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Implacable after last kill, PLEASE!


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So this has been bothering me for a long time. With the alien hunter dlc, comes the coveted axe, thrown with a free action. Great.

I like implacable on my rangers. However, half the time its completely useless, because i will move in, kill 1 enemy with axe, (This procs implacable), then kill another enemy with shotgun from the same position, (implacable is now "spent") So now im sitting there out in the open, because it was decided that implacable procs on the first kill and not the last of the turn. Stupid imo. Can we get a mod that refreshes implacable on the last kill of the turn?


I will name my firstborn after you!


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This might do it: AWC Cost & Other Fixes

Okay I tried this, turning only the option for implacable on. But if i do a move > axe throw kill, it refunds my whole previos move, so it makes it very overpowered imo, as i can move blue length, axe kill, get full move length refunded, meaning i can now do a dash + slash attack or a blue move (again) then kill AND then move back with implacable. Too powerful.

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