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High-End PC cant run skyrim without lag?


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Hey, I recently built a custom PC and wanted to pimp out skyrim and make it look like a current game. However I instead get crazy fluctuation with my FPS.

It usually stays around 50-60 but constantly dips down to 1-15 and right back up to 50-60. Basically unplayable.

My Specs:


Geforce 1080 Ti

32Gb Ram


500Gb SSD

Gigabite Aorus z270x motherboard


I feel my PC has the capacity to withstand these following mods because it can get to 60 and stay there for a few seconds at a time before it starts to stutter.



My Graphic Mod list:

Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch ==FPS==
Optimized Vanilla Textures ==FPS==
Ruins Clutter Improved ==FPS==
Ultimate HD Fire Effects ==FPS==
HD Enhanced Terrain ==FPS==
Static Mesh Improvement Mod ==FPS==

NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K ==FPS==

Vivid Landscapes - All in One ==FPS==
aMidianBorn Caves and Mines ==FPS==
4k Parallax Mines by Pfuscher ==FPS==
Parallax Bridges by Pfuscher ==FPS==
Immersive Roads==FPS==

Skyrim Flora Overhaul ==FPS==

Skysight - Simply Bigger Trees ==FPS==
4K Parallax Treebark ==FPS==

Realistic Aspen Trees 4k 2k 1k ==FPS==
Enhanced Vanilla Trees ==FPS==

Immersive Fallen Trees Mod ==FPS==
Fences of Skyrim ==FPS==

Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin ==FPS==

High Definition Ivy ==FPS==
Replacement Ivy ==FPS==
Realistic Water Two ==FPS==

Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two ==FPS==
Transparent wave spray Retexture by Pfuscher ==FPS==
aMidianBorn Landscape ==FPS==

Solstheim landscape and furniture ==FPS==
aMidianBorn Solstheim Landscape ==FPS==

Skyrim 2016 Terrain Parallax by Pfuscher ==FPS==

Whiterun Streets

Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Two ==FPS==
Project Parallax Remastered ==FPS==

Project Parallax Revived

Dust Effects ==FPS==


Climates of Tamriel (COT)

Supreme Storms ==FPS==

Wonders of Weather

True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone ==FPS==

Lightning during Thunder Storms ==FPS==

Enhanced Lights and FX (ELFX) ==FPS==

JK's Skyrim ==FPS==


Real Skyrim Snowflakes - Vivid Snow ==FPS==

RealVision ENB


​I have more mods but these are the only ones contributing to the graphics.

​I have used the mod Bethini which changed my ini's into a preset which should have helped (but didn't) and tried uninstalling some demanding mods like "Skyrim flora overhaul" "4K treebark" which still didn't help much.


I get the most lag when in cities with JK cities overhaul mixed with NobleSkyrim textures but love the look of them together and wouldn't want to get rid of them.

Are there any ways to increase my overall FPS other than removing any mods?




















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I had the same experience, with a powerful rig. In my opinion the source of the problem is obvious: It's Skyrim.


I am assuming that you are talking about old skyrim, not skyrim special edition when I say this. Your computer isn't the problem, the skyrim game engine is bottlenecking your maximum performance. Also being a 32 bit application doesn't help, which limits the memory it can use to 3.1 gb (either ram or vram I forget which) before it crashes (skyrims 'memory leak problem'). If you have windows 10, it gets worse as DirectX 9 applications have capped Vram usage.


TLDR: The problem is Skyrim's limited game engine which cannot use your hardware to it's maximum potential, no matter how good it is.


When I was in your position, I simply tolerated the periodic stutters. So I don't have much in the way of a solution. I'm guessing you probably already have SKSE and EnBoost installed. You could try consulting the Skyrim Total Enhancement Project Guide, which has tips on tweaking skyrim for optimum expereince.

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I had the same experience, with a powerful rig. In my opinion the source of the problem is obvious: It's Skyrim.


I am assuming that you are talking about old skyrim, not skyrim special edition when I say this. Your computer isn't the problem, the skyrim game engine is bottlenecking your maximum performance. Also being a 32 bit application doesn't help, which limits the memory it can use to 3.1 gb (either ram or vram I forget which) before it crashes (skyrims 'memory leak problem'). If you have windows 10, it gets worse as DirectX 9 applications have capped Vram usage.


TLDR: The problem is Skyrim's limited game engine which cannot use your hardware to it's maximum potential, no matter how good it is.


When I was in your position, I simply tolerated the periodic stutters. So I don't have much in the way of a solution. I'm guessing you probably already have SKSE and EnBoost installed. You could try consulting the Skyrim Total Enhancement Project Guide, which has tips on tweaking skyrim for optimum expereince.


thanks man,

All your assumptions were correct; I have SKSE and ENBoost and the 2011 version of skyrim. If I were aware of all the limitations the old Skyrim had I would have just bought the newer version...


Appreciate your reply

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Not sure if it's forcely caused by the game itself. Neither I think it's your PC.


I have installed a bunch of graphics mods, most of them even are 4k textures if they offered them to download.

The pity thing is that my PC specs in general are worse than yours. I have 16GB of RAM, a FX 8350 AMD processor and the GTX 1060 Ti with 6GB. My game runs with 50-60 FPS. Of course sometimes I happen to have FPS drops, but only occassionally when further textures are loading.


However, there was a thing that made the game very laggy and also affected my CPU temperature by at least 20 degrees.


Do you have any mods installed that you meet more enemies? I for example installed the 'Walking dead' mod that spawns zombies (like Draugr). Now after I was level 70+ the amount of zombies gained and sometimes there even were up to hundred zombies at once. That caused my game to heavily lag, my FPS went under 10 even.

After I have uninstalled that mod, the game worked way better than before.



I don't think it neccessarily is limited to graphics mods. Your CPU is quite new, which means that Skyrim, a 32bit application might not be able to use the full potential of the power.




I advise you to download this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6491/?

With it you can view your PC usage, such as your CPU, RAM and VRAM. Maybe you find something suspicious.

Edited by Mayarilana
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Don't listen to these "That's because of Skyrim's limitation. There's nothing you can do about it" voices.


With this hardware and this mod list (or any mod list!) you should NOT have any performance issues. I have way more texture mods than you and my PC is not nearly as good as yours and I have solid 60fps indoors and ~45-50 fps outdoors.


You should get 60fps no matter where you are, what you are looking at or who stands beside you.


I would guess you didn't have setup your enblocal properly.

Edited by Novem99
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