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Creation Club Summer 2017


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This is what I hope doesn't happen to the Modder's in the community think of the gopher as the modder everything else as the mass of bethesda.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1abPOt5zFs&sns=tw via @youtube



Bethesda always seems to find ways of ruining the good things in life or making then worse

Edited by mortisedsnail35
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If CC takes off and does Ok, then I think it might work for the community for awhile. It seems to me that they are just trying to get a foot in the door and have something to build on. Eventually as they have a sizeable stable of mod devs under their roof they might stop supporting free mods all together. I mean if they reverse their position on support for free modding what will happen? Would the community have any grounds for legal action? I don't think so. Unfortunately they are in control where their intellectual properties are concerned. The only thing supporters of free modding can do is create another internet outrage against this. Nip it in the bud- so to speak. This will work for just so long though. I'm sad that I only recently started to enjoy these wonderful, game changing mods from a community full of talented creative idealists. The only way I see for the community to ultimately flourish without threat is for more support of Indie games or the like- with a legal agreement in place that protects both parties. I would be more interested in paying for games developed by this community anyway as they are simply more talented and unrestrained by any corporate oversight or meddling. It always boils down to money and if I need to donate here or elsewhere to help- then I will. :geek:

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I don't want to know, what Bethesda wants to try here. All i know, it's not for the community. It's all about THEIR money. They want more.


They want to lure mod makers with comments like: "Work together with us! Get access to new tools and knodwledge!"

They can't even deliver an "okay" game. From the technical side, Fallout 4 is a mess. Its a patchwork game. All their new techniques, they used... Its f***ing horriable. The problems that exist, can't be solved. Mods that modfiy cell, are a huge pain. The issues can't be resolved, without a major rework of the engine. So when they say, they will ensure that it will work with your savegame.


Oh hey, i just bought a mod that was verified by Bethesda and adds new quests to the commonwealth. Now i just lost 30 fps in most areas. Game is nearly unplayable. But hey, "it works with your savegame"


Fallout 4 has still soooo many bugs and issues. They want to "help" the community? Then fix your s*** and optimize it!



I'm a mod author myself and i spend a lot of my free time for modding. Its my second job. But why do i spend so much time and without getting payed? Because i like what i do, I enjoy my work. Never did for money. Never did it for fame. Of course it nice, when you receive some donations, etc. But money should never be the reason to be in the modding community. It was always about making the game better, that we all love. Bringing your ideas to life. Creating a community that helps each other. I have no respect for money greedy mod authors. If you think, people should pay you for your "valueable" time. Spend it somewhere else and don't toxic the community. Everyone is replaceable. The institute already proved that.



CC will make piracy great again.

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If CC takes off and does Ok, then I think it might work for the community for awhile. It seems to me that they are just trying to get a foot in the door and have something to build on. Eventually as they have a sizeable stable of mod devs under their roof they might stop supporting free mods all together. I mean if they reverse their position on support for free modding what will happen? Would the community have any grounds for legal action? I don't think so. Unfortunately they are in control where their intellectual properties are concerned. The only thing supporters of free modding can do is create another internet outrage against this. Nip it in the bud- so to speak. This will work for just so long though. I'm sad that I only recently started to enjoy these wonderful, game changing mods from a community full of talented creative idealists. The only way I see for the community to ultimately flourish without threat is for more support of Indie games or the like- with a legal agreement in place that protects both parties. I would be more interested in paying for games developed by this community anyway as they are simply more talented and unrestrained by any corporate oversight or meddling. It always boils down to money and if I need to donate here or elsewhere to help- then I will. :geek:

Bethesda would be shooting themselves in the foot if they didn't support free mods. Free modding first brings people to the game and also helps create those modders that might want to make quality Creation Club Content.

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I don't want to know, what Bethesda wants to try here. All i know, it's not for the community. It's all about THEIR money. They want more.


They want to lure mod makers with comments like: "Work together with us! Get access to new tools and knodwledge!"

They can't even deliver an "okay" game. From the technical side, Fallout 4 is a mess. Its a patchwork game. All their new techniques, they used... Its f***ing horriable. The problems that exist, can't be solved. Mods that modfiy cell, are a huge pain. The issues can't be resolved, without a major rework of the engine. So when they say, they will ensure that it will work with your savegame.


