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Creation Club Summer 2017


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The idea that Bethesda or Zenimax will be sending they're lawyers after anyone is a bit of a grasp at the thought of the "evil" of this new campaign isn't it? I am aware that the Creation Club trailer has shown a version of the Chinese Stealth Suit, and the FAQ page shows images of the Hellfire Power Armor; the version of the Chinese Stealth Suit already available on Nexus and Bethnet is in no danger of being taken down, and our version of the Hellfire Power Armor has been given the go ahead, despite releasing alongside its payed counterpart. It is wholly unlikely that they will act in a litigious manner in response to any competing products, lest it becomes a trend for people to recreate free versions of payed content in a serial manner.

This. People often bring up legal action without completely understanding how much it actually costs. That is to say heaps.


Most companies don't put their lawyers to work unless its a super serious issue.


Even though I personally dislike the idea of charging for mod files Im inclined to agree that I doubt bethesda would go that far simply because it would cost them a whole lot of money.


Well I can't help but think you're missing the rather obvious and rather infamous "cease and desist" letter that has killed mods so often in the past. Admittedly that is more common on Moddb. In remains key, however, that an official looking statement and threat can be very persuasive.


I didn't miss that. I said it in one of my earlier posts.


Beth can send cease and desist letters at any time and that is a real concern for shutting down mod authors and their work.


I was just clarifying that it is highly unlikely that any mod author is going to actually be brought to court over the issue and if he is its unlikely that the case would play out in the way the other poster indicated.


Of course not everyone has money for lawyers to fight a case for them so cease and desist letters can be very threatening as you said.


You'll forgive me, I'm sure, I am newly awake and have caught the tail end of the conversation through the night.



As far as I know the case has never been raised, stakes are too high as it were (at least for now). I mean in English Law and certainly Scots, Precedent is a powerful thing.


Not a problem.


Also I can say, having worked in the legal field, that the dreaded cease and desist letter can cost up to 10 grand just to send depending on what exactly you want it to say and how much work you want your lawyer to do.


People often think the law is super serious and that the hammer is going to drop on you instantly if you even come close to violating it but from what ive seen a lot of being a lawyer (esp corporate one) is sending VERY strongly worded letters that you have no hope of backing up and just hoping the other person stops because if he doesn't that could easily mean 500 grand or a whole lot more down the drain for something incredibly stupid.


Well, if I can, I will find the report in the UK of a firm making up their own C&D letters.


I, on the other and lesser hand, am studying it currently.

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From now on i'll only be playing games that don't require hundreds of mod to be halfway decent. ... Witcher 3 [is a] bloody masterpiece and [doesn't] require a single mod.



Witcher 3 was a beautifully produced series of very nice cutscenes. I played, I watched the story, I finished, and I haven't played since.

Meanwhile I'm still finding and downloading new mods that let me continue to enjoy Skyrim and Fallout 4, taking my characters in different directions through different experiences rather than being funneled through a (very well-told) cutscene-based story of one mostly-static character.

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From now on i'll only be playing games that don't require hundreds of mod to be halfway decent. ... Witcher 3 [is a] bloody masterpiece and [doesn't] require a single mod.


Witcher 3 was a beautifully produced series of very nice cutscenes. I played, I watched the story, I finished, and I haven't played since.

Meanwhile I'm still finding and downloading new mods that let me continue to enjoy Skyrim and Fallout 4, taking my characters in different directions through different experiences rather than being funneled through a (very well-told) cutscene-based story of one mostly-static character.



That's solely due to the modding kit not being released in any decent shape yet. IF they do and it allows new quests and areas, W3 will blossom.

