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Creation Club Summer 2017


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According to a handful sources I googled, Horse Armor was sold for $2.50 on the Xbox, and just $1.99 on PC. They were once $5. On April Fools Day, while the rest of the DLCs were half-price.

Edited for clarity.

Edited by DSPiron
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Any move to privatize the modding should be fought against tooth and nail. Their past actions shows their intent as do other non-public disclosures.


They want to monetize modding 100% and completely, just like they attempted to before. Nothing has changed other than their tactics for accomplishing it with the least harm to their brand as possible. They kept this well hidden. I didn't find out until 3 days before E3. Their motives are not altruistic, not in the slightest. I have heard other things that I refuse to believe, like long term they want to not release to PC at all.

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According to a handful sources I googled, Horse Armor was sold for $2.50 on the Xbox, and just $1.99 on PC. They were once $5. On April Fools Day, while the rest of the DLCs were half-price.


Edited for clarity.

Oh no. It was $5.99 for a long time, and yes you are correct, they considered that a DLC

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Any move to privatize the modding should be fought against tooth and nail. Their past actions shows their intent as do other non-public disclosures.


They want to monetize modding 100% and completely, just like they attempted to before. Nothing has changed other than their tactics for accomplishing it with the least harm to their brand as possible. They kept this well hidden. I didn't find out until 3 days before E3. Their motives are not altruistic, not in the slightest. I have heard other things that I refuse to believe, like long term they want to not release to PC at all.

Why? What shows their intent? What exactly IS their intent? Why would they cut their own throats by killing off one of the avenues that gives their games the longevity they have? There is STILL an active Morrowind modding community. Why on earth would beth want to change that? It isn't like they are hurting for money....... (although, I am sure they feel that 'more is better'.....)


And where did you get the idea they want to monetize it 100%? That would most certainly kill it, and they are very much aware of that. They would be cutting their own throats with that action. Their pool of modders that wanted to participate in CC, would immediately dry up. There are MANY mod authors that have flatly stated they do NOT want to monetize their mods, at all, ever. They don't want to participate in CC, they didn't want to participate in Paid Mods 1.0. In all reality, they represent the MAJORITY of mod authors... Not a single one of them thinks they are going to be able to make a living doing mods. Not in the current environment. Nor in any foreseeable future. There are those that would love to get a JOB at bethesda though.... and CC might be a 'foot in the door' for that. From Beth's perspective, it's a 'try before you buy' kind of thing. They get to see how an individual performs, how they interact with the team, and the quality of their work. Wouldn't be the first time Beth actually HIRED a mod author, because of the work they had done on these games.

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I am in no position to judge


And that is all I need to hear to know just how little you understand the Creation Engine or the Creation kit but, Sure lets get back to topic.


Where is the proof that the Creation Club will ruin the community or even have any effect on it other then a few mods falling behind a Pay Wall?


I suspect it will have little impact on the PC players at all but, for console players it's could be a game changer. (But I know from other topics how you feel about anyone who chooses to play on a console so you don't even need to bother telling me you don't care about them!)



Where is your proof that the CC won't destroy the community? Guess we'll see. We're all just making assumptions here. The response has been pretty negative so far. Those that support this are obviously in the minority.


I think this is a crap move by Bethesda. And with their track record of treating smaller developers, I have little faith they won't take this as an opportunity to screw over the modding community as a whole. So a handful of modders get a little money? Whoopdeefreakingdoo. There are literally thousands of modders who won't. And some of those may end up receiving C&D letters because their mods may look or act similar to what will be on the CC. If money is involved, you can bet they'll pursue some sort of action. Even if it's just threatening letters. Hell, I've done that with video work I've done with people who stole my material. It's very simple. Bethesda will have no issue doing it.


So...no. In my opinion, it's just not worth it. It's going to cause a rift in the community. Worse than the last time they tried this. You want to make money modding games? Pick another game. There are plenty out there.