Oh hey, i just bought a mod that was verified by Bethesda and adds new quests to the commonwealth. Now i just lost 30 fps in most areas. Game is nearly unplayable. But hey, "it works with your savegame"


Fallout 4 has still soooo many bugs and issues. They want to "help" the community? Then fix your s*** and optimize it!



I'm a mod author myself and i spend a lot of my free time for modding. Its my second job. But why do i spend so much time and without getting payed? Because i like what i do, I enjoy my work. Never did for money. Never did it for fame. Of course it nice, when you receive some donations, etc. But money should never be the reason to be in the modding community. It was always about making the game better, that we all love. Bringing your ideas to life. Creating a community that helps each other. I have no respect for money greedy mod authors. If you think, people should pay you for your "valueable" time. Spend it somewhere else and don't toxic the community. Everyone is replaceable. The institute already proved that.



CC will make piracy great again.

If you want to make free mods that's your choice, but it's the other mod authors choice to make their "mods" under creation club if they want to.

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Please lets be civil no need to insult each other.


I personally think the CC is fantastic idea. Pay Bethesda more money to fix their dull shallow games. Its a win win for them. Personally I probably wont buy another Bethesda title unless it has The Witcher 3 levels of depth in its quests and story. Before, I could let a lot of their faults slide but if they have the time and money to help modders produce this fantastic content they keep going on about (not saying the modders don't make fantastic content just saying fantastic content under Bethesda's rules) then I am (to an unfair extent) going to expect a lot more polish from their games and expect more depth in their quests, story, and game mechanics.


I mean there is no reason not to right? They are working directly with the mod authors on their current game so they should be adding the most popular mechanics into the next game or have those mods out day 1 and ready to sell to the fan base. Probably the latter rather than the former.


I guess all I can really say is this. IF they do not handle this situation tactfully and appropriately then they stand to lose more than they gain. Mods for their games are the only reason they remain relevant. Especially Skyrim and Fallout 4. Skyrim because it is a 6 year old game and still gets new mods everyday and those mods change it in ways that can make it feel like a brand new game. Fallout 4 because it was a pretty meh game with what felt like a lot of unfinished and unpolished mechanics that over the past two years the mod community has patched, fixed, and enhanced to make it a pretty fun game.


I will say I know that free mods aren't going away....yet. WE simply do not know what Bethesda will try in their future games. Hell CC launches this summer in just a few weeks and we know next to nothing about it. SO its not hard to imagine that at this point anything is possible. Judging from they way many of you have spoken Bethesda has lost a great deal of confidence from the modding community and its fanbase and at least with me they are going to have to restore a lot of that lost confidence before I give them another penny.

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Fallout 4 has still soooo many bugs and issues. They want to "help" the community? Then fix your s*** and optimize it!

One of the only good things I could remotely conceive coming from this is that they extend the support period of the game and continue making patches. But this is Bethesda we're talking about, that's not going to happen either.

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Personally I probably wont buy another Bethesda title unless it has The Witcher 3 levels of depth in its quests and story.



Witcher 3 has that depth of story because it's really a very linear game. You are given a pre-generated character with an extensive backstory, and level-gated zones with linear quests heavily backed with cutscenes. And let's be honest, a lot of the secondary quests were "go kill X and bring back its head".

The best ES/FO games story-wise have been the opposite. Make any character you want, and the backstory is generic enough to allow for it. The map is open-world, with numerous quest lines to run through in mostly any order, or you can just head out and explore.


They are two different sides of the coin of what can be a good RPG, and I think expecting Bethesda to suddenly give up their game model after all these years and start making linear Witcher 3 style games would be not only unrealistic but counter-productive.

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He has a point though, FO4 really didn't meet anyone's expectations regarding depth of story. No, I don't whant Bethesda titles to be a cinematic linear experience like Witcher 3. But I do want them to be up to todays standards. Also, FO4 tried to do something in between (open world with kind of pre-generated character and storyline), which really didn't work at all.


/ My biggest fear really is that TES6 might be more like FO4 than Skyrim in terms of design. Then again, I'm not 18 anymore, so I guess I stopped being videogame peer group some time ago. So yeah, not sure Bethesda titles will continue to meet my expectations.

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If its true what was said. That a person that was accepted got hit with an nda. Its not looking good at all. Sometimes you must sacrifice what you want for the greater good. I feel like not alienating your community is a good place to start..... If the next tes or fo are like Fo4. And the creation club is what we think it is, there wont be a community to make good mods. It will all be swill micro transaction bullshit.

Edited by b1zz781
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