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F4SE launch just opens Steam Store


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I feel more than a little stupid coming here to ask this, considering how long I've been using script extenders. However I have an issue that I think I have tried everything to fix, except dancing naked in the rain, hopping on one foot and carrying a chicken.


Let me explain.


Fallout 4 with the F4se used to work. Then right before Far Harbor came out I had stopped playing and uninstalled the game completely. I was getting a new drive and wanted to install it on that (since Steam allows that now with ease) as I really didn't have the room on the original drive. I have other Steam games installed on the same drive I was putting F4 and they all work fine.


Sometime after Nuka World came out I decided to reinstall and had this same issue then. Frustrated I just uninstalled again. I decided the other day to give it another go since there aren't updates all the time and all. Well the vanilla game runs fine. If I install F4se and launch from the f4se loader it acts like it will start but then brings up Steam store page. I do not use NMM or MO. I'm old school, yo.


I have tried

1) renaming the f4se loader to the fallout4launcher

2) changing the "set launch options" under the games Steam properties to the f4se loader

3) doing this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=682660057

4) restarted computer, restarted Steam, validated files

5) tried adding the f4se loader as a non-steam game to launch from there

6) threatening computer with baseball bat


All of these except #6 result in the Steam Store coming up and nothing else. Well actually #6 does also.


I'm at a loss. As I said Fallout 4 and the F4SE worked fine before. It has not worked since. I am pretty mod saavy. I have been using them for 9 years now and use the script extender on every Beth game that has one.


If someone uses Steam to launch their Fallout 4 (and not NMM or MO, I don't want to use those) and can give me some exact instructions I would greatly appreciate it. Kudos for whoever wishes to tie their rope to my star that is about to go angry supernova. (lol)


Thanks in advance.

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Just tried that (and nothing else-no other changes. Just launched from the loader as admin) Still goes to steam store.

Re-started Steam..still not working.


Should I try any of the other "fixes" now that I have disabled it?

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I saw a thread about this relatively recently, and there was actually a fix, but, for the life of me, I can't find it now....... I had thought it was on the beth forums, but, doesn't appear to be there now. (this was just in the last couple days.....) I tired a google search, and saw some stuff for FO3...... and a lot of the fixes was stuff you have already tried...... Unfortunately, there simply was not a lot of results.....


I really hate to ask this... but, you do have FOSE installed in the same folder as Fallout4.exe, right? (please don't hit me. :D )

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  On 6/20/2017 at 2:52 PM, Lisnpuppy said:

Yes I do

Figured as much, not like you haven't been doing this for a while. :D But, had to ask anyway.....


I would be tempted to put all the settings back to whatever the default is, disable steam overlay, and see what happens.

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