aspect of the system will work. Everything that was vaguely talked about in the Creative Club FAQ.
  3. I want to know how much support Bethesda really intends to give to modders. Will Creative Club modders get access to the real Dev tools or will they still have to work with the free version that everyone else gets?
  4. I also just wanted to see if they would even consider me worthy of working with!

Applying for the program does't mean I even have to accept the terms or even if I choose to produce mods for Creative Club. There would likely be an NDA so I wouldn't be able to talk about it publicly.

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