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broken textures with mgso 3.0, tamriel rebuilt, and morrowind rebirth 4.13


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Tamriel rebuilt and Morrowind rebirth worked fine together, but once I added MGSO 3.0, I started having broken textures for most objects and some npc in the morrowind mainland. warning text file and load order are attached. Any ideas on what may be causing this or suggestions to fix the broken textures are appreciated.

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I have updated the load order with mlox (I think I did it correctly) and the issue is still present, Tamriel Data is loaded. Tamriel Rebuilt works fine with my other mods just not with MGSO 3.0. If it helps, my copy of morrowind is the one from steam, and the previous load order was created with the nexus mod manager. If additional information is required please tell me, and I will provide it to the best of my ability. updated load order and warnings files attached.

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Have you edited your morrowind.ini to register BSAs? Unlike later games that doesn't happen automatically.


With Rebirth, these probably won't work properly:

_005_ Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm (AFAIK there's a Rebirth-specific version)

_006_ Poorly Placed Object Fix 1.2.esm

_007_ Texture Fix 2.0.esm


Some of the other "add stuff to the gameworld" mods probably won't work with Rebirth as it makes large changes to the world.


Have you added the MGSO unofficial patch by john.moonsugar?


Not sure what's causing this:

Object reference "TR_m1_Drenar Valeth"

missing in master file.


Current file "TR_Travels.esp"

Cell "Boethiah's Spine Region"

tes3cmd's multipatch plugin could help - http://wiki.theassimilationlab.com/mmw/TES3cmd - restores renamed cells.


What's MUNDIS.esp?

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Dragon, I thank you for mentioning that I have to manually register the bsa files, I completely forgot about that. It seems that installing MGSO undid the registry for TR_Data and PT_Data, it seems that the majority of broken/missing textures are fixed now, but the warning text file is still telling me its unable to find some things, I am unsure of if they will be a problem, but the game is playable once more. I have never had a problem with "TR_m1_Drenar Valeth" missing in the master files, and Mundis.esp is a player owned house mod that adds a Tardis like structure to the game. Updated load order and warnings file are attached for future reference.

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These are inherent in the way Better Clothes sets up its shoes and can be ignored, no effect in game:

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_2.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_01.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_03.

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_01.


These are generated when Morrowind is closing down. It is a list of textures that hasn't been cleaned up correctly by the engine, along with the number of loose references remaining. We all get something similar and you can ignore them.

Texture "Data Files\Textures\Tx_bottle_09.dds" count 3.

Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.

Texture "Data Files\Textures\@_bottle_04_nm.dds" count 3.

Texture "Data Files\Textures\Q_refl_writing_dark.dds" count 3.

Texture "Textures\menu_thick_border_bottom_right_corner.dds" count 2.


This is the weird one though:

Object reference "TR_m1_Drenar Valeth"

missing in master file.


Current file "TR_Travels.esp"

Cell "Boethiah's Spine Region"


I wondered if Mundis ("world", IIRC) could be conflicting with TR but based on your description I don't think so. Does this help?


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It seems that Drenar Valeth is the silt strider operator in Bal Orya, who has never been there in my game, so it is a non-issue as I do not use silt striders for transportation once i reach the mainland, by that point I simply travel by using a moderate level jump spell with a slowfall effect to get around. I believe he would reappear if I update to the latest version of TR, as I am an update behind, but that is an issue that doesn't cause any real problems for gameplay.

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