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Changing the appearance of a weapon


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Hello. Thank you for any help you may provide, Sorry if I may be a bit slow, I'm new to this.


I want to use this sword: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56438/?


To replace the normal steel sword and use certain parts from this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12060/? To replace some axes and warhammers.


How do I do that? can anyone provide a step by step guide? Thank you in advance.

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the easiest way would be to just rename the meshes and textures and overwrite the vanilla assets.


If he renames the textures then he would have to edit the texture paths inside the .nif files as well. Renaming the meshes will be sufficient in this case.

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the easiest way would be to just rename the meshes and textures and overwrite the vanilla assets.


If he renames the textures then he would have to edit the texture paths inside the .nif files as well. Renaming the meshes will be sufficient in this case.




my bad he right. leave them textures be.


But which parts should I replace?


The Baron has






Steel has:

















No mention of any 2 handed weapons, and as for the sword, I guess baron.nif goes for SteelSwordLeft.nif and 1personbaron.nif goes for SteelSwordSheath.nif?

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i'm pretty sure the left comes from dual sheath redux, and steelsword.nif would be the one that actually exists packed in the vanilla archive. the greatsword would be steelgreatsword.nif.


here is a bunch of patches that include left hand meshes for dsr, but i didn't see that sword in there. otherwise you can probably try and flip the mesh in nifskope. there are some instructions if you wanna' get into that in the dsr downloads.

Edited by ymf331
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i'm pretty sure the left comes from dual sheath redux, and steelsword.nif would be the one that actually exists packed in the vanilla archive. the greatsword would be steelgreatsword.nif.


here is a bunch of patches that include left hand meshes for dsr, but i didn't see that sword in there. otherwise you can probably try and flip the mesh in nifskope. there are some instructions if you wanna' get into that in the dsr downloads.

I know how to make DSR patches but that's not what i'm looking for, I use sword and shield anyway so as long as I use a DSR compatible shield I should be good to go. BUt steelsword.nif is not there. Where is the vanilla archive?

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nah, you put them in skyrim > data > meshes > weapons > whatever(iron/steel/etc). the loose files will overwrite whatever is in the archive.


if you need a reference for which files are which without needing to extract the archive yourself, you can try this.

Edited by ymf331
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