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I am real curious how you think this is going to "destroy" the modding community. Nothing is really changing here. Beth is simply offering more Official DLC for already existing games. They are only going to be able to deal with a few projects at a time, it's not like they are going to have 500 projects going, so none of those authors will be working on "free" stuff. All the gloom and doom is a waste of your time, and emotional energy. You are buying trouble you don't have. Why do folks do that?



here is my worst fear for the modding community.

there is a limit on how many mods you can put in your game.

free mods are direct competition to paid mods.

other game publishers are making it illegal to mod their games.

other game publishers are removing console commands from their games so you have to buy cheat codes.

every free mod you install means less space for paid mods.

personally, I don't have room to add any more mods and there are still plenty of mods on Nexus for me to try before resorting to the CC market place.

the only way I'd be interested in paid mods would be if they were the only option.

what happens when the marketing people at Zenimax realise they can increase their profits by serving a C&D on F4SE, etc, and the only extra content for all their games is behind a paywall?

true, the DLC will come from the ideas of people who play the games, but it would be the end of modding as a hobby.


the PC market is tiny compared to Xbox and Playstation. most of the PC gamers will still buy fallout and elder scroll games, even without a modding community to provide free content and almost endless customisation.

the console market especially has already shown that it is happy with microtransactions to do everything from adding new content to unlocking existing content without having to earn it through playing the game.

that is the market that pays the bills and that is the market they will focus on. most games now are built for consoles and ported to PC. if PC users boycott publishers then all that will do is give them the excuse to save some time and money porting games to PC and then testing it out on a variety of CPU/GPU combinations to iron out as many bugs as possible before the ridiculously optimistic release date forced on them by marketing and advertising.


an upside of this could be that they invest in a more stable engine built for new PCs so that all the existing tools become obsolete.

Edited by mighty zog
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I am real curious how you think this is going to "destroy" the modding community. Nothing is really changing here. Beth is simply offering more Official DLC for already existing games. They are only going to be able to deal with a few projects at a time, it's not like they are going to have 500 projects going, so none of those authors will be working on "free" stuff. All the gloom and doom is a waste of your time, and emotional energy. You are buying trouble you don't have. Why do folks do that?



here is my worst fear for the modding community.

there is a limit on how many mods you can put in your game.

free mods are direct competition to paid mods.

other game publishers are making it illegal to mod their games.

other game publishers are removing console commands from their games so you have to buy cheat codes.

every free mod you install means less space for paid mods.

personally, I don't have room to add any more mods and there are still plenty of mods on Nexus for me to try before resorting to the CC market place.

the only way I'd be interested in paid mods would be if they were the only option.

what happens when the marketing people at Zenimax realise they can increase their profits by serving a C&D on F4SE, etc, and the only extra content for all their games is behind a paywall?

true, the DLC will come from the ideas of people who play the games, but it would be the end of modding as a hobby.


the PC market is tiny compared to Xbox and Playstation. most of the PC gamers will still buy fallout and elder scroll games, even without a modding community to provide free content and almost endless customisation.

the console market especially has already shown that it is happy with microtransactions to do everything from adding new content to unlocking existing content without having to earn it through playing the game.

that is the market that pays the bills and that is the market they will focus on. most games now are built for consoles and ported to PC. if PC users boycott publishers then all that will do is give them the excuse to save some time and money porting games to PC and then testing it out on a variety of CPU/GPU combinations to iron out as many bugs as possible before the ridiculously optimistic release date forced on them by marketing and advertising.


an upside of this could be that they invest in a more stable engine built for new PCs so that all the existing tools become obsolete.


Hhhmmm, the editor is being uncooperative...


In any event, it is BECAUSE PC is less than a third of the market for beth games, that they have no reason to mess with free mods. Also, keep in mind, beth and steam cooperated to make the various script extenders work on steam games. Are you expecting Beth to completely reverse course in their support of modding their games?


And one could argue that beth doing away with free mods, could just as easily REDUCE their profits on their games. One of the major appeals of beth's open world games, is BECAUSE there are free mods, and beth releases the modding tools. (which the companies fighting AGAINST modders do not. also, they shut down one project that hacked the code of the game executable... already a violation of the games EULA. so, totally different situation there.)


At this point, we don't know what is going to happen, how well it is going to work, or what impact it will have on the community. Everyone is just shooting in the dark, which, in reality, is pointless, and likely just an exercise in frustration. It's obvious that some folks want to preach their gloom and doom, and nothing anyone else says is going to change their minds, so, I am going to stop trying. In the end, the CC IS coming. End of Story. As for everything else, we will just have to wait and see what happens.

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But lets not get derailed. This topic is about how the Creation Club will destroy modding.



No. I didn't create this thread with the intention of it being about the CC destroying modding at all. Nowhere in my opening post did I state it is about destroying modding at all. I created it for the discussion of CC on the positives and negatives it may have. A neutral position on my part.

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But lets not get derailed. This topic is about how the Creation Club will destroy modding.



No. I didn't create this thread with the intention of it being about the CC destroying modding at all. Nowhere in my opening post did I state it is about destroying modding at all. I created it for the discussion of CC on the positives and negatives it may have. A neutral position on my part.



Your intentions are irrelevant.

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