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One thing is. If you think that the examples of mods they showed us on the cc video wont be the normal stuff, you need to think about it a little more. They would have showed something good if they had it. What they put there wasnt a joke. They knew a lot of the young console kids will eat all that s*** up. Most adults dont want to be paying what bethesda will charge for mud crab armor. After reading through what everyone says, that is one of the main issues. Second thing is, they wouldnt have said youd be compensated like a normal bethesda dev if your pay is going to be based off of sales, or if you would receive royalty's. My understanding is pay will be based off of how many hours they think it will take to complete the project you propose. Thats it. Its possible theyll pay you for your idea then make it themselves in order to pay you less. We need these things clarified more than anything at this point. I think most people would agree, this is something they could deal with if it was done right. So far it doesnt look like it was. But seeing our beloved mod creators taken advantage of bothers me. To work hand in hand with beth is a lot of peoples dreams, and bethesda knows this. So they are taking advantage of it. People dont feel taken advatage of in the moment, sometimes it takes a friend to say dude your getting f***ed for you to realize it. With there being money involved in mods, and looking at how bethesda has acted in the past, it would surprise the hell out of me if modders dont end up getting dmca takedowns for anything similar to things that are published onto the cc first. IMO we need to unify and try to get the answers. Since this whole thing they are doing isnt possible without YOU. Im just a grateful user that hopes the best for the community... Posted in the wrong place first

Edited by b1zz781
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One thing is. If you think that the examples of mods they showed us on the cc video wont be the normal stuff, you need to think about it a little more. They would have showed something good if they had it. What they put there wasnt a joke. They knew a lot of the young console kids will eat all that s*** up. Most adults dont want to be paying what bethesda will charge for mud crab armor. After reading through what everyone says, that is one of the main issues. Second thing is, they wouldnt have said youd be compensated like a normal bethesda dev if your pay is going to be based off of sales, or if you would receive royalty's. My understanding is pay will be based off of how many hours they think it will take to complete the project you propose. Thats it. Its possible theyll pay you for your idea then make it themselves in order to pay you less. We need these things clarified more than anything at this point. I think most people would agree, this is something they could deal with if it was done right. So far it doesnt look like it was. But seeing our beloved mod creators taken advantage of bothers me. To work hand in hand with beth is a lot of peoples dreams, and bethesda knows this. So they are taking advantage of it. People dont feel taken advatage of in the moment, sometimes it takes a friend to say dude your getting f***ed for you to realize it. With there being money involved in mods, and looking at how bethesda has acted in the past, it would surprise the hell out of me if modders dont end up getting dmca takedowns for anything similar to things that are published onto the cc first. IMO we need to unify and try to get the answers. Since this whole thing they are doing isnt possible without YOU. Im just a grateful user that hopes the best for the community... Posted in the wrong place first


Once you sign your mod away to Bethesda its no longer yours. You need to realize that. Any claim you have is gone and if you want to make a better version or another mod using those assets...Nope. That's now Creation Club property. Say they pay you $500 for your creation then turn it into a full blown DLC and turn around and make 2 million in profits selling it. You have no ground to stand on or claim to make for additional compensation.


But that will only happen to a few people. The most most damage will come down the road when a new game is released, then everything will be behind the pay wall.

Edited by MrJoseCuervo
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I'm already concerned about this shift in focus with ESO and the new Morrowind, trying to capture die hard fans from way back into this semi-single-player experience, trying to coax you into the pay to play, sorry - pay for content, game.


Fallout Shelter was the first of it. Once they say how much profits in the first week alone it is clear that Zenimax got a hard on for micro trans. ESO wasn't that popular as I understand it, in comparison.


Half of me wonders now that they keep saying they aren't making TES 6 for a long time is because they are considering overhauling Creation to be a locked down CC only platform, not necessarily all paid, but completely controlled, so Bethesda can monitor the good contents and make offers on it while shutting the likes of that site that shall not be named for its filthy content, which I know they detest.


But hey I'm not psychic and I'm not a lawyer and I'm not Zenimax. Its clear they are stopping at nothing now though

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What I meant earlier with C&D and take downs is that if the creation club bolossoms they at one point could be in a position to try it. Again this could be against mod authors or it could be against the nexus. It just depends right now they will coexist but at some point they will want more. There are several reasons this could happen and there are several reasons it couldn't.
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